The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 76: Birth of Peeves

Magic can be used in many ways, not just a means of attack and defense.

From cooking food to building castles, there are shadows of magic.

Want to build Hogwarts school, this is a huge project.

After a month of preparation, the day has finally come to cast magic to build a castle.

During the preparation, Rowena designed a huge magic circle.

This magic circle covers the entire Hogwarts College in later generations. Such a huge magic circle, the magic crystal sand used to draw the magic circle alone is a massive astronomical number.

"It's really a big deal!"

Rey was amazed in his heart, and then stood outside the magic circle with Helena, Rolanda Hodge, and Terrence Barrow to witness the birth of Hogwarts.

The four founders stand in four different directions. In the early morning when the sun rises, sing the mantra at the same time.

Rey knew every word sung. But the mantra he chanted had no idea what it meant.

The level of syllables, the reverse order of each person, the timing of each other, etc., the four of them seemed to have practiced many times. At this time, there was no mistake in using it, and Mrs. Huo Qi was amazed by the level of tacit understanding.

As the chant continued, the magic power injected from the four directions at the same time converged in the center. Then, like ripples in the water, it expands continuously in circles. A dozen concentric circles are formed, each of which is equally spaced.

At the same time, several triangles were decomposed in these circles, and finally the entire huge magic circle was formed into a mysterious and incomprehensible pattern.

"Life Magic Array!"

Seeing the final appearance of the magic circle, Mrs. Hooch was very shocked.

Among the people present, Mrs. Hooch had the highest vision, and her shock immediately caught the attention of the three Rays.


What is life?

The most crucial point of life is the soul.

The soul is illusory. From ancient times to the present, there has not been a complete conclusion, nor does it know what the essence of the soul is.

Therefore, life magic is also the most mysterious type of all magic. There are very few people who can, and there may be a few elves who can do this kind of magic in ancient times. But now, it has basically disappeared.

Mrs. Hooch didn't expect to see life magic here, which made her impression of the four people a little higher.

Using life magic to build castles, this is Rowena Ravenclaw's proposal.

As soon as this proposal came out, it was approved by the other three people.

Of the four, only Rowena, the wisest, has a lot of research on life magic. If you want to use life magic to build a castle, you must have a huge magic circle to help implement the magic.

Rowena is naturally the leader of the four. As for the other three, it is the synchronization of spells and the supply of magic power.

Magic power kept pouring in, and a white ball of light formed in the center of the huge magic circle.

The light emitted by the light ball gathers but does not disperse, which is very magical. Such a bright light was not dazzling at all in the eyes of Rey and the others.

As soon as the ball of light gathered by pure magic appeared, the faces of the four Rowena showed joy. At this moment, the four of them snorted lightly at the same time, and more magic power was like a flood, rushing into the magic circle without money.

With a humming sound, the sphere of light in the magic circle instantly became larger, enclosing the entire magic circle and Rowena in the sphere.

This scene came very suddenly. Except for Mrs. Hooch, all three of Rey took a step back unconsciously.

Obviously, the scene just now caught them by surprise.

The huge sphere of light is translucent, and the situation inside can only be seen roughly.

There are various things flying in the ball of light, like ink of different colors.

They are sometimes intertwined, sometimes separated, or fall to the ground again, churning inside the sphere of light.

Rey stood outside the ball of light, staring at what was happening in front of him.

This scene in the sphere of light seemed to him like the conception process of an embryo. There is a clear introduction in the documentaries I watched in the previous life, which is almost the same as the current situation.

Such a miraculous scene continued until the sun rose the next day.

When the first ray of sunlight hit here, the light sphere began to dim. Then a hole was opened from the top, revealing the pointed top of the tower.

The ball of light gradually dissipated, and the castle of Hogwarts started from the top and unfolded in front of several people bit by bit.

It is exactly the same as the castles of later generations, simple and elegant, full of the heavy sense of history.

It was only at this time that Rey discovered that, even after more than a thousand years of evolution, Hogwarts is still the same and has never changed.

The ball of light disappeared completely, and Hogwarts was finally born.

The four founders were exhausted, but they looked at the castle in front of them with happy smiles on their faces.

There is no doubt that the castle is like their child, even Rolanda Hooch agrees very much.


The newly built Hogwarts is full of life.

Built by magic, no matter where you go inside, you can see those wonderful flowers, plants and trees.

These are all part of Hogwarts, like the hair on a human body.

Flowers, trees and castles are integrated into one, and will not change due to the change of time. If not, have you seen the gardener guarding the castle in the movie?

There is no gardener, and no elves have ever seen a tree trimming.

What's more, which elf dares to try to prune the whip willow in the castle lawn.

The layout is also the same as later generations.

Four academies, four different styles, and the four founders have long been assigned specific positions. Even the logos of each college are hung in the college to which they belong.

In addition to these, in the newly reborn Hogwarts hall, three special and living magic items were born.

A quill for writing, a parchment for recording, and a sorting hat.

Rey had no idea that these three items were born together with Hogwarts.

"It's you, it's you, that left a scar on my handsome face!"

When the Sorting Hat saw Rey, the first sentence was roared in an uneven tone.

The voice of a mature, but the tone of preoccupation, Ray had serious doubts when he saw such a sorting hat, is this guy really the sorting hat who will be assigned to Ravenclaw in future generations?

The Sorting Hat belongs to Godric Gryffindor. When Ray's magic bullet pierced the hat, it became his memory.

The quill pen was the one that Salazar Slytherin usually used to write. The quill pen recorded the handwriting of each little wizard's name, which was the same as Salazar Slytherin's handwriting.

Helga Hufflepuff's parchment. This parchment is drawn with the magic circle of life, which Helga Hufflepuff found in a ruin.

The magic circle pattern on the parchment scroll has disappeared, and the blank parchment scroll seems to be waiting for the record of the quill pen. Each recording is done on a one-year cycle, and then returns to blanks after the children officially enter Hogwarts.

Each of the four founders has a related magical item that gave birth to life.

As for the magic item associated with Rowena Ravenclaw, that is Hogwarts Castle itself, because it is also a living magic item.

And its soul, Rey is all too familiar with it, because he has seen it before.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

A loud voice resounded in the hall of the castle. A soul body with a wide face, big mouth and round eyes appeared in the hall.

He was wearing brightly colored clothes, a tie and a hat, and a pair of perfect slippers on his feet.

This, suddenly, was the Peeves that Rey had seen at Hogwarts.

It is the soul of Hogwarts, and it can also be said to be the spirit of Hogwarts.

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