The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 29: Rowena Ravenclaw's Warthog

Humans are curious animals, whether they are ordinary humans or humans with magical powers.

Curiosity is the nature of human beings. If there is no curiosity at all, then it is not human. Because this person is already numb, his soul may already be a stagnant water that cannot flow.

Salazar Slytherin, a great pure-blood wizard. He was more curious than Godric Gryffindor. Especially for those magical events, or things.

Rey, who has traveled through time and space for more than a thousand years and arrived here from the distant future, is undoubtedly a very curious thing.

If it wasn't for Godric Gryffindor, a close friend, who first said that Rey was a transmigrator, he might have used a magic spell to make Rey disappear from his soul in the form of mental obliteration. Because of this kind of thing, it is absolutely like an impossible lie to hear.

Legilimency, another experience of being raped just now. Rey was about to cry, but had just suffered a wash from Godric Gryffindor, but Salazar Slytherin would come again immediately.

"It's really surprising!"

The degree of surprise was almost the same, but Salazar Slatlin's expression was not as exaggerated as Godric Gryffindor, after all, Godric had already told him about this in advance.

When Ray was used Legilimency for the first time by Godric Gryffindor, he had already passively practiced Occlumency. So, Salazar Slytherin only saw the memory of Rey's sorting time, and then it was a fog.

Salazar just finished using Legilimency, the Might and Magic gate in the boulder flashed again, and a young woman with a crown walked out of the Might and Magic Gate.

She has long hair that reaches her waist, and her robe reaches the floor. She has a great figure and a beautiful face. Even Rey, who has just been let go by Salazar Slytherin, has a hint of surprise in her eyes.

However, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will have a curiosity that surpasses that of men. After all, there is a saying in the 21st century that women are curious animals.

So, after Rey was cast Legilimency by Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw came to him again.

The passive feeling of Legilimency will not change because the other party is a beautiful woman. In Godric Gryffindor's helpless expression, Rey was slapped again.

This time Legilimency was shorter, and Rey's Occlumency was more mature in two passive situations. So Rowena Ravenclaw only saw Rey's memory after being punished into the Forbidden Forest at the Academy.

"The warthog of my dreams!"

Rowena Ravenclaw was no less surprised than the previous two. With her small mouth wide open, she could fit a whole duck egg in her mouth.


"What warthog?"

"Warthog, Rowena, what happened to your warthog?"

Three questions, the first one was Gryffindor's puzzlement; the second one was Slytherin's question; the third one was a question from another woman who came out because the Might and Magic door lit up again.

The new woman's hair is not long, not shoulder-length, but she is also very beautiful. There was concern in her questioning, and she clearly knew that the warthog belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw.

The person who came out was Helga Hufflepuff, and the four founders of Hogwarts College actually arrived at this moment one after another.


Four Academy founders, four Legilimency. Start in Gryffindor and end in Hufflepuff.

Godric Gryffindor has seen the most memories in Rey. Except for the past life, he has turned over all the memories of this life.

Helga Hufflepuff saw the least, she only saw this memory after Rey woke up by the creek.

This is not a question of strength, because she is the last person to use Legilimency to look at Rey's memory. After forcibly flipping through the first three times, Rey's Occlumency is almost done.

Even if Gryffindor and Slytherin cast Legilimency again, I believe it will only end in failure.

Rey was very helpless. Looking at the founders of the four academies in front of him, he was not even a little bit excited.

If it was normal to see these people, Rey would definitely be excited.

However, at first, he thought Godric Gryffindor was a lunatic.

In the magical world, there are lunatics, but there are not many lunatics who pretend to be the founder of the academy. There are four such lunatics at once. At this moment, if Rey still thinks that the four people in front of him are lunatics, then he himself may really be a lunatic.

Traveling through time and space, the four people in front of them discussed Legilimency for a while. So according to their discussion, Rey is very sure that he has traveled back to the era before Hogwarts was founded more than a thousand years ago.

Just transmigrate, who knows that just after transmigration, the four recognized great wizards used Legilimency to forcibly read the memory over and over again.

What is this?

There was endless resentment in Rey's heart, like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged. Although it was very well concealed, it was revealed in front of the four of them.

Sorry, no!

Wanting to make the Big Four apologize to himself, Rey didn't even dare to think about it. He silently picked up the dropped wand and stood alone, listening to the four of them discuss Rowena Ravenclaw's dream. warthog.

The warthog is not a pig, but a synonym for the revelation in Rowena Ravenclaw's dream.

The first time was a soaring eagle, the second time was the function of a crown, and the third time was the blurred image of Rey, riding a black unicorn out of the forbidden forest.

It can be said that Rey is the warthog in her dream this time.

"A warthog took her to a cliff by the lake where Hogwarts was later built."

Rey can still clearly recall this passage in the school history; however, what he did not expect at all was that he was the warthog.

I don't know why Rowena Ravenclaw's revelation in dreams is always called a warthog. This, perhaps only Helga Hufflepuff knows.

After the four founders finished discussing about the Hogwarts branch, they all looked at the little warthog sitting not far away.

With four swish eyes, even if Rey was aggrieved enough now, he would still smile in seconds.

Who says the situation is better than people? In another word, even if the four giants in the magic world bully you, it will give you face. If you go back to the afterlife, I believe that there is no one in Hogwarts who does not want to bully the four founders in turn.

This is a great opportunity. You can see the true face of a great man. What is wronged by this?

Speaking of which, is this a grievance?

No, not really.

Thinking back to this kind of fallacy of the scorching world, after Rey made up his mind, there was really nothing to complain about.


"Hey, sorry, sorry. We were so surprised just now that we didn't stop."

The long-lost apology actually came like this. But it was Godric Gryffindor who spoke. With a smile on his face, he embarrassedly touched the back of his head, his expression very sincere.

"Your Avada life is well used."

This is Salazar Slytherin's approval. Such a powerful Avada's life has exceeded the ability of ordinary adult wizards. What's more, in Rey's memory, the Sorting Hat almost sorted him into Slytherin. So Rey should be a pure blood wizard in his eyes. But, unfortunately, he ended up in Ravenclaw.

"The timing of the shot was also well-chosen and grasped very well."

Rowena Ravenclaw is a very smart man, and Rey showed his ingenuity when he fought the werewolf against Godric Gryffindor. What's more, he is a member of the Ravenclaw of the later generations, which can be seen from the school badge on his As the founder of Ravenclaw, she is naturally interested in having such a The disciples were also quite satisfied.

"The roast rabbit should be delicious, although it was a little burnt at the end. But this is the first time I've seen Godric not spoil the food."

Helga Hufflepuff's compliment is on diet. Among the four people, she is responsible for everyone's food, so she has a certain understanding of everyone's hobbies.

Appreciation from four different starting points, Rey nodded and smiled, and said polite words in his mouth. In fact, I was already roaring in my heart: "If an apology is useful, why do you need the police."

"Hey, you can't have any more complaints in your heart."

No matter how well Rey concealed it, it seemed that he couldn't escape Godric Gryffindor's eyes.

This guy's senses are super sensitive, and he can read some real thoughts from Rey's well-covered eyes. Even if you can't read the correct content, the general direction is definitely correct.

"The four of us forcibly read people's memories, and you can't let people complain. Are you such an elder?"

Rowena Ravenclaw is wise, and of course she can understand Rey's true feelings. She walked over to Rey and pulled Rey into her arms, like a hen protecting her chicks.

"Hey! Let me explain first. This is my Ravenclaw disciple. He was bullied so much by your elders. How can he be settled with just one sentence? He has to give something practical."

Rey was only as tall as Rowena Ravenclaw's waist, and the faint body fragrance wafted in his nostrils, making Rey a little embarrassed.

However, with the care of the elder Rowena Ravenclaw, Rey finally had a strong sense of belonging to Ravenclaw at this time, and naturally recognized the elder Rowena.

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