The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 92: Damn fairy!

With no magic wand in hand, and no ability to call for divine guards, Rey was the weakest among the weak in the face of hundreds of dementors rushing over. At this moment, he wished he could melt into the stone gate.

Escape, there is no way to escape. No matter how unwilling it is, things will still happen.

A group of dementors rushed over, and even the temperature in the air dropped a lot. If there is water here, I believe it will freeze.

The soul was pulled, and the face was numb for a while, and the feeling of coldness suddenly hit my heart. Such a smoking process seems to suppress his breathing.

Every time a dementor passed Rey, it would stop for a while, and then **** at Rey once.

One Dementor once, ten is ten times.

Rey's spirit is getting worse and worse, and so many people have been in battle, no matter how strong his soul is, he can't support it at last. In less than a quarter of an hour, Rey looked at the dementors flying in the sky, and then waited to die.

Soul sucking is joyful, and Dementors want this joyful joy.

Roaring, screaming, pain, despair, etc., this series of negative emotions can be clearly conveyed to Rey every time the Dementor absorbs Rey's soul.

To put it simply, the dementor's soul-sucking is actually like an emotional exchange. It is nothing more than exchanging negative emotions for joy and happiness in the human soul.

These negative emotions are also human emotions, and they also carry incomplete memories.

If a Dementor is a human being, how much pain would this person have to go through to become what it is now.

Maybe people really changed! But what can be done?

Sooner or later, these piles of dementors will **** themselves into a mummified corpse. Then he has been lying here quietly, until one day historians dig up this **** and discover the existence of this nameless mummy.

Thinking about it, Rey's spirit began to be in a trance, but the external dementors became more active. It may be because the soul of the person in front of him is much stronger and more delicious than before, so they are more excited.

Countless negative emotions flooded Rey's brain, and his memory began to mess up, as if he had added a lot of memories that didn't belong to him.

These are very tragic memories of being a Muggle orphan at the age of five, and then being brought to the Holy See to become a member of the choir.

In order to ensure a pure childish voice, the choir of the Holy See performed brutal castration on boys when they reached the age of eleven.

Only in this way will their voices remain clean and pure without a trace of superfluous impurities until they reach adulthood.

However, things didn't end there. After a child like this is replaced, it is the real nightmare that greets them.

Real nightmares are painful, and it was only when Rey fell into such negative emotions that he deeply realized the true meaning of the word nightmare.

Too many dementors, too many negative emotions and experiences, were stuffed into Rey's head one after another.

Rey felt that his brain was about to explode, and he wished he could die now.

Death is also a relief, especially for Rey, who is immobile and struggling.


Dementors can't **** Rey's soul, at least not in a short period of time.

A fresh nutrient that was thrown in with difficulty, even the Holy See would not let him finish it all at once.

The soul can be gradually recovered. Although the process is very painful, it can indeed be recovered. Just like when a person is too tired, he will replenish his spirit through sleep, and the nutrient supply of the body will gradually restore the spirit, qi and spirit.

The same is true of Rey now. He was banned by some kind of magic from the Holy See. And this kind of magic is to consume Rey's body fat to achieve the purpose of restoring his soul and spirit.

This is the real reason why the mountains of corpses in this cave did not rot, but became mummified corpses.

The Dementor took another breath, leaving only a trace of Rey's breath. At this time, the magic in the body is forbidden to be turned on, which isolates the dementors from sucking.

There is no soul to eat, so the dementors naturally fly into the distance, they won't keep hovering at this door. After all, there may be people somewhere else who are not far from dying who could be given one more puff.

The Dementor left, and Rey was no longer affected by the negative emotions, and the whole person suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, even the breath that was originally a gossamer became thicker.

After an unknown amount of time, Ray finally opened his eyes.

Rey, who woke up at this time, felt that he was in the big bed of the modern age.

When he opened his eyes, it was dark, so he habitually groped for the switch of the bedroom light on the wall on the right.

However, there are no lights and no walls, only the cold stone surface can be touched.

The stone surface is not smooth, there are many small cracks on it, and the hand hurts when groping.

At this moment, Ray finally remembered that he was in the **** of the Holy See. And in this endless dark hell, there is a large group of dementors who are ready to **** their souls.

The unconscious person wakes up. To the Dementors, this is undoubtedly the chime of the meal.

One after another ghost's resentment came out, and the Dementors who couldn't wait swarmed up again.

Then... Rey fell into a weak sleep again.

Over and over again, Rey woke up again and again, and then fell into a coma again and again.

When he woke up for the fifth time, his mental state was excellent, and he felt that his soul was not damaged in the slightest. This may be the forbidden magic cast by the Holy See in the body, and it is automatically released.

Probably because, at this time, Rey has no body fat that can be converted into nutrients to nourish his soul.

Right now, he was as thin as a tree, and his body seemed to be wrapped in only a human skin. Even the lips were shrunk so badly that they could no longer cover the teeth.

Touching his body and his face, even if Rey didn't need to look in the mirror at all, he could still imagine how terrifyingly thin he was now.


After awakening, the fresh soul is the best temptation to attract dementors.

Rey woke up in a state of full energy this time, and was naturally more popular with these ghosts than ever.

With a hiss, the dementors scrambled to get ahead.

In the face of the large group of dementors rushing over, Rey was heartbroken and did not wait any longer.

With his back on the stone gate, he stood up with difficulty, then sneered at the group of ghosts in front of him, and then used all his strength to yell, "Fuck you!"

The voice is hoarse, but the volume is full. A swearing **** was shouted out by him as a lonely general.

The Dementor couldn't understand the words, let alone the meaning of the words. Even if they could understand, Rey was just a piece of food.

A food to be Who cares whether he is tragic or not.

The cold wind blew his face, and while Rey was tragic at the end, the delighted Dementor finally rushed in front of him.

However, just as they were about to enjoy this final feast, a burst of anger resounded throughout the cave.

"It's all for my mother to get out of the way!"

With the loud shout, a dark curtain suddenly appeared around Rey.

The black screen enveloped the whole body, and instantly expanded outwards and became bigger.

And wherever it passed, those dementors were like garbage driven by a broom, and were taken away involuntarily.

It happened so fast that Rey couldn't see it until the dementors were knocked away.

This so-called shady curtain is actually a black cloak that has grown larger.

The cloak instantly became bigger, and all the dementors that were rushing towards it slammed back.

The power of this collision, the great strength and the fast speed, caused these dementors to be severely deformed.

After getting the dementor, the black cloak shrank quickly after it got bigger, and then put it on a naked woman.

The woman has long legs and big breasts, with a charming smile. He went into battle in a vacuum, wearing only such a black cloak all over his body.

Her right leg is forward, her legs are closed and staggered. There are a lot of things that should be revealed, and nothing that should be revealed is invisible.

With such a seductive image, even Ray, who was so thin at this time, felt a burst of heat in his cold heart.

"What? It's been so long, you don't know me anymore?"

The woman's very seductive whine sounded, and it also contained a hint of teasing.

Rey came back to his senses instantly, lowered his head and resisted the urge to take a look again, and asked with heavy questions in his heart: "How could she suddenly appear here, this terrifying fairy!?"

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