The Dark Crown of the pirate

The Dark Crown of the One Piece Chapter 213

" ~~~"

The naval navy is not affected, but the scene in front of you is enough to scare their head, in addition to unconscious pharynx%, the throat "" sound, forget who you are, what you want, what you want to do ... Human instinct reactions, Hancu's stunning in Weibur's rudeness, the threshold of Wibur will make people clear what is going on.

"Well?", Hancark is not satisfied, the eyebrows start: "Is it not working?"

At the time of time, Storeliba, after the Zemifi hit hard, Hancark believes that they are the most threatening of the naval of Don Quixote, and her trick is mainly for them. Didn't turn into a stone statue, Rosorolbell's heart is not more than a charm, confused, if there is, when it is different, she is a virtue that she adds time, is by no means that the class can fight against her charm. of.

at this time.

"Ah !!!", when he adds a bleeding waist, jump, the feet is called, the air is broken, the broken, the big, the big, "MA% de! Stolibaby, you are alive! You must try to kill me, good replacement My middle will be position! Wang% eight eggs, even if you say a knife, don't lick this! Xiao knows that men ... "

The messy dirty yan%% %%%%%%%% %%%% % %%% %%%% I added a knife when I gave it, I also gave myself a knife ...

"It is a naval elite, experience, decisively excellent." Hancark gesture is grateful, her "sweet fruit" ability, is a member of Don Quixote I will recruit it, let alone the Navy don't know? In this harsh situation, Storeli quickly found the way to solve the decisive way and have to recognize his wisdom.

Storeli is hard to say: "I don't want to be praised by the pirate."

"Weibull, Guan G.", Raio G, and he saw the neutrality of the sea back.

Wigbur kit, impatiently urged Hancark standing on his shoulders: "Next, go down, head down, Hancuk."

Hancu's arrogant step, transferred to the Shoulder of Days, exquisitely% of the big, the wind, the rich, Dai mixed the overbearing gas field, the crushing people did not dare to lift.

"This is the genius G.", La'o G% ,,, % Change, have an overwhelming strength, what about you? "

Eat "surgical fruit", treating platinum lead disease, skin% skin returns to normal color, also growing a lot, Zhiro, a 13-year-old, said: "I also get it!" More than her! "


PS1: Second, the main chapter is two, there is another chapter, I will continue to write. The website is full of wind, still in the permissions of the word word library, for a few days, many ordinary words, I can't give examples, the chapter release will be reviewed, in order to shorten the process of review, I If you know the sensitivity, you will be separated by "%". If you affect the reading experience, everyone forgive me, but not my pot.

PS2: Thank you for the one hundred VIP points of the book "[WWTG666], thank you.

Chapter 25 Why is Don Quixote?

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" ~ ~~~"

Weibull jumped to swing, seriously repeatedly repeated this boring moving%.

Don Quixote is still very vigilant. It is like a plateau's caucas, and the strong composition of the circle position guards the weak threat.

If the dream of the dream, the Navy is thriving in the sorrow and the buddhism, and inspected the petrochemical companion from Hanc Cark, saving the injured comrades, and rectifying the scattered team and continued to surround Don Quixote.

The two sides were stalemate.

The reason for the two sides confrontation - there are too many accidents. Of course, this accidental against the Navy, they seriously underestimate the speed of Tang Ji Du's redemption, and the power of the herself, so unexpected frequently Below, they lead to confidential crashing of the introverted power, they are suddenly awake and maybe they may still be weak, so I don't dare to move.

Due to the return of Zemifa, the navy brush it seems to be relieved, they have the main bone.

Zefax's slightly torn, laboriously lifted the disabled right arm, and the line of sight is in Wibull, and it is also targeted to protect the gaps by Urgi, Days et al., B% ABY -5, Kelra, Bavaro, Sugar or even Delin Jie in Joe Hui, he has been perceived, and Weibull has no difference with these children in nature.

"You, you.", Zemifa look hesitated, considering the conflation sentence: "Why do you join Don Quixote?"

Last visited Don Quixote, Zemifa didn't pay attention to Tang Quixote had so many children, probably he was joined by Duran Mingo's conspiracy of his wife and children, there is no way to pay attention to too much trivial He noticed at him.

For many years, Zemifa has the benevolent love for teachers. He guides a lot of lost young people. He knows that children are more easily lost than young people, and they need to boot.

Therefore, Zemifi is inexplicably asked "Why did you join Don Quixote? He knows the special influence of Duran Mingge. If you have a few words, you may not be poisonous, infected lack of subjective, judge children, he wants to test ... ... whether these children have saved.

Nobody replies, most is wrong.

"Means, what do you think of yourself, yourself, what do you think? If you are the dream of Don Ming Ge, will you take the life of others? He is so absolutely existence? Then you follow What is the difference? ", Zemifi as understood more about:" I think you have the opportunity to survive, not as a pirate, as Don Quixote. "

"Hahaha ..."

"Is he fool?"

"Hey ~~~ The young master is of course an absolute existence!"


Don Quixote laughed and laughed.

Zefax's face was hard, he was also wrong.

"Collap your self-satisfaction, grandfather! Can we use no one can be pity.", Luo disdainful sly: "Do not survive? Do not act as a hundred pirates? I am 'white town' The remains! They? They don't go. "

Zefax is silent, "Frafifan Kingdom Massage" he didn't hear.

"Mr. Zemifa, don't make a joke.", Guldius shook his head, said: "Our value is different, you think you are justice, the Navy and the World Government are justice? No, everyone does not think that they are not Just, nothing more than you persuade yourself is justice, and persuade others to prove that the Navy and the World Government are just just, the mouth is not convinced, just like you are doing now! Just to the past, the Navy and the World Government The fists have always been the biggest, no one dares to oppose you is justice. "

Storeli is cold: "Qiao words, no% shameful pirate!"

Zemifa sigsion, calm mind: "Just when I said that I can't afford to fist!", I would like to have a side: "Don't hurt children! 'Tea,' "

"Hey, feed, Zemifa teacher.", When you add uncomfortable, you are unwilling, he is indulging to Hancook.

Zemifi tough: "This is a order!"

The time plus the waist of stabbed by Storeli, with a short, the tears did not fight for the moment, and the side of the road waved to Hancark, and the scene: "Goodbye, MYLOVE ~~~ ~~~ Be careful, don't hurt ... "

Everyone: "..."

"Is this idiots who want to invest an enemy?", Storelibari cut teeth.

Zemifa helpless: "Understand the understanding of him, three or forty years old did not talk about love / love."

"Wow, huh ~~~", Barka laughed Xiao: "What? Handsome guy, look at it!"

"Hey? Handsome ... Handsome guy?"

" ~~~"

A gold coin flying, the end of the bone, when the bones, the beginning of the beginning, just smashed the fainry, and a few wants to fainting.


" !!!"

At the time, it fell, and the strange flip returned to the original place.

At the moment, it is not a navy to consider how Don Quixote is preparing to destroy the Navy, and then support the farmono, share the huge pressure of Duranming.

Chapter 26 Role of Bomb

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