The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 25: pretty knight wizard

The real dream made Rey understand the changes in his body after being bitten by a vampire.

The thick, black figure in the corner of the city must be the dark power of vampires, and what is the face with dark golden eyes in the sky?

I don't know, I don't understand, but no matter what, after the dream just now, I'm all right now. Rey could feel a slight burning sensation on the bite on his neck, and the burning sensation gathered together to form a small lump.

The burning sensation was a constant reminder to Rey that it was alive and would spread to the rest of the body. As for now, it may be restricted by the unknown spell magic in the dream.

"Ahuoji, Mukacha..."

Rey remembered the magic spell that saved him in the dream very clearly, and his accent was not bad at all. However, the magic effect is not half, and there is no gust of wind in reality.

Touching the lump on the right side of the neck, Ray chose a random direction, and then left.

It's not dark yet, so it's better to take advantage of this time to travel more. In the wilderness, as a wizard, there is no problem with a few beasts, but the key is to be afraid of a bunch of beasts.

Looking at the surrounding environment, there is indeed the possibility of beasts appearing. In this wasteland, Rey feels that wolves are likely to appear. In his previous life, he liked to watch documentaries, and he watched a lot of documentaries on wolves in particular.

Wolves are pack animals. A wolf cannot beat a lion. But a pack of wolves can absolutely kill a pack of lions.

It makes no sense, but the animal world is often unreasonable, let alone the magical world.

At this time, Ray really hoped that he could use the floating spell on himself, whether it was used to hurry, or to ascend to the air to identify the direction, it was extremely convenient.

Now the most important thing is to know where you are? how to go.

Night came soon, and before it came, Rey found a huge pile of rocks that could easily shelter from the wind.

Wizards are also human beings, so they have to eat and rest.

However, in the wild, wizards' survival skills are much stronger than ordinary people.

For example, now, Rey is going to eat cooked food. Magic is used to make fire, and magic is also used to catch game.

The two fragrant roast rabbits on the fire made Rey drool.

Barbecue, I haven't eaten it for a long time. Although there are not so many seasonings, this kind of original wild game naturally tastes different.

Now Rey is concentrating on cooking his two roasted rabbits, and he is not worried at all that there will be any beasts approaching here. Because he had already cast a protective spell on the periphery that he only learned at school.

The rabbit is very fat, and the oil on his body falls off. That scent, I believe, floated for several miles.

Ray himself is very knowledgeable about eating. I believe that any man from the Celestial Dynasty can be regarded as half a gourmet when he goes abroad.

This time, the roasted rabbit's skin turned golden yellow, and Rey used twigs to stick a lot of holes in it. These holes are used for oil to flow. Such roasted rabbits are absolutely crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. While chewy, it is full of fragrance.


"This smell... really fragrant!"

Just as Ray was concentrating on roasting the rabbit in front of him, a baritone voice came from behind him.

The voice appeared suddenly. There should not be anyone here. Ray surrounded the entire pile of rocks with a protective spell.

As soon as the sound appeared, Rey was startled and turned to the right. At the same time, he took out his wand and pointed directly at the place where the sound came from.

Magic Bounce, a magical attack that doesn't require a spell. The attack effect is like a bullet fired from a pistol.

The person who made the sound was about thirty years old and tall. He was wearing leather shoes at his feet, and he was wearing a nice orange-red aristocratic attire, with a belt with gold buckles, a long sword inlaid with rubies slanted on his left waist, and a greasy black pointed hat in his right hand.

His dress is very retro, he feels like a medieval knight. His hair was short and reddish, just above his ears.

It was very sudden, whether it was him making a sound or Rey's sudden tumbling attack, it was all sudden.

He dodged Ray's magic bullet, but there was a cut on the outside of the pointed hat in his right hand.

After one blow, Rey stopped, but he didn't stand up, the wand in his hand still pointed at the red-haired weirdo who suddenly appeared.

The red-haired geek's expression was a little embarrassed. He slowly raised his hand in surrender and said, "Well, child, I have no malicious intentions."

Rey is not a child. When the other party called him a child, he felt a little uncomfortable. Moreover, looking at the strange person in front of him, Rey felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Anyone who is suddenly frightened will not feel very comfortable.

However, there was a faint burnt smell in the air at this time.

"My rabbit meat!"

Rey roared, seeing that the other party was indeed not malicious, he also put away his wand and hurried to the fire to take down the two dressed roast rabbits.

During this process, Rey's wand was in his hand all the time. He was on guard against this strange person. If the other party showed a little bit of malice, he believed that the next step might be Avada Suo's life.

With Rey's 11-year-old's appetite, in fact, roasting one fat rabbit is enough. The reason for roasting two is just to be prepared for the fear of being burnt.

As for now, it's cheaper than the weird guy in front of him.

"How did you get in?" There were protective spells all around, and Rey was more concerned about this question.

The weirdo pointed to the huge horizontal stone on top of his head: "I've been sleeping on it all the time. If it wasn't for the smell of this roasted rabbit, I might not wake up until tomorrow."

Such an answer made Rey stunned for a moment. He looked at the huge horizontal stone on the top, and there were one or two people lying on it. It was indeed not a problem at all.

"Are you a knight?" Rey quickly changed the embarrassing topic just now, after all, he broke into the rest area by himself.

The strange man had a long sword slanted at his waist, like a knight, but according to the other party's answer, he was obviously not a knight. There are still people dressed like this these days, not many in the wizarding world, but there should be. For example, in opera performances held by academies, some people wear them like this.

Is it this one? Also in opera? However, there is no stage in this dark day.

"Don't you think those knights are very handsome? Especially during a duel."

The weirdo asked with an exaggerated and puzzled expression while biting Rey's roasted rabbit. He didn't answer Rey's question directly.

"Then you are a wizard?" On the right side of the weirdo was a pointed hat with a slit, which was obviously a wizard's pointed hat, which is why Rey asked this question.

"Of course! I'm a very famous wizard." The eccentric I don't know if it's an affirmation of his own fame or an affirmation of Rey's Roast Rabbit.

"You don't look like a wizard." Rey replied angrily, this weirdo is a wizard who wants to be a knight, which is really rare in today's magical world. Moreover, the tone of the other party's speech to him was like speaking to a child.

"Haha, you don't look like a child either."

The weirdo laughed and blinked several times at Rey.


nausea! Rey was instantly disgusted at being winked at.

If he is really a child, there may be no problem with the strange person's action. But Rey is already an adult. This action is so disgusting that I have no appetite at all.

However, just when Rey was disgusted and disgusted, the weirdo stopped eating rabbit meat, and his left hand slowly held the hilt of the sword around his waist.

This action immediately aroused Rey's vigilance, but just when Rey thought that the weirdo was about to make a move, a low-pressure roar came from the surrounding dark night.

The roar was low and powerful, as if it came out after the throat was swirling.

At some point in the dark night, there were many more green eyes.

These are the eyes of the wolf!

A wolf, and a pack of wolves. Judging from the eyes in this dark night, there were at least fifty of them. Rey was stared at by these green wolf eyes, and he was so nervous that he was sweating.

There are too many, fifty wolves, which Rey can't even imagine. Moreover, look at the position of these green eyes from the ground. He estimated that the shortest wolf might be about one meter tall.

As for the tallest, the biggest alpha wolf, Ray only needs to find the brightest and biggest eyes among these eyes.

Its height, under visual inspection, will not be less than one meter five.

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