The Day I Checked In In the City

Chapter 447: shout boss

Sister Wang's words made Li Xu frown a little. The relationship between the two was entirely because of his ex-girlfriend Xu Lili.

Now that he and Xu Lili have long since broken up and have lost contact, calling her Sister Wang is already quite nostalgic.

With such a large amount of deposits as Li Xu, which bank is not treated like the God of Wealth.

I don't owe her anything, so when will I return the funds, there is no need to go at her pace.

"President Wang, I'm sorry, as for the funds, I think I still have the right to control it." Li Xu said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Sister Wang broke out in a cold sweat. She subconsciously regarded Li Xu as Xu Lili's boyfriend, so she could speak more freely.

If this offends Li Xu, he will transfer all the money, and this year's business will be in vain.

Just when Sister Wang realized that she had said something wrong, Li Xu was also taken aback.

He is a little arrogant, the money in the bank card is not necessarily your money!

If I tell you it's gone, I'll never let you know.

No, it's inflated!

Calm down! modesty! Money is collective, I just spend a little in advance as an advanced element, and in the end it is still "you".

The mind must be calm.

"Mr. Li, that's not what I meant. Look, I'm in a hurry. I said the wrong thing. I mean if you have money back, we will have an event at the end of the month, and I want to invite you to participate." Sister Wang hurriedly looked for it. a reason.

"Sister Wang, you're welcome, that's fine, I'll hang up first." Li Xu said.

"Okay, you are busy first."

Li Xu hung up the phone and shook his head. The bank is a really powerful institution. They are definitely the first to know how much money they have.

It seems right to open more accounts.

Thinking of this, Li Xu decided to find several banks in Shangdu to apply for a bank card and divert the funds.

As he said, Li Xu immediately drove to a Chinese bank in the XH district of Shangcheng.

With the help of the lobby manager, an ordinary bank card was processed.

By the way, I opened a mobile bank.

"Sir, what is your online banking transfer limit?"

"How much is the maximum?" Li Xu asked.

"Can our ordinary transfer password and u shield transfer 1 million?"

"Such a small amount? Is there a larger amount?"

"How much do you need?" asked the lobby manager.

"More than 10 million." Li Xu said.

The lobby manager heard the words and said, "Then you need to go to the counter to handle it."

After speaking, he took Li Xu to the counter and re-applied for payment equipment such as SIM Shield and BOC E-Shield.

Increase the amount to 10 million.

The quota is not high, and it is not as autonomous as other commercial banks such as Minsheng Bank.

Just when Li Xu opened the card, in a branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Jeju, a teller said to the accounting supervisor with a happy face after checking the data: "The balance just increased by more than 20 million."

The accounting supervisor was stunned for a moment and said, "Which corporate account is the fund?"

"I need your authorization."

The accounting supervisor came to the teller's seat and pressed the fingerprint identification.

After a while, the teller said, "It's Mr. Li who Wang Xing asked to check before."

"Okay, I see."

After the accounting supervisor finished speaking, he left the business hall and went straight to the president's room on the second floor.

A few minutes later, I saw Sister Wang, who had called Li Xu before, and walked out of the office with a frown, and said to the accounting supervisor who was following behind: "I'm going out, you can buy some better boxes and let us go. The most expensive gold ornaments in the store are wrapped up, and I am useful."

"Okay, President Wang!"

After speaking, Sister Wang went straight out of the banking hall and drove her Audi A4 onto the road.

"Hey, Lili, am I off work?"

"President Wang? I'm still in class." Xu Lili, who was working in a business hall, received a call from Sister Wang with a puzzled look on her face.

They are no longer in the same sub-branch, and Sister Wang has also been promoted to the president. The gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, and they seldom meet.

I don't know what to call myself.

"What's the name of the banker? Our sisters said that these are common, but we haven't seen each other for a long time. I heard that there is a newly opened grilled fish restaurant in Wutong. Let's go and try it?" Sister Wang said warmly.

Xu Lili was a little stunned and at a loss as to what to do, so she could only say: "Then President Wang, I invite you!"

"I've made all the reservations. Come over after work, just the two of us." Sister Wang decided the invitation without a word.

When leading people, regardless of whether they are big or small, when they speak, they will have a "indisputable" momentum.

"Alright then! I guess I won't get off work until after five o'clock." Xu Lili said blankly.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Lili was even more confused.

Are you planning to transfer yourself to her branch?

Then you don't need to invite yourself to dinner!

With a stomach full of doubts, Xu Lili went out, called a Didi, and rushed to the grilled fish restaurant with green peppercorns in Wutong.

At this time, the weather is warm, neither cold nor hot. Arriving at the door, Xu Lili adjusted her mentality, and then pushed the door in.

I used to be able to laugh and laugh, but now that the other party is the president, I still need to adjust their mentality.

After entering the door and looking around, I saw Sister Wang in a simple spring dress sitting in an empty seat looking at her phone.

Xu Lili walked over and said, "Wang Xing."

When Sister Wang heard this, she raised her head and saw that it was Xu Lili, she smiled and said, "Sit down, just call Sister Wang outside."

Xu Lili responded and put the handbag aside.

Sister Wang asked, "Is it spicy?"

Xu Lili nodded.

Sister Wang greeted the waiter and ordered dishes.

After ordering, Sister Wang casually chatted with Xu Lili about the past, just like a good best friend having a party after work.

After more than 20 minutes, Xu Lili had just eaten a piece of grilled fish when she heard Sister Wang ask, "Are you still in touch with Li Xu?"

Xu Lili was taken aback, this familiar and unfamiliar name had not been mentioned for a long time.

"No more!" Xu Lili shook her head, her tone a bit bleak.

She still remembered the scene when they met for the last time, when Li Xu and his new girlfriend stood quietly in front of them.

"It was good in the beginning, why did you break up. Are you still single now?"

Xu Lili smiled bitterly and shook her head, but did not speak.

"It's not like being a big sister. Li Xu looks like the kind of person who is nostalgic. He was so kind to you at that time, and he must have you in his heart."

Sister Wang paused, and Li Xu said, "Take the time to contact me. If you can't be a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can be an ordinary friend!"

Xu Lili smiled miserably and said, "He already has a girlfriend, and she looks good."

With the last words, she felt like she was reopening her scars.

Recalling that Li Xu was kind to himself in the past, saying a word that is popular now, licking a dog, is no problem at all.

But where are you?

But he left him because of his reluctance to make progress.

What's the use of thinking about it now?

Xu Lili let out a sigh of relief and smothered these chaotic thoughts one by one.

"Has a girlfriend? That's a pity. You should cherish it. He is doing a lot of business now." Sister Wang bit the word "big" very hard.

"It's very big?" Xu Lili smiled, a little bitter, and it has nothing to do with her wool.


Xu Lili felt a little stuck in her heart.

Half an hour later, when the two finished their meal, Xu Lili refused Sister Wang's **** and took a taxi back to the rental house by herself.

She has broken up with her boyfriend Dong Yanbin, and many of them are responsible for Li Xu's incident.

Looking at the empty room, Xu Lili couldn't help but feel aggrieved with tears in her eyes.

After about ten minutes, she looked at the bright moon outside the window, took a long breath, and made a call that she hadn't made in more than a year.

The phone rang for a long time, and just when she thought that the other party would not answer, a voice came from the microphone in her hand: "Hello?"

"Hey... Li Xu..." Xu Lili picked up the phone and started crying after saying a few words.

Li Xu on the other end of the phone was watching the doctors demonstrate the performance of the test product in the laboratory. After receiving the call, he walked out of the laboratory and came to the corridor outside.

Hearing the cry on the other side, Li Xu frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Li Xu, I miss you!"

Worthy! Li Xu only felt an indescribable emotion flooding into his heart.

Big sister, you already have a boyfriend, do you think I will still treat you as my first love?

You're ranting about the wrong person.

"Stop! We don't have such a deep friendship now. I have a girlfriend. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first." Li Xu said indifferently.

"Li Xu, I was wrong, you can't give me another chance, I have broken up with Dong Yanbin..."

"Stop, if you have nothing else to do, I'll hang up. I'm very busy here." Li Xu said again.

"Li Xu, I, listen to me..."

Before the voice fell, there was a busy tone on the phone.

Xu Lili slumped to the ground, knowing that she really had no chance at all.

The words of Sister Wang lingered in my ears: "His business is doing a lot!" It's been a long time!

In Shangdu, in the laboratory of the School of Electronic and Information Engineering on the campus of Tongji University, Li Xu shook his head and said, "What's wrong?"

His character is nostalgic, but it also depends on the situation.

You Xu Lili already have a girlfriend, how come you still have the face to look back at me?

Of course, if she was really bullied, in the face of her first love, she would definitely help if she could. After all, after getting along for so many years, it was not for her, but also for her wasted youth.

But that's just a special case.

In a normal state, it is best to be strangers and not to contact.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly threw this matter to the Java country. Now that there are so many girlfriends, how can he miss your ex-girlfriend!

piss off!

After entering the laboratory, the three doctors continued to start the experimental equipment and conduct the final experimental data detection.

With the voltage loading of the starting circuit, the specially designed scanning probe starts to scan the object under the driving of the computer's internal mold lake algorithm.

At the same time, the computer screen also began to record a series of digital data, and compared and analyzed.

With the rapid scrolling and switching of screen data, the linear chart below the computer is also rapidly improving.

Li Xu looked at the graph with almost zero error, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Good job!"

"It's mainly because your algorithm is awesome, boss!" a doctor laughed.

Hey, can talk.

The level of these three people is not bad at all, especially their hands-on ability.

Li Xu couldn't help but be moved.

He said, "You might as well join my R&D team. If nothing else, the research funds and benefits are absolutely given. The working atmosphere is a work environment. You have worked with me, so you should be aware of it."

The three doctors looked at each other, and they were all moved.

It's not that their level is not good, but that domestic doctors are also very introverted.

They saw that Li Xu is also engaged in scientific research. With such a leader, at least the way will not be wrong.

One of the doctors asked, "Mr. Li, which part of your company's business is mainly engaged in? We may not be able to help if we go there?"

"At present, it mainly focuses on medicine, purification equipment, environmental protection materials, cosmetics, etc. In the future, with the introduction of talents, projects will be gradually increased."

"Thank you boss for your appreciation, we will consider it." The three of them looked at each other and said with a smile.

Li Xu also just tried it out. If he can win, he can win, and if he can't win, he should be an invitation in advance.

Early the next morning Li Xu came to Xu Jiansheng's office with the data and told him about the success of the experiment.

Xu Jiansheng shook his head and said with a smile, "Why are you so tossing? That company you run?"

Li Xu scratched his hair, hehe smiled and said, "I have shares."


As a professor, Lao Tzu has been reduced to the point of working for students.

It turned out that the company that applied for this project was not another company. It was Li Xu who had worked in the past and later became a shareholder of East Metroway.

This is why Li Xuneng persuaded the company to change the infrared scanning to laser scanning.

"Hurry up, I'm too lazy to see you!" Xu Jiansheng waved his hand angrily, making Li Xu quickly disappear from his eyes.

Li Xu smiled slightly, then exited the door. Before leaving, he said, "Don't forget to call me boss during the celebration!"

"Fuck off!"

Xu Jiansheng picked up the stack of papers on the table and was about to fight.

Li Xu hurriedly closed the door with a smile.

The equipment has been successfully designed and the algorithm has been developed, and the rest is the research of the neural network system.

This job is not difficult, and the requirements of East Maitway are not so high, as long as you have a simple learning ability.

In this case, Li Xu only needs to redesign according to the existing theory and the requirements of the enterprise, and it can basically be used.

However, it is not too much to strive for perfection. Li Xu decided to take time to go to the artificial intelligence research team to gather wool.

The scientific research was 80% successful. Li Xu was in a very good mood. In order to reward himself for his "hard work" during this period, he decided to take a few days off, go to the United States, and enjoy the pleasure of a pair of long legs!

By the way, I also went to the capital to see the progress of the film about the laborers going to the United States.

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