The Dark Crown of the pirate

The Dark Crown of the One Piece Chapter 204

"Lack of talents, refers to physical talents, although it is also a monster." Du Francang simply said, and added it immediately: "You are the same! It is very similar to me."

Luo Pulsted: "Wigbul is lacking is the mind?"

" ~~~ hahahaha ..." ',' White beard 'is comparable to it! It is equal to zero! It is the other talents outside the body, such as domineering, swordsmanship, physical technology ... all horizontally, must do not exercise until the brand can be done. "

"Mrs. Schlesji?", Luo Today's problem is diligent.

Dofran Ming brother speechless: "will, too lazy."

"Remember Mr. Raffert talking in private chat, Sissici Mrs. Schmici is the most potential to surpass you.", Luo said: "Do you recognize?"

Du Francience said: "If she has half of my efforts, I am ~~~ Are you a gossip reporter? Let's go! Learn."


"He Wei, He Wei, He Wei."

Door ring.

Guldius pushed into the door, said: "Less master, nine o'clock direction, distance from the seas, found a ship.", The conscious description is not clear enough, he added: "Very big, The size of the small island turtle is like a city! It is a hundred pirates, but I have never seen the banner. "

"What kind of banner?", Dofrang Ming brother got up and got up.

Guldi Nes said: "Niu Helmet, W-shaped beard."

"Oh? ~~~ Don't worry, I think I know who is, Ward heliers, 'World's destroyer' Ban Di Wald's One Pirates." The distance, there is a wonderful ripple, as if the giant turtle is floating, the head of the turtle is the horn helmet, the W-shaped beard.

"'World destroyer'?", Schmixeso: "Mother's pirates in the era, remember to arrest the sea army for many years."

Dofran Ming brother is not ironic: "Yes! Wang Xiaqi Wuhai system's prototype is also because he first, ~~~ That is a super mad dog who bite! Dangerous 'One Piece', 'White Beard', 'Golden Lion' These three are also sighed, and it is no wonder that the World Government does not hesitate to hate his pirates, even send Cipherpol agents, plus the Naval Warring States, Kapu's horse, Send him in one fell swoop. "

"Wihaha ~~~ No matter how brilliant him in the past, he is now eating a good meal of the sea-shelf prison. It is destined to the end of this life!", Barshas smiled: "The ship is on his hand The party, the ship is good ... "

Dofran Ming brother made a referring: "Then you can get them, you can stay, you can't stay, the ship is really good! I didn't look at it, it should be a submarine, where you can use a lot of."

"Hey! Weibull! Help!", Barshas instantly active, call Weibull: "Throw me into the ship ... Forget it, you will throw me in the sea, Wihaha! Urgi Days, you helped me. "

Wilbur playing with sugar, looked up at Zhaz.

"Let him apologize.", Sugar, whispering.

"Ah? Ah.", Wibull picked up the knife on the side, and the momentum poorly pointed at Barshas's nose: "apologize! Bastard! I am not a fool!"

Barshas raised his hand to surrender, and smiled: "Hey, feed, sugar, I am not accidentally taking your toys, not ..."

"Apologize !!!", see Barsz did not face his appeal, Wibull was angry, the roaring volume is bigger, it is obviously the snapthut of crack away.

Barshasi is busy: "I apologize, I apologize, I am sorry, Wibull! Wihaha ~~~"

Weibull has twisted, throws a knife, and the silly child of the hippie smiles continues to give sugar, and the eye is an endless toy.

"Shi ~~~", Barsz wiped sweat, a morality of a little bit of heard.

"Thio ~~~! Barshas!"

"Live him said that my son is a fool, okay ~~~"


Under the yaw of a group of people, Bizza was touched by Urji and Days.


PS: Second, there is.

Chapter 13 does not enter the flow

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"That's four people, a little old man in the age of 16 oriented, I am poked, there is a little old lady, the hardest thing is the strange big fish and this egg.", Wait The bird is close to, Baszas ended early, and the big gave everyone to show the results, showing off the force: "Whara ~~~ Although it is weak, they are hard enough, but they are not surrendered."

Barshas's description is quite rough, but unexpectedly cut, the deck of the giant submarine is detained, but it is not a thin old man, the old lady, the respective walking wind and cheongsam wind, even if it is dead No face, can also judge from their relaxing skin, then a large blue street male fishman, a middle-aged man with a long-term limbs and his head.

"This is a squid ... Fish people?", Robin curiously went to the corpse of the green healthy male fishman, professional examination: "The fish fisherman can't be so big, mixed with blood? Squid fish People with ... giant ?!! "

Dark contrast, the sizes of fish, the big size of the giant, the brain, and the unhealthy picture, Robin hit a cold.

"What's wrong?", Lei Li said softly.

Robin's mouth convulsions, meaning deep: "Love is great, you can ignore all hinders."

"If I didn't guess the wrong, this giant submarine is still semi-finished.", Dofiang Ming brother patted his head, depressed: "Tell you to leave the 'egg' is good, he is Gate Tilam, ' Cubic fruit 'power, Ward One Piece's turbine, itself is a high shipyard, this giant submarine is he designed and built. "

Barshas' sorrow disappeared, stiff grin.

"It took a long time, there seems to have a rumor, Bandi Wald is preparing to build a giant ship, and it is possible to play his' Moimo's biggest powerful super cannon ...", Sch Muski has a large giant submarine of God. Front end: "They did it."

Dofran Ming brother is sinking, said: "Guldius, try to start it, send it to the shipyard repair, and change the funny sign of the bow of the bow."

"Understand.", Guldius, not much, the implementation is extraordinary.

" ~~~ Cheap us, this white feels good.", Dofran Ming brother returned the fire bird number, vaguely said: "If you can get 'Mo Mo fruit' Ok, I don't know when Caesar can study the science and technology that recovers the devil fruit. "

The scientific team of Caesar Kurang did not follow the V Francuman action, hiding Golden City to engage in research, after all, Dofiang Ming Ge did not go to the outing, to consider the safety of the scientific team, he also left Hancark, Pubin acts as defense.

Then on the road, the flaming bird is still not slow, mainly Duran Ming Ge recently pays attention to the growth of the little guys, even take over personally.

In August, Don Quixote is still in the North Haiti.

One login replenishment.

" ~~~"

" ~~~"

Bars that Don Quixote hegemony, the threshold was pushed away, poured into more than a dozen people.

"Ohhaha ~~~ You are the Don Quixote family!" Head is a blonde who is blonde, very strong, and the nose is sticky. It is approximately injured. When the opening is the impulse of the young people, full is urgent Xing / excited: "You are the Francience ?!"


Tang Quixote twisted, you see me, I see you.

"Hahaha ..."

"Hey ~~~ bad children."

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