The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 361: It's nice to be young! (finale - final

Under one person and above ten thousand people, it seems to be extremely noble, but in fact it is fleeting.

The one who is on top can attack you at any time, and all rights are so vulnerable in front of strength.

Ray didn't want to be a general or king, and he didn't like to find a master to serve.

As a modern soul, what I want is very simple: that is freedom.

Be free, do not violate the moral bottom line of your own cognition, and live well and freely.

With the resurrected Helena and Agnes, they gave birth to four or five children and studied magic.

Nurture them to grow up, make them have a certain resistance to the impact of social life, watch their children fall in love, listen to them tell their troubles, and finally find a lifelong partner and have a son and a half daughter. When I was sixty years old, a group of children surrounded me, calling my grandfather, eagerly asking me to teach them elementary magic.

Magic is very interesting, Rey wants to tell his sons and daughters, and even more wants to tell his grandchildren.

Of course, before having all of this, what Rey wanted most was to take Helena and Agnes to travel around the entire magical world, explore historical sites and creatures, and enjoy the three-person world.

There was no need to talk about it at all. Dumbledore, who knew Rey's temperament, knew it, and Rey himself knew it, but the Underworld Reaper, who had just won Nagini's body, didn't know it.

All she knew was the information that people who fell into **** gave her. Humans are greedy.

Looking at the **** of death standing in the air in front of him, Rey smiled.

It wasn't a laugh or a sneer, but in Nagini's eyes, this smile gave her a nameless anger, because there was sympathy and pity in this smile.

As a **** of death who has existed for an unknown number of years, Nagini felt that Rey's smile was an insult.

A mortal sympathizes with a king of the underworld, the **** of death in hell, what a fantasy.

Having said that, this Arabian Nights is a reality, it really happened in front of her eyes, and she experienced it firsthand.

People who have no strength are violent, and the damage caused is absolutely limited. In other words, their rage will only hurt themselves, but it is different for people with strength.

There is no doubt about the strength of the **** of death, and the consequences of his rage are very serious.

A **** of death who had just won his body was furious, and Rey felt that he should be able to handle it.

It's unexpected to anger the **** of death, but it's already angered, so it's better to probe the other party's bottom by the way.

Rey and Dumbledore looked at each other, and neither took the lead. At this time, Nagini was dancing with black magic power, as if all the elements in the space were flowing.

At this moment, she looks like a phoenix girl among Wolverines, and she really feels like a god.

A true **** should be able to see fear in the eyes of mortals when he is angry, but there is no fear in Rey's eyes, and there is no fear in Dumbledore, a true mortal wizard.

When it comes to the transformation and control of elements, Dumbledore is unparalleled in the wizarding world, not even Rey.

Nagini controlled the element to move for his own magic, that was because of the tyrannical magic, and so was Voldemort's magic. In terms of the real control element, Dumbledore was the best.


In the cemetery space, there was an unprecedented war after an ancient battlefield.

Outside the space, torches were already lit around the stands at the entrance of the maze, and the audience stared at the entrance of the maze with all their hearts, thinking about Harry, Cedric, and Fleur who had not yet come out.

It took a long time to go in, and there were too few people eliminated, only Victor Krum was the lucky one, so now everyone is somewhat worried about the situation in the labyrinth.

Dumbledore, who was in the audience, looked at the entrance to the maze, and then looked at the inexplicable changes in the sky above the maze, as if he was thinking about something.

Boom! …

A roaring sound came from the sky, as if it came from a far, far horizon, but it suddenly appeared above the labyrinth.

This roar appeared suddenly, and everyone present involuntarily looked up at the dark sky.

There seems to be something, but it doesn't seem to be there. The place where the sound appears is very close, but what I hear is the residual sound after consumption.


The second voice suddenly came again, this time it was louder, but it still gave people an inexplicable feeling.

The first time the sound appeared, everyone thought it was thunder, but after the second time it appeared out of thin air, everyone couldn't help but feel that it was a rumbling sound when something collided.

The collision was supposed to be very violent, but what came out was just an aftermath. Everyone involuntarily stood up and looked up at the dark sky, as if they wanted to find something.


The sound came, as if a giant lightning had slashed overhead.

The dark night sky suddenly flashed, especially above the labyrinth. The giant, irregular lightning that snaked through the air looked like a hideous crack.

Everyone was taken aback by the loud noise, and some people were so frightened by the sudden loud noise that they jumped to the ground in a conditioned reflex.


After the thunder, Dumbledore at the scene shouted, and at the same time he took out his wand and cast a lighting magic into the sky.

The cracks in the sky still existed, and the people on the ground began to leave here under Dumbledore's orders.

However, not long after everyone started to act, the meandering crack in the sky suddenly expanded, emitting a strong light.

The whole sky was illuminated by this light, and the night turned into day when everyone was overwhelmed.


A low and powerful voice came. In less than a second, the voice went through three stages, and finally turned into a loud noise that made people temporarily deaf.


First, the light of the day flashed, then the loud rumbling sound, and finally the air waves that spread rapidly in the air.

The explosion point was in mid-air, and the air waves spread out in a circular shape without any obstruction.

The air pressure generated by the power of the high-altitude explosion quickly descended, making everyone on the ground unable to stand up at all. Even Dumbledore, who was commanding the evacuation with a wand, squatted down and released the magic of transformation.

He is not Dumbledore, but Professor McGonagall. She transformed into Dumbledore and presided over the Triwizard Tournament instead of him. The real Dumbledore stood in mid-air with Rey at this time, which was the explosion. the center point.

Of course, the mid-air center point is not the real center point, but the center that people outside see after the cemetery space bursts.

Dumbledore stood in the air, Rey had wings on his back, and his left hand was holding the unconscious Harry.

The two looked at a black void at the center and were speechless for a long time.

Rey's heart kept echoing the words before Death was forced to leave with serious injuries: "The day you resurrect your loved one is when I return."

No matter how powerful the **** of death is, she just borrowed the body of a mortal. Nagini can't fully withstand the power of the **** of death, not to mention that Voldemort's wreckage is still in trouble, so no matter how powerful she is, she is no match for Rey and Deng. Bridor's collaboration.

However, this final declaration did convince Rey and Dumbledore a lot.

Glancing at Rey next to him, Dumbledore wanted to say something but didn't say it, and was interrupted by Rey: "Professor don't persuade me, I will definitely resurrect Helena."

Rey spoke plainly and firmly, with no room for negotiation.

After a pause, Dumbledore sighed, took Harry from Rey's hand, and landed on the ground.

Rey's identity is special, and the whole person fluttered his wings and left here. Of course, the people who left in the panicked crowd were Agnes.


After leaving here, Rey also ran to the Gobi.

The space exploded, the space gap on the Gobi had disappeared, and all the surrounding facilities of the Ministry of Magic were razed to the ground.

Naturally, I don't need to think about the trace of the water of wisdom, but I have long thought of using the core of wisdom to replace Helena's resurrection. Although it is regrettable at this time, there is no need to pursue perfection.

However, the need to use Hogwarts as the resurrection life formation really made Rey hesitate.

Hesitation is just hesitation. Before there is no better way, he can only rely on Hogwarts, and Rey needs to carefully scrutinize the process of resurrection.

Back in the Hechidiri Islands, Rey released Cedric and his little girlfriend back. When he returned to the manor, Agnes was already standing at the door of the hall.

The two looked at each other, then hugged each other.

Agnes was very worried about Rey's comfort. Seeing that Rey was not injured at this time, her heart dropped: "Is everything going well?"

"It's going well, the resurrection of Helena can be put on the agenda." Rey stroked Agnes' hair and said with a deep breath.

With Agnes around, Ray felt a little helpless as soon as his spirit relaxed.

After obtaining all the memory power of the Dragon King, this was the first time he did everything he could. In the cemetery space, Rey resisted most of the attacks of Death, while Dumbledore assisted from the side.

The God of Death has not shown his full power, and Rey has not yet digested the inheritance of the Dragon King. The power of the Dragon King is too powerful, and the temporary display exhausts Rey too much.

If the power inherited from the Dragon King can be completely transformed into his own power, Rey doesn't know how strong he will become, but at least he will not be afraid of death again.

The Triwizard Tournament ended abruptly, and no one died, but a worse situation emerged.

When Dumbledore and Rey with dragon wings were standing in the air, someone took a picture and put it in the newspaper.

The photo is not very clear, but it definitely makes people recognize Dumbledore as one of them at a glance.

Rey's huge dragon wings turned into bat wings, and the Ministry of Magic, using the influence of the Daily Prophet, began to discredit Dumbledore for making some kind of deal with the demon in the mid-air explosion.

Voldemort did not appear, the wizarding world returned to peace, Dumbledore was smeared, and naturally he, the principal, had to abdicate.

After dealing with Voldemort, the next thing to do is to face the **** of death. Dumbledore has nothing to remember about the position of headmaster.

Although the wizarding world smears Dumbledore, there is no solid evidence. As long as Dumbledore is not the headmaster of Hogwarts, his influence is not as great as before, and the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge will naturally not go too far. , all he wanted was to prove to others that he was no worse than Dumbledore.



One day, five years later, Rey came to a basement in Slytherin in Hogwarts and took the Hogwarts Castle scroll with the **** Barrow.

At the same time, Rey also picked up Helena, who had been in Ravenclaw for thousands of years.

The ring that he got when he found Salazar Slytherin's castle was transformed by Rey into an independent space that can accommodate the soul, and Helena was placed in the ring by Rey.

With the scroll and Helena, Ray came to the depths of the Gobi.

Dumbledore had been waiting here for a long time, besides him, there was Agnes and the still **** and charming Reper.

"Tell me, what are you doing here with me?"

Reper's character is still the same as before, a little eager, talking to Rey straight to the point.

"Have you found him?" Rey was not at all bored by Reper's question.

"No, there are too few documented documents." Reper said disappointedly.

After several years, Reper finally recalled her origin and past, the man she loved deeply, the man who once wanted to resurrect her. However, I recalled everything about him, but I couldn't find any trace of his existence, which was also the source of Repert's temper becoming more and more irritable.

"Since I haven't found any useful clues, I would recommend you to meet someone today. He should know something about Galanord." Ray said with a mysterious smile.

"Who!?" Hearing Rey's words, Reper was surprised and delighted. She had been searching for years without success. Now that she suddenly had a clue, she was naturally very happy.

"Don't worry, you'll find out in a while." Rey bought a pass and replied, which made Reper give him a cold snort and rolled eyes.

After comforting the irritable Reper, Rey asked Dumbledore, "Professor, how have you been as the principal for the past few years?"

"Are you going to resurrect Helena in this scroll?" Without answering Rey's question, Dumbledore asked instead, his hair and beard were even whiter, and his face was a little haggard.

Although Voldemort was solved, there was a death **** who was many times more powerful than Voldemort. He, the greatest wizard in the wizarding world so far, was destined to be a life-long exhaustion, worry about this, worry about it.

"That's the only way I can think of.

Resurrection of Helena requires the terrain of Hogwarts, and Hogwarts in this picture is just right.

In addition, Helena's resurrection is also the time when the gate to **** is opened, and Hogwarts will become a front-line battlefield. If there is this picture scroll in the middle, plus my seal, even if this vast Gobi wants to become an outpost, it will cost money Not for hundreds of years. "

"...A hundred years, enough." Dumbledore hesitated and replied.

A hundred years is indeed enough, because among Hogwarts students, more and more wizards have become dragon knights, and even among the members of the witch hunt team that Rey established, some have become dragon knights.

Some ordinary people can only use magic after they become dragon knights, just like there is a lock in their body, this lock is the dividing line between wizards and Muggles. After training, they were fortunate to be recognized by the flying dragon and became dragon knights. The lock was naturally opened, and the use of magic became a matter of course.

Becoming a dragon knight not only allows you to use magic, but also has a long life linked to the dragon family.

It's just that the chances of becoming a dragon knight among ordinary people are very small, but the base of the population cannot be maintained. If the magic of the whole world is completely opened, the number of dragon knights will reach a peak, and the entire magic world will enter the era of dragon knights. .


Standing in the center of the Gobi, all the places that you can see around you are in the sealing magic circle arranged by Ray.

For this moment, Rey waited for many years, and it took three years to arrange the magic circle of this seal.

He threw the picture scroll in his hand, and the picture scroll flew out in the air, and the black magic power in Ray's body poured out, creating a circular channel to connect with the picture scroll in the air.

This picture scroll is the habitat of the blood man Barrow. At first, only the soul could enter, but after Ray's research, it is now possible to construct a direct entry channel.

Rey took Agnes and entered first, followed by Repel, and Dumbledore hesitated and walked in.

Entering the picture scroll, the Hogwarts inside is no different. Rey quickly found the **** Barrow who was sealed in his self-consciousness, and with a wave of his right hand, he scattered him to ashes.

Helena was about to be resurrected, and Rey didn't want to have a little accident, not even the **** Barrow, who was no longer threatened.

Standing on the top of Ravenclaw Tower, Rey took out a crystal coffin made of magic crystal from the space bag.

The crystal is crystal clear and clear, without a trace of impurities, which is tailor-made by Rey for Helena, and Helena will be resurrected in it.

Recalling the feat when Rowena Ravenclaw created Hogwarts a thousand years ago, Rey recalled the context of Hogwarts' life-building magic circle that he saw at that time, and then threw the crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin landed smoothly in the center of Hogwarts Castle Square.

Then, Helena's transparent figure floated out from the ring in Rey's hand.

Standing in front of Rey and Agnes, she first looked at Rey affectionately, then at Agnes next to her, and then noticed the existence of Reper and Dumbledore.

Agnes took Rey's hand, delivered it to Helena and said, "Sister, Rey and I are waiting for you here."

Helena nodded, took a deep breath, turned and floated to the crystal coffin in the center of the square. She looked back and lay down in it.

"Is she the one you're talking about?"

Seeing Helena appear, she just glanced at herself and left without any intention of speaking. Repert beside her asked with some doubts.

"Helena is my woman, and yours will appear right away."

Rey glanced at her and said angrily. Agnes pinched Rey aside and said, "Stop teasing Sister Reper."

Patting Agnes' hand, Ray took out the Fruit of Life from the space bag.

The fruit of life now looks like a big fairy peach. Rey threw it over the crystal coffin and evolved the red life force.

The force of life slipped down like a liquid and flowed into the crystal coffin. But at the same time, the force of life in the air split a trickle and flowed out of the crystal coffin.

The force of life that flowed outside gathered into a squatting human figure, and a living person appeared in front of everyone after a while.

This is a man, oh no, it should be a male elf.

Delicate and handsome facial features, slightly pointed ears, and neatly docile blonde hair draped behind her head.

"Galan Nord!!!"

Seeing the handsome man in front of him, Reper was shocked beyond measure. She recalled the appearance of the person in front of her no less than ten thousand times in her mind, and naturally she remembered it quite clearly.

"He's an elf!" Dumbledore also saw the doubt and said in surprise.

"You, you..." Reper covered her mouth with both hands, tears in her eyes at this time, she looked at Rey in disbelief, and then looked at Galanord who was walking towards her. She was so excited that she lost the ability to speak.

After a while, Rey gave him an encouraging look, and Reper rushed out and threw himself into Garan Nord's arms.

The elf Garan Nord, Rey once rescued him once in the memory world of the ancient battlefield, but he did not expect that time and space were reversed, allowing him to have the opportunity to be stored in the fruit of life.

Rey knew about this, and it was also the connection he made after researching the Fruit of Life in the past few years. This guy is the elf who wants to resurrect Repel.

"Hey, that's enough. I have to resurrect Helena. If you want to show your love, you can go out and show, you have a lot of time." Rey pouted and shouted at the two who were kissing passionately.

"You can't go out, I'm the only remaining elf, but I have to witness the birth of the elf queen." Garan Nord came to the side of several people with Reper in his arms, and said with a smile.

"It's up to you, then you have to use your elf's magic power." Rey said with a smile, at the same time, the resurrection stone and the blue wisdom core on Ravenclaw's crown also flew out to the crystal. The coffin blasted away.



A black cloud appeared over the Gobi, and the entire Gobi was darkened.

People from the Ministry of Magic naturally discovered it, but they couldn't walk half a step into the Gobi. The Gobi was close in front of them, but it seemed to be far away. They could see it, but they couldn't touch it.

In the center of the Gobi, there is a picture scroll suspended in the air. The black clouds above the sky suddenly poured down like a funnel, and all of them were sucked into the picture scroll.

Immediately afterwards, the picture scroll suddenly became more than ten times larger, and the familiar and unfamiliar voice of the **** of death came from inside: "You can't use this stupid method to stop me from coming out..."

The voice of the **** of death was hysterical and extremely irritable. With the sound, the picture scroll became more than several times larger.

Today's picture scroll is the size of an entire football field, and there are countless cracks on it.

But shortly after the **** of death made the sound, six dots of light flew out of the scroll.

The six spots of light are naturally Ray and his party, and of course, there is also the resurrected Helena.

Helena is slender and bumpy, her ears are slender and pointed, and she still becomes a real elf, exuding an air of closeness to nature. Although she looks the same now as she was before her death, her temperament has improved many When Ray and his party came out, the whole Gobi was lit up with regular light spots.

The light spots quickly converged into lines, and finally solidified into chains, which flew from all directions and entered the picture scroll that was about to crack after it became larger.

Afterwards, the picture scroll trembled, and the enlarged picture scroll quickly became the size of a basketball court, and the countless cracks in it disappeared.

As soon as the group came out, Reper and Galanord left first, while Ray was pale and attached to Agnes. Helena on the side also held his left hand, the two women drove him in the middle, and the three were close together.

"Professor, what are you going to do next?"

Rey, who was between the two women, asked Dumbledore, who was opposite, with a smile.

"What can you do? Although your sealing magic is temporarily fine, you still need to be guarded at any time. With your temperament, you can do it?" Dumbledore said lightly, looking at the three people in front of him, he couldn't tell in his heart. Some are not very good.

Rey looked at Dumbledore and said with great joy, "Although it can't be completely sealed, there is still no problem in a hundred years. A hundred years is still a long time, we have to enjoy it first."

When he finished speaking, Rey opened his bows from left to right and kissed each of Agnes and Helena uncontrollably, which caused the two women to blush and pink fists.

"Goodbye, Professor."

Rey said goodbye with a smile, and then disappeared with the two girls in his arms. At this time, his face was still a little pale, and his actions were not blocked at all.

Seeing the three of them disappear, Dumbledore inevitably felt melancholy in his heart. He glanced at the surrounding Gobi, he let out a suffocating breath, and said helplessly, "Oh, it's great to be young!"

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