There is a saying in the art of war that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle. The bad guys are in the dark, I'm in the light. It's obviously a very bad situation for us.

Xier fully agrees with my action plan.

She looked at me and said, "Yang Yang, you still have a clear mind. I feel a little flustered when I meet a big event."

You are a woman after all! Some people say that women's body structure can't be more perfect, but we can't expect them to be as perfect mentally!

But I didn't say that. I just laughed silently.

What do you smile at me and say

I raised my hand to touch my nose and said with a smile: "my facial muscle cramps"

Xi'er Bai looked at me and said: "as long as it's not facial paralysis! Hum

When do you even flirt with me!

I looked at her with a smile and said, "Xi'er, you should go to supervise the war now!"

Xi'er stood up, looked at me and said, "I have to go to the gold coast at once!"

I said with a smile, "OK! Miss Lin is on the front line. She is very influential! It is uncertain that the enemy will retreat without fighting! "

"Will you go with me?" Xi'er looked at me and said, imploring.

I said, "me? Is it necessary for me to go? "

Xi'er looked at me eagerly and said, "I'm afraid I can't handle it, Yang Yang. To be honest, I also participated in the affairs of Pengcheng real estate for the first time. You go with me! How about that? "

My heart softened.

I suddenly stood up, looked at Xi'er and said, "OK! I'll accompany you to the front line! "

"Thank you, Yang Yang!" Xi'er said with a smile.

As we walked out of the office, Xi'er called Zhu Yiqun, deputy director and general manager of Pengcheng real estate, and conducted the remote control.

According to my plan of action, Xi'er asked Zhu Yiqun to stop those media reporters outside the sales hall of the gold coast. If they have entered the sales hall, they will confiscate their shooting equipment. If necessary, they can take compulsory measures!

At the same time, try to win over the owners who take the lead in making trouble, and check all the problems existing in the housing decoration of the contractor!

After the call, we have come to the parking lot on the first floor of Mediterranean commercial building.

We went to our own car door, Xi'er opened the door of the white BMW, looked at me and said, "Yang Yang, I heard that those media reporters are not easy to provoke."

I also turned to look at her and said, "it's not us that annoy them, it's them that annoy us!"

Xi'er looked at me with her lips and said with a smile, "Well! That makes sense! "

Two cars followed out of the underground parking lot and drove towards the Gold Coast

Before I got to the sales hall of the gold coast, I felt that there was a lot of people there!

Our car stopped outside the sales hall. Suddenly, I got an idea. I grabbed my mobile phone and dialed Xi'er.

"What's the matter? Yang Yang. " Xier said on the other end of the mobile phone

at the same time, I saw her push the door open and come towards me.

I said, "don't come here! Listen to me first

"What's the matter?" Xi'er said that she stood beside the white BMW and looked at me in amazement.

Still in the car, I said, "we pretend we don't know each other. You go to meet Zhu Yiqun and urge us to find out what we need to know as soon as possible! "

"And you?" Said Xi'er.

"I said:" I go to spy under the intelligence

"Spying?" Said Xi'er.

I said with a smile, "how can I get a tiger without entering the tiger's den? If I sneak into the other party's camp, maybe I'll make a big discovery! "

"Must it be so?" Xi'er said on the other end of the phone.

I said, "just pretend you don't know me. And I pretend to be one of the rights owners. If I break into them, I should be able to get some information! "

"Be careful! Yang Yang. " Said Xi'er.

I said with a smile, "don't worry. I'm just looking for some excitement! "

"How can I get in touch later?" Said Xi'er.

I said with a smile, "are you stupid? Girl! What is a mobile phone for? "

"Oh. When I'm nervous, I'm easily confused. " Xi'er said with a smile.

I said with a smile: "so you are also a confused little girl! I'll see you later! Girl

"Well. see you later. Be careful Said Xi'er.

When Xi'er walked into the sales hall, I pushed the door open and went out. Facing the direction of the sales hall, I took two puffs of cigarettes. Then I threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it out with my heel!

I straightened the collar of my jacket and walked quickly towards the sales hall

Before I got to the door of the sales hall, I was engulfed by the clamorous tide.

I muttered in my heart: "the world is always so noisy!"

There are a lot of owners who are defending their rights. They have packed the sales hall, and some of them are still sitting on the tile floor of the sales hall? sit quietly?There are also many people holding banners, which read "unscrupulous developers, return my hard-earned money", "Pengcheng real estate, eat people without spitting bones" and other rights slogans.

I pushed inside and accidentally kicked someone else!

"You don't have eyes!"

The middle-aged man I kicked looked up at me.

I don't have eyes on my feet, so long eyes are corns!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Are you sitting in silence I bowed to the middle-aged man with a smile.

The middle-aged man moved his butt on the ground, looked up at me and said, "what? Why not? "

I said with a smile: "it's better not to sit still! The ground is cool, easy to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis! It's the turn of autumn and winter. It's not time to turn on the air conditioner

The middle-aged man glanced at me and said, "you monk Tang! It's none of your business for us to sit still! "

I said with a smile, "it's none of my business! I'm a victim, too! "

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, looked me up and down, then stared at me and said, "you too?"

Am I like someone who can't afford a house?

I nodded and said, "yes! Me too. All evil open merchants

"I've been making trouble for two days. Why haven't I seen you?" The middle-aged man looked at me carefully.

I said with a smile, "I went on a business trip. It's just getting off the plane, and it's coming all the time! "

The middle-aged man said, "which district of the house did you buy?"

I said, "district three."

As soon as I heard that I bought it in the third district, the middle-aged man's mood was aroused!

He suddenly stood up from the ground, hit me on the chest, and said in a loud voice, "Damn it! Laozi is also from the third district! The developers of these dog days are more Huang Shiren than Huang Shiren! It's like eating people without spitting bones! Not only the decoration quality problems, but also the sewer leakage! What we bought is a house for people, not a water curtain cave in Huaguo Mountain where the monkey lives! "

"Brother! You are absolutely right I looked at him and said indignantly, "developers of all evils! Is it easy for us common people to earn some money? Hard working hard to save some hard-earned money, ready to buy a house to ask for a wife, now the society is so realistic, which girl is willing to live in Shuiliandong with our men! The unscrupulous real estate agent

The middle-aged man glared at me and said: "so, the developer must give me an explanation! It's not a quality problem, it's a fraud! It's a fuckin 'scam! If the developers can not come up with a reasonable solution! We come here to make trouble and sit in every day! Let the media repeatedly exposed, I see how those dog developers still sell houses! "

I touched my nose and said with a smile, "yes! sit quietly! Exposure! What a fuss! We pledge to be the Communist Party of peace! We're going to get through the bottom of the prison! "

I tried my best to win the middle-aged man's absolute trust.

I said, "can you give me a seat to sit down?"

"Sit down!" The middle-aged man gave me a place the size of two palms.

I don't feel dirty, so I patted my ass and sat down.

I took out the Marlboro and handed him one.

"Come on! Have one! Relieve fatigue I said with a smile, holding one myself.

The middle-aged man set me on fire.

We are smoking and chatting, which makes the sales hall like a smoking area in the waiting hall of the railway station. It's very smoky!

The middle-aged man said that he was a local in Binhai city. He was in his thirties and had not yet got a wife. It was because there was no house and no girl would marry him!

He opened a milk tea shop, opened seven or eight years, business is good, earned some money, and finally can settle down in high-end residential areas. Even though I can only afford the down payment, even though the house is small. But now I find that there are so many quality problems in the house!

I said in my heart: "you must have no mirror at home! No girl is willing to marry you, not all because you don't have a house, you first smile in the mirror to practice beautiful, OK? It's a small face! "

Xi'er is making a speech at the front to appease the leading owners.

She was followed by five or six men and women in suits, all of whom must be the senior management of Pengcheng real estate, and four or five security guards were on the periphery.

Standing on Xi'er's left side, the 40 year old man in a suit, shoes and gold glasses must be Zhu Yiqun, vice chairman and general manager of Pengcheng real estate?

She was looking at me when I turned to look at her.

Xi'er's lip angle slightly pulled for a while, I guess she is to want to smile, but that smile only showed a little trace, was forced to restrain by her.

Look at me sitting on the floor smoking like a fool, and pulling my voice with a bunch of old men. Can Xi'er not laugh? How could she ever see me like this?

She straightened her face and continued to reason with the owners, mainly to appease them.

The middle-aged man turned and glanced at Xi'er, looked back at me and said, "is this girl really Lin Xiaotian's girl?"

I said, "it should be. Just look at her temperament. "The middle-aged man said: "to tell you the truth, Lin Xiaotian's girl is really good-looking! Like a movie star

"Hehe, isn't it?" I said with a smile, "not bad. On your terms, you can find something more beautiful than her! "

The middle-aged man seemed to be very helpful to me. He reached out and patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile, "there are many women around me now, but their temperament is worse!"

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