The Dark Ages

Chapter 882: Inaccessible Abyss

A deep abyss, nine hundred feet wide, looks very small, but in fact it is bottomless, like a bottomless pit.

Qin Tiange and Li Luo stood on the edge of the abyss, gazing at the abyss, and constantly vomiting a gray and violent gas.

Like a well, but with a strange breath, what's buried in it?

From the fragment of the book, Qin Tiange obtained a message, and it seemed that something was buried under the abyss.

As for what, I don't know, he wanted to enter to look under curiosity.

"Let's take a look." Qin Tiange took a look and decided to look under the abyss.

Even if the fragments of human books recorded that there was something in it, it was not Qin Tiange who was not curious.


The figure jumped up and jumped directly into the abyss. Qin Tiange was quite crisp and unambiguous.

But what surprised him was that his body was floating in the abyss, and he couldn't get up. There was a buoyancy that lifted him up.

Yes, Qin Tiange felt that his body could not sink into the abyss, and could not even jump down, as if there was a force blocking it.

"What's going on?" Qin Tiange was surprised, stepping over the abyss, and a wave of chaos and fog spewed out, forming a buoyancy.

Below the abyss, a mysterious force blows, preventing anything from falling into the abyss, or there is a force inside that prevents anyone from entering the abyss.


Qin Tiange flashed back and looked at the abyss in front of him in amazement.

As a result, he felt stepped on a soft force, dim, his body could not fall into the abyss.

Can't get in, can't get into the abyss, can't step into it at all.


Qin Tiange yelled unbelief, bursting out of his strength, and violently opened the blocking buoyancy at his feet.

With a loud bang, Li Luo was surprised to see that Qin Tiange broke out of the buoyancy and broke his body into the abyss.

But the weird thing is that it can only sink one meter, and the upper body cannot sink into it.

The buoyancy under the abyss is more powerful, as if stiffly blocking his mighty power, unable to break.


Eventually, Qin Tiange flew up with a force bomb and stood high above the abyss, looking down.

The chaos is hazy, and constant throughput, a mysterious force forms a barrier and buoyancy.

"Can't you go down?" Qin Tiange was surprised, some could not believe it.

A deep abyss could prevent him from entering, which is a bit inexplicable, even beyond imagination.

In the end, what kind of power can stop his whole body power from bursting out, and can't open the buoyancy under the abyss?

"Come, take a look." Qin Tiange greeted Li Luo to come up.

The two wanted to join forces to break into the abyss and see what big secrets were hidden.



Just hearing two loud drinks came, Qin Tiange and Li Luo both broke out, and the ultimate strength shook time and space.

The two forces gathered and turned into a torrent flowing through the abyss, and penetrated with a click.

The overbearing power, the mysterious power of the abyss, could not be blocked, and was eventually penetrated by the two together.


Almost at the same time, Qin Tiange and Li Luo rushed into the abyss, lasing all the way, and launched at maximum speed.

Moreover, the two rushed together and rushed in, breaking through the barrier of that mysterious force and breaking into the abyss.

Boom boom ...

Under the abyss, a huge shock came, and the chaos was soaring.

No one knows what happened under the abyss, but only faintly felt that there was a terrible force shaking and exploding below.

For a long time, when the explosion wave subsided, the whole abyss suddenly shook.


With a loud noise, an endless torrent erupted under the abyss, rolling in energy and sweeping in all directions.

This energy was mixed with two wolverine figures, and both were washed out.

"Can't you go down?"

At a high altitude, chaotic gas boils, energy torrents spread apart, and two figures stand in the air, overlooking the abyss.

Qin Tiange's face was shocked. Looking at the abyss of nine hundred feet wide, the two of them still couldn't penetrate the abyss.

Strange and incomprehensible!

Just now, Qin Tiange and Liluo joined forces and indeed broke into the abyss, but they were only rushed out after less than 100,000 miles.

The further down, the stronger the mysterious force blocked, the energy that was scored in at the end was bounced back directly.

As a last resort, the two eventually failed, and they were bounced off by that force and couldn't go on.

"What kind of power is that, and why can we stop the two of us?" Li Luo looked solemnly, staring at the abyss.

She was puzzled, but Qin Tiange was also unclear, because he could not analyze what power it was.

What is hidden under this weird abyss can prevent him and Li Luo from entering together.

Before, the fragments of human books floated above this weird abyss, and the same thoughts floated here.

Under such circumstances, Qin Tiange could not help but have suspicion as to why the fragments of human books would be here.

And that terrible disillusionment, what it is, where it comes from, all know nothing.

Under the abyss, a wave of violent chaos was exhaled, exuding a faint air of coldness, as if a passage to the underworld of hell.

Unfortunately, he just couldn't get in, otherwise Qin Tiange would surely find the secret inside.

"Forget it, don't force it if you can't get in. There is inexplicable power to stop us from entering." Qin Tiange sighed and gave up.

This abyss is too weird to be able to enter, and I am curious what secrets are hidden under the abyss.

Finally, after a few glances, Qin Tiange and Li Luo both fell, and stood in front of the abyss for a while.

"Put a line on it and cover it up."

Subsequently, Qin Tiange moved his mind and laid a dense array with Li Luo directly, completely covering the abyss and disappearing.

All of this last night, Qin Tiange turned to leave this restricted area, which is known as the restricted area of ​​the tombs of all ethnic groups.

The threat has been lifted, but there is still an unbreakable secret, an abyss that cannot escape.

Perhaps, Qin Tiange will come back later to see what is hidden inside.

Now, even if they work together with Li Luo, they cannot break through the mysterious power of this abyss.

In the restricted area, a man and a woman slowly walked out of the mist. The man is naturally Qin Tiange and the woman is Li Luo.

"Li Luo, I'm going to retreat for a while, and wake up when the Ziwei Star Emperor Shouchen arrives."

As he walked, Qin Tiange stated his intentions, prepared to retreat, and entered the depths of time and space, and even dived into the spiritual realm of the dark universe.

After listening, Li Luo nodded slightly, and didn't say much, she couldn't guess what Qin Tiange wanted to do.

After the two came out of the restricted area, Qin Tiange stepped directly into the depths of time and space, and concealed in time and space.

He needs to understand the current physical changes well, because the appearance of fragments of human books has caused him some wonderful changes.

There is a slight difference in the changes of the body and the true spirit. You must understand clearly to exert more power.

"The mystery of the human book fragment ..."

Deep in space and time, Qin Tiange sits cross-legged, standing in a chaotic space of time and space, where no strong person can easily find hidden creatures.

It is relatively safe here, and Qin Tiange chose to retreat here to learn the secrets of the fragmented books.

What kind of mysterious power is hidden in the human book? What strange changes are there in the body of the human book fragment?

Ruoren has a mysterious power, and Qin Tiange, the soul of the book, naturally has the ability to peek into the future.

This ability is like instinct, constantly capturing future broken pictures, analyzing various possible information, and finding out what is most likely to happen.

Perhaps this is the so-called prophecy, but Qin Tiange feels that it is not a prophecy, but a reflection of the future.

Renshu can even reflect the future situation, and in the dense timeline of the future, find out information that threatens or is beneficial to you.

With Qin Tiange's full experience of the mysterious power of Renshu Fragment, he finally gradually realized what the power of Renshu is.

And the power of human books, integrated into the power of Pangu, then what weird changes have occurred in the integration of the two?

In this regard, Qin Tiange paid great attention to carefully arranging the current physical changes, and did not let go of it at all.

A person's strength requires a sufficient understanding of the self, from the inner soul to the outer body, a thorough understanding is required.

"Renshu, reflecting the future, Pangu, opening up."

Deep in space and time, Qin Tiange closed his eyes and made a low murmur from time to time.

He is enlightenment, penetrated the mysteries of people's books, and even re-understand the existence of Pangu.

What happened in the Pangu forbidden area made him realize that the Pangu tribe was probably created by people.

This is scary. Who has the ability to make Pangu?

With a new examination and thinking of Pangu blood, Qin Tiange gradually saw a trace of broken secrets from Pangu blood.


Suddenly, Qin Tiange opened his mouth and spit out blood, his face pale, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Sure enough to stop me from seeing Pangu's secret?" Qin Tiange was shocked and discovered the secret for the first time.

There was a bigger secret hidden in Pan Gu's blood, but when he wanted to peep, he was directly bitten by a force.

Almost made him feel badly ~ ~ Fortunately, after obtaining a fragment of a human book, the true spirit produced a wonderful transformation and blocked the attack.

There is a taboo in the blood from the mediocrity, and it is impossible to peep. Once forced to peep, it will lead to the horrible force to kill.

Qin Tiange looked at the space and time with consternation, hiding this thought, Pangu clan, hiding a bigger secret.

Many unsolved mysteries haunted him, but could not stop his determination to spy.

"Not enough, I have to be stronger."

Qin Tiange's heart was burning with a raging flame, extremely fierce, and his somewhat dim fighting spirit became more and more high.

Everything is because of lack of strength, can not peep more secrets.

"Huh? Is it time?"

Qin Tiange Ping calmed down his boiling thoughts, and suddenly he felt a consciousness and a message came from him.

Ziwei Xingren Huang, Shouchen arrived.

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