The Dark Crown of the pirate

The Dark Crown of the One Piece Chapter 206


" ~~~"

Phone insects.

"I am Franmin.", Dofonte brother turned on the phone.

The voice of Virgo came from the other end of the phone: "It is me."

" ~~~ How is it? Hide.", During the Dogon.

Virgo's thus seriously: "North Sea, Donghai set off the rebellion or the tide of the tide, the role of the navy is not brilliant, leading to many naval beliefs, and abandoning the Navy may be self-exiled, in general, there is no matter the normal channel, not normal There are many channels, there are many people who leave the navy, there is no shortage of outstanding officials, school officials, where you want me to check Des Breruz. "

"After the trauma, the stress disorder.", Dofiang Ming brother, rising tone: "I know, hard, Vilgo."

"This is what I should do.", Wilgoqi said.


PS1: First, continue three more, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

PS2: Thanks to the book friends [no money is also a matter of sex o] May 88 VIP point reward, thank you.

Chapter 15 Surgical Fruits and Dolly

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At the end of August.

This plan went to the East China Sea to find "red hair" inhasic, and even arrived in Tang Quixote on the mountain, and went around the big circle and folded back to the North Sea depth, arrived in Minson, because The things you want to do in Dogon have appeared!

After the Navy system finds this person in the naval system, Dofran Ming brothers will notify the underground world intelligence network, and finally determine Dius Barrerus fifting the navy hiding in rice. Nikion Island, led a group of thieves under the original naval or collapse to set up a Barreruce, a day of drunken dreams, drinking, drinking, drinking in the dead, no money, taking Mi Ing Island as a station Point, dry the sea robbery, take the toll, and reciprocate.

At the beginning of the month, the Barreruz, the thief group did not have money, and the unexpected search of a devil fruit. Early-bedding into the underground world of the Barreruce, and quickly put news I am reported, according to the description, Dofran Mingge did not hesitate to change the itinerary, descending Miignon, and implemented plundering.

This is a ridiculous island, which is destroyed by the war many years ago, and only the ruins, the human traces, but now it has a lively, screaming, killing, screaming.

Soon, everything is quiet.

"Thio ~~~", the field drilled out from the ground, showing a half-open small box, the small box is placed in a red, the heart shape of the skin is helical: " Less master. "

Dofran Mingge reached out of the red, the skin of the skin, the spiral pattern, and got it, and lost to the side: "Yes, 'surgery"! Tast, Luo! So! A small thing, worth 5 billion Belry! ~~~ The world is estimated that there is no more expensive food, you must chew slowly. "

"Leaves less people, Don Quixote is home! Even if the value is worth 5 billion, there is no more expensive food than it, it is also a taste, I listened to Pashas." At the same time, a "surgical fruit" is swallowed, and his little face is crumpled, but he does not vomit: "It's so stink ... It's hard to eat ..."

Duran Ming Ge is booth, and there is no deception to Luo.

Not a few.

Responsible for the return of Urji et al.

"There is a dry, the little master! This group of idiots seems to do not understand the value of 'surgery', but also to wait for the money, contact our underground world's devil fruit black market transaction.", Urji Hands with a brightening brown hair in the clothes, the thin and thin brunette child, said: "This is an accident, how to dispose? It seems like the slave of the Barreruce."

Dofran Minggang Xinkou: "He is not a child, eighteen years old, Dides Doli, Dius Barreruz son."

"Oh? Really fake? It is a father, but the result is made by his son as a live mouth?", Barshas was wrong, and immediately laughed: "Wahaha ~~~ Let me think of my scum old! The kind of old man is really unlucky! Hahaha ... "

Urji put down Dolly, turned Zhu Dynasty, and his lips.

"Hey ~~~ What are you doing? Urji.", Joela.

Urji sighs: "18 years old, the age of understanding, he will hate us to kill his father, according to the small-owner style of course, I am exaggerating in advance ..."

" ~~~ Who tells you that he will remember us to kill his father?", Dofran Ming brother smiled.

Urji is sluggish.

"Everything has exceptions!", Dofran Mingge smiled: "Hey, Dolly, let us hate us?"

Dorishers's curved snow, they didn't dare to look up at all, but he hesitated shook his head.

"Is it very disappointed? For your father, maybe you have killed him in your heart? ~~~ From a naval general of your admire, worship, the mighty naval general, fall to you, hateful wine bag Despicable thief, why? Do you want to get an answer? ", Duran Ming brother's words, like the devil's low / human, full of confusing colors, and fascinating.

Dori hesitable looks, looks at Dofontech, and it is tonis with the electric shock.

"Temporarily follow me, wait for me to train you, send it to the navy, you will get the answer, ~~~", Dofon Ming brother is smirk, turn around: "Depart!!!"

This time, Don Quixote's goal is to the East Sea, but the Francuming brothers bring the scientific team of the hidden Golden City, the giant submarine, and no longer deliberately conceal the trail, and the mighty The light is big.


PS: The second, there is a chapter, put the surgical results in advance for more than half a year in advance ... Sure enough, it is not easy to write, but it is still a recently destroyed story, so annoying, feel Wrong, still water.

Chapter 16 Dad loves me

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Sea round calendar for 1599.

For a weird year, although the new World Molia One Piece, the conflict of the Baorence Festival is gradually upgraded to the trend at any time, and the high-powered era of the "Golden Lion's Words" is not a high-chao. Reduce, North Sea, Donghai and even the West Sea, Nanhai with the great route to oppose the world government, and the dark tide is still raging, but in general, the situation is relatively stable.

In the same year, Tang Quixote didn't have a big move in this year. It is nothing more than a golden city in the East China Sea, and Lafite in the world is looking for an island turtle, Thaiko, card The horse is not stopped to hunt and catch the third golden city, and the rest of the people are simpler - Li Bing horses, almost enough to summarize.

Do Franminbi wants to find "red-haired" inhabitation, helpless, let him provoke, incense is not open, even if he is twice that he is three times, but also the body of the police, Don't hesitate, it seems that it is completely forgotten with his deep hatred, and if he doesn't understand the quality of Xiangks, he will definitely think so, but he knows the character of Xiangks, so I feel that I feel the fragrance Kas gives some degree of TING terrible, more urgent trying to kill the incense.


Dofran Mingge "Visit" Jesus Buku Village, the wife and children of Jesus were transferred to Xiangke.

Dofran Ming Ge "Visit" The island of the island of Xuanzhi and Xuan, the harmonic "hero" Munqi D · Capase "long" relationship, in a semi-gloss state, always in the old home, The world government of his whereabouts, is also vigilant, and a lot of elite navy is led by the Navy's generals "black wrist" Zemifi, even if there is anything, it is necessary to hang behind him, and always make him like him.

"One Year of Failure", Du Francine brother self-evaluation, the basic contribution to the more difficult to make progress.

"It is the year of the World Conference next year, the time to hold, in February, very early, so I have released a message.", Raffete handed the newspaper to Drang Ming brother, said: "Interest is fish Humpto is banned, huh, huh ~~~ The Sun Piece is so long, and it has not been observed by the World Government, it is really surprised. "

Dofran Ming brother browsing newspapers and said: "Fish people are the darling of the sea, they will flow, no one is good! ~~~ Especially when I have an intelligence, Dorag has contacted the sun. The One Pirates, the two sides talk about what is unclear, but it is clear that there is no less than the RFR in the back of the revolutionary army, so that the Sun's thief group drilled out the World Government in the world government. "

"Fisher Thai, not enough, look forward to the post,", Lafite cared the chin, abrupt.

Raffert's words didn't have a brain, but the Franmin brother understood, laughed: "Heroes! Always heart! ~~~ Fish Island is banned from participating in the World Conference report, He didn't dare to close to the free revolutionary army! He was afraid of tired people, but he forgoting the 'Marina's attachment', 'Malin Fan Dodiac attack' No matter which incident is destined to accompany him. A piece of hangs in the World Government, not to mention two events, unless he is dead! Even if he is dead, the World Government will also fall in the island. "

"Moreover, the fish is not honest, the rooted type / family / discipline / shock is there.", Raffeit turned a hop.

Dofran Ming brothers, heads, fingers, beat the beach chair handrail: " ~~~ is my words, you may wish to completely join the free revolutionary army, use a fierce means to call the World Government is afraid, stress, do not dare to fish people Island movement, this is the best way, but Doragken will not accept the Sun Piece or a matter, that guy is very cautious. "

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