The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 81: mature helena

People get old, even wizards. A wizarding nation in ancient times, their beautiful queen encountered this problem.

In order not to lose her beauty, she meditates and prays every day, hoping that the gods in heaven can give her a correct guidance.

Finally, one day she entered the kingdom of gods during meditation. The gods told her that there was a tree of life at the end of the Tianhe, and the fruit of the tree could fulfill her wishes.

The queen came to the end of the Tianhe according to the guidance of the gods.

There is not only the tree of life, but also the tree of spirit and the tree of wisdom. Every tree is covered with gleaming fruit.

Red is the fruit of life, which can make people immortal; white is the fruit of spirituality, which makes people embrace the light; wisdom is blue, which can make people's wisdom equal to God.

Three fruit trees, three different fruits, but only one can be picked.

The Fruit of Life can fulfill the Queen's wish, but a single fruit is not enough for her to achieve longevity with her lover. So the queen decisively chose the fruit of wisdom that flashed white light.

Because she is a very wise person, if this fruit of wisdom is added, she feels that she should be able to find a way to make both of them live longer.

Take the fruit of wisdom, the queen's wisdom is comparable to that of a god. Huangtian pays off. After years of hard work, she finally collected rare fruits and made two slightly flawed potions of longevity.

However, the beauty of the queen at this time is not as good as before, and the person she likes has long since changed her mind under the temptation of her maid.

The ending of the story is not good. Although it is called the Fruit of Life of the Kingdom of God, it is telling the queen's love story.

Rey doesn't care about this story. His focus is on the three trees in the kingdom of God, life, wisdom, and spirit.

If this story is true, what Rey wants is the spiritual fruit, which should be the light power of heaven.

"Haha! I think too much."

Rey shook his head mockingly. Regardless of whether this story is true or not, even if it is true, there is no clue about entering the gate of the kingdom of God.

Also, the queen in the story got the fruit of wisdom under the guidance of the gods, and Rey didn't believe that it would cost nothing at all.

There are no good people in hell, and the gods in the kingdom of heaven should not be philanthropists either. How could such an important fruit be easily given to a human being?

These stories are really just myths in the wizarding world, and have no practical reference value at all.

Rey sighed, he wasn't going to look any further. There should be many more stories like this, and if you read too much, it will affect your mood.

If you think about something that doesn't exist in the first place, you will want to get it. At the same time, the desire will gradually become stronger.

Such books are only suitable for little wizards, and adults should read less. Once you get serious about one of these stories, there's no end to the investigation.


"Hey, are you reading this book?"

Just when Rey was about to put back the book, Helena came to Rey's side at some point.

"You know this book?" Rey asked, picking up the book in his hand and showing it.

Helena took the book from Rey and replied, "Well, I read this when I was five years old. Where did you see it?"

"I saw the third verse 'The Fruit of Life in the Kingdom of God'."

"Really? This section is my favorite story. At that time, I watched it many times."

Helena turned to the third verse of the story and began to savor it again, as if she was recalling the situation when she was reading this book as a child.

"The ending of this story is not perfect, how many times have you read it?" Children should like perfect fairy tales. There should be not many children who can read such fairy tales.

Hearing Rey's questioning voice, Helena looked up and smiled, "The perfect story is for children, and I'm not a child."


Helena's words were a bit high, and Rey couldn't be confident. In fact, I secretly replied, "Sister, you were only five years old when you were reading, okay?"

Although Rey didn't say what was in his heart, this voice already explained everything.

Helena rolled her eyes, raised her delicate chin, and said proudly: "I was able to communicate normally in language when I was one year old, and I started practicing basic magic when I was two years old. When I was three years old... ."

Such a child prodigy's experience is indeed worth showing off, especially in front of Rey.

Helena is eloquent. From the age of one to the age of thirteen this year, she has successfully practiced long-distance Apparition.

Rey had nothing to say, and the more he listened, the more embarrassed he became. Compared with Helena, he is a scum, and he is the kind of scum at the bottom.

"Why do you like this story?"

A five-year-old girl likes this kind of story without a perfect ending. No matter how she looks at it, Rey feels that she is an anomaly, so she is a little curious.

"Because this story is very close to reality!"

Helena replied simply and casually. But such a casual answer made Rey's mouth twitch: "How is this story close to reality? Does the kingdom of God exist? The fruit of life in it can make people immortal, don't you think this is just a story to deceive children ?"

Rey's rebuttal made Helena blink several, which also surprised her.

Because in her heart, Rey is a very mature person. After hearing such a rebuttal, Helena asked with a sour expression: "Do you read books so superficially? This story tells a what really happened."

"What really happened!!"

Hearing such an answer, Rey was shocked, and put his hands on Helena's shoulders, his expression was a little excited.

He never expected that Helena would actually say that this was what really happened. If this is the case, wouldn't you have found a clue to the power of light?

"Helena, please tell me more legends about this story?"

"Why are you so excited?" Helena asked in confusion.

However, the next second, she couldn't help giggling.

"I just found out now that you also have a naive side. I said the story was true, but I didn't say that the fruits in the story were also true."

Helena smiled happily, and Rey was very embarrassed to hear that, because he realized that he would be wrong.

Little Lolita doesn't care whether Rey is embarrassed or not. Rey who is so embarrassed is rare.

"Don't you think this story is very realistic? Although the queen is wise, she loses her beauty when she gets old. Her maids and those she likes betray her. Isn't there many such examples in the real world?"

Helena is not very old, but she can analyze it well, and she can also experience the reality from the story.

Rey was completely bewildered.

However, as a man, how can you admit defeat. So he immediately asked back: "You were only five years old at that time. Don't tell me these things, you understand them yourself."

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