The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 35: black dragon

"Welcome to Godric's Hollow!"

Godric Gryffindor was laughing, laughing terribly.

Although this kind of smile is seen in front of ordinary children, it is a sunny smile. But for Rey, who has an adult soul, the smile changed, and he instantly knew what Godric Gryffindor meant.

His name is Godric Gryffindor, a great wizard and an excellent duelist.

This valley is also called Godric. Usually, when he says this to outsiders, outsiders may ask curiously, "Why is the name of this valley the same as yours?".

Then, Godric Gryffindor naturally explained modestly. After all, this valley was named after him after he became famous.

Godric Gryffindor has been useless for a long time to show his famous performance in front of others.

But when he saw Rey, the little wizard, he wanted to brag about his reputation. Hence the sentence: Welcome to Godric's Hollow.

For the Gryffindor in front of him with the wizard hat hanging from his waist, Rey couldn't see the word great on him at all. If I had to use one word to describe his state at this time, it would be: Silly!

Of course, this is how Rey feels. Who called him Godric, and then said Welcome to Godric's Hollow.

If anyone else said this to Rey, it might just feel normal. But when Godric Gryffindor said it himself, it instantly turned sour.

"Uncle, why does this valley have the same name as yours?"

Rey blinked curiously and asked Godric Gryffindor, who was chattering.

With a shy expression and a shy smile, when Rey asked this question, Godric became even more shy.

He smiled brightly, enjoying the look of admiration on his face, and then said, "This is a long story. I need to start with my first duel, remember..."

The two talked as they walked and found a place to sit down. Godric speaks loudly, and Rey hears it wonderfully. In fact, his heart has long been in the belly.

Rey is a student from Hogwarts in the future, and he naturally took a class in the history of magic. Of course he knew why the valley was named after Godric Gryffindor.

The reason why he asked this question while pretending to be curious was just to satisfy the shyness of the shy person in front of him.

The historical record of Godric Gryffindor is only a generalization. Such as when was born, when did you die, what great achievements were made, and so on. As for the self-reporting of such details as now, there is no record in history.

Godric Gryffindor was very excited, and Rey listened attentively because he spoke in great detail.

Take his first duel as an example. How nervous, how strong the opponent is. The mental activity at that time, the judgment of how the opponent attacked, and the final victory, etc. Rey can automatically form a picture of a duel in his mind based on what he tells.

The picture can form a coherence in his mind like a movie. According to this detailed description, he can turn the projected picture into a more detailed slow motion.

How the hand is lifted, how the body is sideways, the direction of the wand's pointing, the defensive action of the right hand. If the first magic attack fails, how to save the follow-up and so on.

In Godric's account, Rey feels like he's there, as if it's not Godric who is dueling, but himself.


Stories are often very attractive, especially for children, which is even more powerful.

There were dozens of new children in Godric's Hollow, so when Godric started telling his duel history, he immediately attracted a large number of children.

He is like a child king, sitting in the middle of all the children. Rey was sitting next to him, completely fascinated by his dueling history.

"Well, next is my sixteenth duel, this time it's a very powerful dark wizard..."

The story is curious, but it is almost the same duel story, but it is told in such a way of telling the details, which makes the children around him start to doze off, and some even hear calluses and go directly to other places. .

Soon, there was only Rey by his side.

Rey immersed himself in these duel stories, occasionally asking some questions, and at the same time dancing and gesturing, as if in a simulated duel.

"Godric is telling a story again?"

Helga Hufflepuff asked Salazar Slytherin beside him.

"Ah, yes."

Salazar Slytherin replied simply. He and Helga stood in the distance, Helga had not been here long, but Salazar Slytherin had already stood here.

He kept smiling at Godric the storyteller, his dear friend, once he started telling a story, he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Few people could hear him duel sixteen times, but he did not expect to find a loyal audience this time. . While this makes Salazar happy, there is a kind of sourness in my heart.

A yo-yo feeling.

"Are you jealous?"

Helga Hufflepuff laughed. This sentence made the black-robed black-haired, utterly beautiful Salazar Slytherin give her a roll of eyes: "Joke, I would eat a child's vinegar?"

An hour later, Helga left Godric's Hollow with Rowena Ravenclaw, saying that he was going to check the place revealed in the dream.

Salazar Slytherin is still watching from a distance Godric telling Rey the story vividly.

At this time, the two people who originally told the story and listened to the story evolved into the way Godric taught Rey to duel, and the two began to practice on the grass.

Rey demonstrated the process of a duel with Godric completely unknowingly. He was immersed in it and did not notice that at this time, Godric had taught him the skills of dueling while telling the story.

"You are so special!"

In the distance, Salazar Slytherin looked at Godric, who taught Rey's duel with a straight face, with a wise smile on his face.


"The body must be flexible, and the eyes must observe the opponent's feet and waist. If you can only observe the movement of a certain part of the opponent's body, you can know the attack state of the opponent's body now, then your duel, even if you don't win, it will be fine. won't lose."

It's already dark, wait a little longer, it might be dinner time. Godric Gryffindor, from the morning, has been talking about it until now.


Rey was fascinated, and practiced even more vigorously. The two of them had been practicing duels for nearly eight hours.

"Of course it's true, but this is a duel. If there are many opponents, it's hard to say. However, if you can achieve this, the ability to evade magic attacks is quite high."

Godric continued to explain his future goals to Rey. The child in front of him is indeed learning very fast. If he doesn't understand, he will immediately ask questions. He has corrected his body movements once or twice, and he will soon be able to correct it.

Godric believed that the child in front of him would definitely become a powerful wizard who was good at dueling.

"After talking for so long, why don't you keep your mouth dry?"

Salazar Slytherin walked slowly to Godric's side, interrupting the two of them with a word, and handed Godric a glass of water at the same time.

"Oh, Salazar! Hey, it's getting dark."

Godric and Rey stopped their movements, and then gave a surprise.

In fact, not only Rey was fascinated by it, but even Godric didn't notice that time passed so quickly.

"Let's go here today, remember to practice hard after you go down, you know?"

After Salazar's reminder, Godric suddenly felt a little dry, and immediately took a sip from the glass in Salazar's hand.

It was getting late, Godric finished the drill and warned Rey to practice seriously in the future.

"Okay, Professor!"

Rey replied casually full of respect. He has already realized that Godric, who is snarling, is actually teaching him the skills of dueling.

He was fascinated by listening to it and practiced vigorously, thus imparting important knowledge unconsciously.

Godric Gryffindor is indeed a very good professor. This way of teaching is truly unique.

Perhaps because of this, Salazar Slytherin, such a cold, Muggle-hating person, was so friendly with him.


At night, after the meal, in a tent, four great wizards sat together.

"Have you found where the warthog took you?"

Godric looked at Rowena Ravenclaw opposite and asked. From noon, Rowena and Helga left Godric's Valley and went to the ideal place to build a school in their dreams.

"Well, I found it. There is a large forest and mountains in that place. There is also an old ruined castle..."

"The location is very hidden, and the conditions in all aspects are quite ideal, but..."

Rowena Ravenclaw first introduced the environment of that place, but what followed was a prophecy.

"But what?"

Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor asked together. The two have a tacit understanding, and they all ask questions at the same time. After all, it was the first school to establish the wizarding world, and they were quite attentive.

However, Rowena Ravenclaw did not answer immediately, as if hesitant.

Seeing Rowena's hesitant expression next to him, Helga Hufflepuff, who went with him, gave a shocking answer: "We found that in the ruined castle, there was a black dragon entrenched in it. ."

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