Song Jiang and Wu Yong couldn't help but look at each other, and couldn't understand why there was no sound all

of a sudden? He couldn't make up his mind for a while, whether to advance or retreat?

Suddenly, a gong sounded, and two groups of men and horses rushed in from outside Dulonggang

; these two groups of men and horses each numbered more than 2,000 people

; the group on the left was headed by Hu Sanniang, Luan Tingyu, Lin Chong, and Lu Zhishen; and the group on the right was

headed by Shi Wengong, Sun An, Wu Song, and Yang Zhi......

When Song Jiang and the others saw that they had been ambushed, the team immediately became chaotic;

where were these two soldiers and horses just hidden

? How did they know the news of their arrival

? Shi Wengong kicked off his horse and asked

, "I heard that you are going to find Shi Mou to avenge Chao Gai?

Now that Shi Mou is here, which of you will come first to send him to death?"

Song Jiang and Wu Yong's expressions were flustered, and their eyes couldn't stop looking around, looking for a route to escape......

The other party is on guard, and he also surrounds himself

......; It's

better to try your best to avoid the edge for the time being, and it's ......better to go first


as the two of them were planning to retreat, Li Kui rushed out with two big axes, shouting as he rushed:

"Is it you, the brother of the king of heaven who was cut

by a thief bird?" Shi Wengong sat on the horse......, his body didn't even move, and asked with a sneer


"Black guy, since you want to stand up for Chao Gai, then you will be killed in your name, right?"

The one who killed you is your Black Whirlwind Li Kui's grandfather is also

......" Shi Wengong asked without a trace of expression as if he was looking at a dead man

: "You are the Black Whirlwind Li Kui who slashed and killed hundreds of people for no reason in the Jiangzhou Law Field

?" Li Kui shouted nonchalantly:

"Those untouchables have blocked Grandpa's path, what is the value of killing them?"

Hmph...... Kill and kill......

" Shi Wengong said coldly:

"Black guy, don't you look back, how many unjust souls are looking for you to ask for your life?

Give me death!"

After Shi Wengong finished speaking, the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand ......stabbed towards Li Kui fiercely

"Good ...... coming"

Li Kui shouted, protected the door with two axes, and ...... Shi Wengong without retreating

He resisted Shi Wengong's two moves in a row, but he was also forced by Shi Wengong to take a few steps back ......

Shi Wengong chuckled and said

, "You black guy still has some strength, if you only have this brute strength, then let me die!" When

Li Kui had just fought with Shi Wengong, Hua Rong was hidden behind

the banner, and with the help of the hunting and fluttering banner, he secretly drew the bow ......

Lin Chong and the others all looked at the arena intently, waiting for Shi Wengong's first kill ......

Shi Wengong quickly attacked a few moves again, and a halberd picked up

a big axe of Li Kui; Li Kui lost a big axe, and lost more than half of his combat power at once;

he could no longer parry Shi Wen's stormy attack, and was forced to retreat again and again......

"It's now......"

Hua Rong said secretly, and the wolf tooth arrow in his hand shot out quickly......

Shi Wengong, who was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, killed Li Kui under the halberd, suddenly felt his hairs stand on end, and

his body instinctively turned to the side......

Hua Rong's wolf tooth arrow grazed Shi Wengong's shoulder, and hit a Zhujiazhuang Zhuang Ding in the back, and

the swift arrow nailed that Zhuang Ding to the ground ......

Luan Tingyu, who was watching the battle behind him, saw that the other party had cast a cold arrow again, and

the self-blame for losing his beloved horse made his new hatred and old hatred burst out together;

Luan Tingyu roared angrily:

"The dog thief who hurts people with the secret arrow, give me life"

After speaking, he urged the new war horse under the seat to rush towards the Song Jiang camp to ......

As soon as Luan Tingyu moved, Hu Sanniang, Lin Chong, Wu Song and others on the side also shouted, and led people to rush to Song Jiang to ......

"Protect my brother......"

Qin Ming shouted loudly and took the lead in welcoming him out!

At this moment, Qin Ming

had long forgotten his parents who gave birth to him and raised him

, and he had forgotten his wife who had been in love with each other and gave birth to children

, and he had forgotten the pair of children who had laughed in front of his knees,

and he only had this loyal and righteous Gongming brother ...... in his eyes

Qin Ming swung his mace and smashed it hard at Lu Zhishen's ...... on the opposite side

Lu Zhishen's eyebrows were raised, and the crescent shovel in his hand forked upward, blocking Qin Ming's ruthless blow ......

Luan Tingyu was like a mad tiger, the iron gun in his hand waved left and right, picking out the Liangshan minions in front of

him, his eyes were staring at Hua Rong, and he would definitely ...... to die today

At the beginning, Wu Song successfully brought back his brother and sister-in-law, and his life was less twists and turns,

but he also lost the opportunity to get the Snow Flake Iron Ring Knife......

How could Zhu Biao let Wu Song lose this regret?

He asked Li Fugui, who was promoted all over the country to be drunk with immortals, and tried every possible means to buy a set of Sun and Moon Treasure Sword ...... for Wu Song with a lot of money

This set of treasure knives is more than Yang Zhi's ancestral treasure knife, and I am afraid it is not far ......behind

Wu Song and Sun An wielded two swords and two swords at the same time;

the two of them, one was a tiger hero and the other was a dragon slayer

, and now they were standing side by side, and in the whole world, I am afraid that there was no opponent ......

The two of them confronted Li Li, Shi Yong, Xue Yong, Hou Jian, and others at the same time;

although they fought less against more, they couldn't raise their heads to ......

Yang Zhi's face was distorted, and he gritted his teeth at Wu Yong and shouted:

"Dog, give me death......"

was in Huangnigang at the beginning, but this dog thief injured himself the most ......

Deng Long took the first step, pointed at

Yang Zhi and shouted: "People from the morning and evening, come up and send me to death...... Deng

Long was about to use his former identity as a big brother to suppress Yang Zhi

, but before his coercion was finished, Lin Chong's Zhangba snake spear stabbed him fiercely;

"Dog, still yelling at Brother Yang? Lin wanted to kill you a long time ago......

". Deng Long saw Lin Chong intervene horizontally, screamed strangely, greeted him, and fought with Lin Chong ......

When Wu Yong saw Yang Zhi rushing over, his expression was like that of a demon asking for his life

; Wu Yong was so frightened that he screamed strangely, and fled with a desperate horse;

and even his most beloved and respected brother Gongming ignored ......

Yang Zhi was about to chase and kill Wu Yong, but was stopped by the Liangshan thief in front of him......

Yang Zhi, who was full of anger, was like a tiger entering a flock, fighting fiercely against those minions......

Hu Sanniang swung his double knives and was just about to take Song Jiang's dog's life, when

Huang Xin stabbed out from the side and stopped Hu Sanniang's ...... for Song Jiang

"Brother Wu Yongxian...... You run slower...... Wait for me!" Song

Jiang hugged his head with one hand and shouted to Wu Yong, who had already run away, with a crying voice......

The main generals of the two sides fought together, and the soldiers and horses of the two roads were also fiercely entangled together......

On the one hand, the people want to protect the parents behind them, so they naturally recruit desperate ......

Seeing that the main general and the military division had fled, the fighting spirit that had long been lost was thought of leaving the battlefield at any time, so as to save a dog's

Li Kui took advantage of the chaos to roll on the ground a few times and was about to escape

; Shi Wengong waved Fang Tian's halberd and slashed hard at his back;

Li Kui immediately fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Don't want a prisoner in this battle, and don't let a single person go......"

Shi Wengong shouted, rushed to the place where Liangshan had the most minions, and the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand opened and closed, and harvested the ...... of his life

It was a battle of great disparity, no,

it was a one-sided slaughter ......

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