7. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She is my goddessread only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“How the prince has fallen, tsk tsk. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I used to think you were clever until you turned ten.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
The emperor turned to Jeremy and gave him a stern glare. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was enough to make me angry.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
‘The attitude of not caring even though the nobles next to you were listening. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.That’s why the nobles ignore the prince!’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
The emperor treated Jeremy with utter disrespect. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Even though he was his own son, he didn’t hesitate to call him an idiot and treated him with contempt.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
This could have been a ploy by Jeremy to avoid the emperor’s favor, but it didn’t feel good for me to have to watch.
’I’m sure. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Why are you laughing at us? Why don’t you go away?’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
I turned my head to glare at one of the nobles who was openly mocking us. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.With a murderous intensity that could kill with just a glance.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Several of the nobles shuddered.
As I continued to stare, the little princess tugged at the hem of my dress.
“Unni, Unni.” T/n: Eonnie/Unni – used for younger girls to adress girls that are older as themselves.Often translated as big sister and that always give me the creeps since I associate it with blood relatives (¬з¬)
“Your eyes are like this! They’re raised. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Very scary. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Scarier than a tiger.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Yikes, I adjusted my angle so that the Emperor and Empress couldn’t get a look at me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The Empress, whose gaze was down, must have seen my expression.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“‘Sister, do you want to take my side?
“What do you mean, Princess?”
“Karen has an enemy that needs to be defeated. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I thought it would be good to have you on my side.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
An enemy to defeat? Which enemy is that? I wanted to hear more, but the Empress interrupted Karen.
“Princess Karen. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Are you a sister to the princess? Please refrain from talking.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Yes……. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.hic.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Karen dropped her shoulders, sulking. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.But then she gasped, as if she’d spotted something, and ducked her little body behind the Empress.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
What was it? What did she see that made her so scared? I turned around to see a familiar face…….
‘It’s the crown prince…….’
His golden hair shone with an air of nobility, and his golden eyes glowed as if he had brought a piece of the sun with him. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.His eyes turned to me with a faint smile.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
I unconsciously bowed my head to him, and his lips curved into a charming smile, like a crescent moon.
Wow…… can a person look so different in the daytime than they do at night?
Last night, his smile had reminded me of the devil. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Bewitching and mesmerizing, but one wrong step and you could fall a thousand miles down the road.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
But today, he looked like a completely different man than he did yesterday. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Everywhere you look……, he looks like a perfect fairytale prince, doesn’t he?read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Sc….. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.scary…….”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
But Karen looked at the crown prince as if he were a monster. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Because of her short stature, others didn’t notice, but I could tell she was clearly scared.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
As I stood staring at her and wondering, a low, beautiful ringing voice penetrated my ears.
“Everyone is here. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Glory to Elkisies.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Ain curled the corners of his lips softly. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.There was a graceful elegance to his natural manner that flowed like water.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Welcome, Ain.”
The Emperor and Jeremy were the only ones who greeted Ain here. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Of course, in Jeremy’s case, he didn’t mean it.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Thank you, Your Highness, for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the banquet.”
“You begged me to attend the banquet to save face for my brother. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.If you’re so affectionate, will you be able to lead the country in the future?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
A man in the emperor’s position should be able to see through people.
But the emperor’s ability to do so was close to zero. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It’s the crown prince who’s only looking for opportunities to kill the emperor. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.That’s all I have to say about him.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“I think the crown prince has other ideas.”
But then, the Empress interrupted, her piercing gaze colliding with Ain’s smirk.
“What do you mean by that, Your Majesty?”
Ain laughed, his eyes twinkling softly. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was a bright smile that could have fooled anyone, but the Empress didn’t seem to be fooled. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.As if she could see through the mask.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“The marriage took place a month after the crown prince’s request. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Is it simply my delusion to think that the crown prince has other ideas?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“You are mistaken. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I was merely recommending a suitable young lady for the prince.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“A recommendation. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The crown prince calls coercion a recommendation.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
The Empress blurted out her words. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She didn’t hide her animosity towards the crown prince in the slightest.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Empress, that’s enough.”
“Your Majesty. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.You can’t say I’ve gone too far. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.At this rate, even Karen doesn’t know who she’ll end up marrying at some point.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Your Majesty.”
Ain took a step toward the Empress. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was a gentle step, full of dignity, but somehow it felt forced.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“It is unwarranted.”
A smile slowly tugged at the corners of his mouth. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.But his eyes were cold.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Because I consider Karen to be a precious little sister, just as I consider Jeremy.”
Ain rolled his eyes and looked at Karen. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Though the words said precious, the coldness in his gaze betrayed the weight of his words.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Karen shivered slightly under Ain’s piercing gaze.
“Aren’t you putting too much pressure on her?
I was tempted to shield the trembling Karen, but I knew that would make Ain suspicious of me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.There was no reason for me to help Karen when I was supposed to be Jeremy’s watchdog.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
This exact same thing had happened in my previous life, and I hadn’t seen it coming. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The frightened young princess had ended up wetting her dress.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
If she had been a normal eight-year-old, it would have been an understandable and forgivable mistake. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.But because of her status as an imperial princess, Karen had to endure the mockery for a long time.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
’I’m not going to let that happen this time.’
I stepped in front of Karen. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Hoping that my flowing skirt would do the trick. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Then I opened my mouth to turn Ain’s attention to me.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“The crown prince thinks very much of his siblings.”
Ain tilted slightly his head at my apparently off-duty behavior. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, as if to ask what I intended. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.If I showed nervousness here, it would only arouse more suspicion.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
I deliberately made my eyes shine more confidently. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.To ward off any suspicion that I was deliberately blocking Karen, I acted like a motivated subordinate with a new assignment.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“You always asked me to be a friendly companion for the prince and a friendly older sister for the princess. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Is that right, Crown Prince?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Ain’s expression was strange. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.If I said something, I’d know what he was thinking, but he just looked deep into my eyes.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Maybe my words sounded strange. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I was alone in my discomfort with Ain’s gaze, and salvation came from an unexpected source.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Ah, right.”
A clear voice like singing. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was Jeremy, grinning from ear to ear, taking a step toward Ain.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Brother. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Told you I was interested.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Ain looked up and stared at Jeremy. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The way his eyes swept over Jeremy sent chills down my spine.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Jeremy, on the other hand, was completely unfazed and smiled. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.A smile that looked a little sharp, the kind you wouldn’t expect from an idiot.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
‘I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.’
No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t recall a confrontation between the two of them like today. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Normally, Karen’s mistake would have brought the conversation to a hasty end. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Had my intervention changed the future?read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
My lips twitched at the unexpectedness of the situation.
‘What is the prince trying to tell us here?’
Ain won’t leave Jeremy alone if he’s caught like that, I thought, my heart racing at the sight of his breathless performance.
Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation in my hand. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The next thing I know, I’m standing right next to Jeremy, pulled by his hand.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Thank you. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.For introducing me to my bride.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
With his gaze fixed on the Prince, Jeremy took my hand in his own, squeezed it tightly, and kissed the back of my hand.
I looked at him in bewilderment, and Jeremy’s impish grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.
‘You’re acting like an idiot, aren’t you……. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.how is the crown prince reacting?’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
I sneaked a look at Ain’s expression.
‘He doesn’t seem too suspicious, but…… why does he seem to be in a bad mood?’
It was purely a hunch, but somehow, I had a feeling he was.
The way he’s staring at our hands, maybe he doesn’t like the way we’re holding them? I unconsciously tried to loosen my grip with Jeremy.
But then.
“Jeremy really like the bride.”
Jeremy’s grip on my hand tightened. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.To keep it from slipping away from me.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“The bride is my goddess.”
He smirked at me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.For a moment, I was so dazed by his mesmerizing, goofy smile that I forgot what he’d said.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
A few moments later, I finally regain my senses, and I’m suddenly aware of a prying gaze here and there.
The voices of the nobles chattering behind their fans pierced my ears. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Did the prince call me a goddess…… just now?read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Is unni…… a goddess?”
As if to answer my question, Karen looked up at me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.In the silence that followed, Karen’s question echoed.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Are you a goddess? Are you a goddess? Are you a goddess……?
In the midst of all this, it was Jeremy who spoke up.
‘Um, yeah. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.This makes it clear……. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The prince doesn’t like me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Otherwise, how can you spread false rumors about being a ‘goddess’ before the afterglow of ‘most beautiful woman’ has even worn off!? Huh?!’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
It was Jeremy who did the deed, but I had to bow my head. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The tension from Ain had worn off, but the embarrassment was greater than the joy of being alive.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
‘You’re the one playing the idiot, so why is the shame on me……?’
I smiled bitterly, feeling the countless gazes pouring towards me.
* * *
Jeremy stood alone in a sheltered garden. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was the time when he was looking toward the banquet hall, and his pale purple eyes had a cold aura on them.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Your Highness.”
The man called Letin was Jeremy’s personal bodyguard, a man who hovered at his side as if he were not there. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.He had light-blue hair and dark blue eyes, and he scanned his surroundings warily.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Looks like we’re the only ones here.”
“Yeah. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I noticed.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Jeremy cast a soundproofing spell around them. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Letin, who had been watching the thin barrier form, opened his mouth slightly.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Even when I look at it, it’s amazing. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The prince’s magic.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
To use magic in such a short time without a magic book. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Letin thought that there was no such genius as a genius like him.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Ordinary wizards had to go through several cumbersome procedures when using magic. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.They had to open a thick grimoire and find the formula they wanted, and they had to interpret the spell according to the situation at the time. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Even that had a high failure rate, so it could be said to be very disadvantageous in speed battles.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Jeremy, on the other hand, could use magic without a grimoire, and his speed was overwhelming.
A wizard who is so good at magic that he is unrestrained by the limitations of ‘speed’. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The world called them ‘shorthand mages’.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“It’s a pity that such a person is called an idiot prince.”
Letin sighed and crossed his arms in disappointment.
Jeremy, on the other hand, could only offer a weak smile.
“What’s a crown prince for, why don’t you just annihilate him first?”
Letin had no doubt that Jeremy had that kind of power. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.This was a man who could unleash hell on earth with a snap of his fingers.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“You’ll go down in history as a tyrant, but why don’t you just nip it all in the bud and get on with it?”
But his master was too cautious, leaving the fast lane for fear of hurting those around him. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.By the time he would be done, Letin thought, he might be a grandfatherly old man.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Even with that spy. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Why are you just watching?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“You mean the princess?”
“What kind of princess. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She’s just a spy the crown prince has placed himself at your side.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
No wonder he doesn’t like anything about her.
“So, what are you going to do, let her keep an eye on you?”
“There’s nothing I can do about it now. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Letting her keep an eye on me would be the most ‘idiot prince’ thing to do. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.If I make a move, he’ll get suspicious.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
If they make a move, they’ll find out that Jeremy isn’t a fool. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.In the end, he must choose to stay put, which means letting Hailey keep an eye on him.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
No matter which side Jeremy chose, there was no disadvantage for Ain.
“Is that why the prince openly attached a spy? After all, he’s got a head for that sort of thing.”
Letin clicked his tongue.
“She’s not playing any tricks on you prince, is she?”
“No, not at all. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.If anything, she seems a bit clumsy.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
Jeremy had expected Ain to send him the perfect spy.
But Hailey was nothing like he’d expected. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.She didn’t seem to be spying on him, and on the rare occasions when they made eye contact, she’d give him a look of unlimited affection.read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.
“Is that an act?”
Jeremy leaned forward, looking a little unsure.
“Honestly, I’m…… confused.”
Her eyes met his own without hesitation. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Was that really a lie? Normally, he would have come up with a quick answer, but now he felt as confused as if he were walking through a fog.
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