The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 67: treasure

Helena likes to see Rey in embarrassment, and she is very curious about Rey.

The first time she took care of Rey who was in a coma, she heard Rey talk a lot in his sleep. For example: wife, child, and other modern Chinese words.

She couldn't understand those dreams. At the age of thirteen, it was really strange for her to hear the modern vocabulary of Rey's previous life and understand it.

This is the source of her initial curiosity.

The smart Helena has a more mature mind than the average person. She also thinks so about this.

However, what she didn't expect was that after a brief contact with the awakened Rey, she found that Rey, who was two years younger, was more mature than her.

This was unexpected and made her even more puzzled. An eleven-year-old child feels like an adult in his twenties. To a certain extent, Helena even felt that Rey was more mature than the uncle Godric Gryffindor.

A child two years younger than herself is much more mature than herself, which is not allowed for Helena.

So, seeing Rey in embarrassment, Helena felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in her heart.

For example, just now, Helena was very happy when he looked helpless and a little annoyed by his petrification magic, leg-locking spell and other negative magic.

Adding negative magic, euphemistically called it the possibility of experimenting with the existence of ghost dragons. But in fact, it is more to vent her own dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfied that Rey is much more mature than himself, dissatisfied that he always looks at him with the eyes of a child. Dissatisfied, dissatisfied..., dissatisfied that he still has a little cute dragon who can only remove negative magic.

There are still many, many dissatisfactions in her heart. Helena pursed her lips, and she also discovered a fact that she had to admit: in front of Rey, who thought she was very mature, she turned out to be a little childish.


The cave here is huge and very dry, even the exposed part.

Such a large cave, it feels like a tunnel leading to the ground. This can't help but remind Rey of the road that led to the Palace of Death under the high mountains of the ice field.

Of course, the scale of the two is definitely not the same.

"Fluorescent flashes."

Humans are born with a fear of darkness. Facing the deep and dark cave, Helena chanted a lighting spell.

However, just as the wand lit up with fluorescence, Ray pinched it with his hand. The cave, which had been bright for a moment, was returned to darkness.

"What are you doing?"

In such a cave, it is basically impossible to walk without light. Rey intervened to stop her magic, which puzzled her.

"We just came in, and our eyes haven't adapted yet. Wait a while, you should be able to see clearly without the fluorescent flashing." Rey explained.

"and then?"

Helena asked immediately, as if she was targeting Rey. In my heart, I thought, even if my eyes get used to the darkness after a while, wouldn't it be more convenient to act with this fluorescent light?

The questioning eyes made Rey understand, but Helena, who was always smart, didn't understand what she meant this time.

In desperation, Rey could only continue to say: "We are in the dragon's lair now. If there is light, wouldn't that inform it of a thief here?"

"We are thieves. When thieves steal things, they will light up recklessly?"

The patient explanation made Helena feel a sudden realization. At the same time, I was a little surprised, as if I had become a lot stupider. With such simple and easy-to-understand truths, I didn't expect that Rey would be needed to remind myself.

Suddenly realizing that she had become stupid, Helena's face became hot and somewhat embarrassed.

Rey was also surprised, Helena in front of her seemed to be a little different from usual.


The atmosphere was inexplicably cold, and neither of the two children took the initiative to speak.

After waiting for a while, after his eyes got used to it, Ray was the first to suggest, "Let's go!"

"Yes." Helena replied softly, walking next to Rey. Finding that she had become stupid, she decided to talk less, so as not to embarrass herself even more.

The cave is open. Walking in it, you can feel the wind.

Most of the caves are naturally formed, but man-made traces can be seen in them. For example, the stone ladder on the ground is a good example.

After walking more than 20 meters in, the cave was divided into two directions.

The left side is slightly upward, while the right side is slowly downward.

Rey decided to go down to the right. If he went down, he might reach the location of the Chamber of Secrets in the Harry Potter movies. Rey guessed that there might be where the dragon stayed.

Sure enough, after walking down to the right for a while, some light could be seen at the corner ahead.

This is not moonlight. Within such a deep rock wall, the moonlight must not be able to shine through. And from this light, Rey felt that it was emitted from jade like a gem.

Rey was stunned for a moment, and looked at Helena.

Then, Helena took out the invisibility cloak and put it on the two of them.

The light at the corner, although there is some guesswork, can only be concluded after seeing it in detail.

If it is a treasure, then the dragon must be in it. So it's better to be careful.

The invisibility cloak is very large, and it is not a problem to cover two people at all.

Rey and Helena were next to each other, walking slowly towards the corner. And in the process, Helena looked at Rey two or three times with a smile on her face.

Because Rey is shorter than her, she is very happy.

Girls' thoughts are sometimes illogical.

Rey shook his head helplessly again, Helena was really not as mature as he thought, and sometimes she was just a little girl.


The two walked slowly and finally came to the corner.

Then, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Treasures, there are really treasures, and there are countless treasures.

This place is undoubtedly the secret room in the movie. The size of the secret room will not be described here.

Such a large site is full of treasures.

The ground was completely invisible, so Rey was amazed. I don't know how thick these treasures were piled up.

Gold coins are the most abundant treasures, followed by gemstones of various colors, including transparent diamonds.

Gold is made into handicrafts, and it is randomly thrown on the gold coin pile like garbage. What kind of wine glasses, gold plates, stools made of pure gold, etc., everything is dizzying.


Helena was dumbfounded. She had come out of the invisibility cloak and ran into the treasure pile.

Pick up this pearl, that gem, look left, look right, with a silly and cute smile on her face.

So many treasures have completely inspired her child's side. Even as an adult Rey, looking at the dazzling treasures, he hasn't reacted from the shock for a while.

"This, this... how much is it worth?"

Rey stuttered a little with excitement. I thought to myself, no wonder so many powerful warriors in the legend went to slay dragons. And the real purpose of slaughtering dragons is mostly aimed at these treasures.

Also, Hogwarts in future generations can be free of tuition, I believe it is also thanks to this treasure. How many years does it take for so many gold gems?

If only for Hogwarts school even a thousand years will not be used up.

"Why are you still standing there? Come and see, does the chain I hold look good?"

Helena stood on the pile of gold coins, holding a very thick gold necklace in her hand.

The pendant style of the thick gold necklace is like an Olympic medal. Obviously, this so-called necklace of Helena is only suitable for champions to wear, and it has nothing to do with the beauty of girls.

Rey shook his head, folded the cloak, and then joined the selection.

Looking for the treasures you like in the sea of ​​gold and silver, it feels really good. Even the little flying dragon on the side was so excited that it flew into the air for a while, and then got under the treasure gold coins for a while, and had a lot of fun.

Among the many treasures, a chair made of gold caught Rey's attention. On the side of this chair, hangs a diamond necklace.

Tiny white cylindrical diamonds are channeled together to form a unique slender chain. The magical world is really unimaginable, even such small diamonds can be threaded together with silk threads.

The pendant that the white diamond chain passes through is a blue diamond the size of an adult thumb.

Blue diamonds are oval in shape, big at the bottom and small at the top, like water droplets, making them unforgettable at first sight. It's hard to believe that there were such beautiful crafts in this period.

Rey took off the chain, lifted it in the air, and motioned to Helena next to him, how about this necklace?

very beautiful!

Just by looking at Helena's inescapable eyes, Rey knew that she absolutely liked it very much.

Helena bowed slightly towards Rey gracefully, and Rey put on this necklace for her very gentlemanly.

Then, on top of this treasure, the two looked at each other and smiled.

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