"He's just a wolf hiding under sheep's clothing!" Mika was angry

Then no matter what the two asked, Mika didn't answer, she picked up a big rabbit on the sofa Xinling, she also had one, originally wanted one for four women, but Yifei didn't, and then only bought three

Sitting next to Tang Hao, hammering the big rabbit, he was stunned and scolded Artest.

Zhan Bo and Tang Hao glanced at each other, then picked up the gamepad and started fighting.

Text Chapter [-] UFO!

The two of them had finished playing several mini-games, and Mika was still scolding Artest in a low voice.

Tired of playing games, Tang Hao went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of cocktail and handed it to the two of them. The two took it.

Zhan Bo saw that Mei Jia could already hear people talking, took a sip of wine and asked Mei Jia, "Mei Jia, what's going on? You've been mumbling and scolding Artest for more than ten minutes here, why do you hate him so much? Give me a reason first?"

Mika pouted, "I don't believe him! I have a gut feeling!"

"Intuition is not a reason!"

"Yes! There must be a reason! Otherwise, how would I feel?" Mika shouted

"Oh, it's good! Say it slowly! When did you first have this kind of intuition?" Zhan Bo followed Mika

"It's not the first intuition! It's the first reason!" Mika earnestly

"Good intuition! Reason! Is there any difference?" Zhan Bo didn't understand

Mika burst out, "I just said there is no difference! You must say there is a difference! Who said it just now! Intuition is not the reason!"

Zhan Bo glanced at Tang Hao speechlessly, and Tang Hao signaled his incompetence with his eyes while drinking. .

"I surrender! Stop messing around with me! Tell me! You hate Artest so much, what evidence do you have?" Zhan Bo tried to get Mika to follow his own train of thought

"Of course there is! I...I don't like what he said!" Mika found a reason

"What did he say?" Zhan Bo thought for a while, Artest didn't seem to say anything rude. . .

"He said... I'm very! It's an honor! To meet you!" Mika posed to imitate Artest's tone

Zhan Bomeng "[-]" "so?"

Mika spread her hands, "This is the evidence!"

Zhan Bo murmured, "I am very honored to know you...? Do you want him to say that I know you even when I turn to ashes?!"

Mika was speechless and patted the big rabbit hard, "Don't you understand?!"

Zhan Bo also put down the wine bottle and patted the table, "Should I understand?"

"When he said very honored, it was obviously not an ordinary very!" Mika tried to explain "there is one kind of very! There is another kind of very! And his very! It seemed very very very...very! "

Tang Hao on the side was also stunned.

Zhanbo was about to collapse, and after brewing for a while, Mika looked at him expectantly

"What the hell are you going to say?"

"Especially when a person speaks with three accents in a row!" Mika finally got to the point

"Three accents? Very? It's an honor? It's none of your business to use accents! Besides, there are only two accents" Zhan Bo didn't find the third accent.

"Oh, I'm going to show you, you'll play me, I'll play Artest!" Mika was ready to get started

"I play you?"

"That's right!"

"Okay!" Zhan Bo agreed and let Hou start walking in a mentally ill posture.

"Pfft" Tang Hao accidentally laughed

When Mika heard Tang Hao's uncontrollable laughter, her face instantly turned red like a tomato, "Lu Zhanbo!!!!!!!!!"

When Zhan Bo saw that Mika was really angry, she straightened up immediately.

"Give me your hand!" Mika stretched out her hand angrily

Zhan Bo obediently stretched out, and Mika pinched it, "Very! It's an honor! To meet you!"

"Wait! Why did you pinch me when you said it was very important?" Mika deliberately squeezed a little harder.

"See, this is the third accent!" Mika said where the third accent was

"What does this mean?" Zhan Bo still doesn't understand

"Don't you understand? That's a question signal!"

"Question signal?"

"A special term on the rivers and lakes! It's actually trying to say" Mei Jia walked up to Tang Hao and touched Tang Hao's chin frivolously, "Are you free tonight, baby?"

Tang Hao was stunned, is this being teased?This must have been teased, right? . . .

"What a mess?" Zhan Bo was speechless, why did you go to Hao specifically, can't I?Really. . .

"The person who can send this kind of signal is definitely not a fuel-efficient light bulb!" Mika concluded

"Please... I think there is something wrong with your light bulb!"

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