"Charity Gala? Really?"

Zhang Wei looked at Yifei's suffering and said, "Ah????" He was pinched by Yoyo on the side, "Ah! That's right, I did it!"

"You are too caring. I just have a few bags left to give away. When is the party?"

"Wait until I gather so many celebrities...maybe...it will be next week..." Zhang Wei did the math

"Okay, then wait until I get back from my trip!"

Yifei was anxious, "Don't, don't listen to his nonsense, what next week, the party will be tomorrow night!"

"What?" Yoyo pinched him again, "Ah!!!! Yes, tomorrow night!"

"It's right here" Yoyo reminded

"Okay, then I'll travel another day, remember to leave an invitation for me, bye!"

Zhang Wei collapsed, "You kill me with one sword!"

"Don't worry, isn't there still Ah Hao's? Ah Hao continues." Yifei gestured

"In this way, all the expenses for the charity gala will be paid by me, or in Zhang Wei's name. As for celebrities...Yuyou?" Tang Hao looked at Youyou

"Leave it to me, little case" Youyou raised her head proudly.

Text Chapter [-] Charity Party

The guys have had a busy day and finally got everything ready before the party starts

Yoyo also has a special name

Diamond Night

Everyone went back to fill their stomachs a little, and when they came back here, the bar was already bustling.

Zi Qiao has already finished eating one step earlier, so come here~ to look for prey that you can see

A few people walked into the arena in formal clothes. Zhang Wei walked all the way and sighed, "How did you manage to find so many celebrities in one day?"

"Dinggou, for one hundred yuan alone, I'm afraid I can't find extras?" Youyou is proud

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, and sure enough, this is the same routine.

"Extras?" Zhang Wei's eyes widened

"Don't worry, they are all professionals, it's not difficult to be a celebrity!" Youyou believes in her own vision

"That's also professional?" Everyone followed Guan Gu's line of sight. Two people dressed in soldiers' clothes from the Qing Dynasty, one was a human and the other was a zombie, were drinking together.

Tang Hao covered his forehead, hey, he was expecting Yoyo to give him a surprise. If he knew she was still using this trick, he asked her to find more expensive and professional ones. Some actors came without changing their clothes. just can't see

Yunyou was choked, "I'm sorry, I'm rushing to the field, it's too late to change clothes!"

Yifei managed to find Teacher Zeng in the crowd, but the visibility was too low, "Zeng Xiaoxian, is Yu Mo here?"

Teacher Zeng raised his head and motioned, "There, she was the first to arrive, distributing cosmetics!"

Yu Mo carried a pocket, and when he saw someone, he handed him a small box, and he explained it by the way.

"It seems that the problem is still unsolved!" Yifei really couldn't think of a good solution.

Seeing that the friends finally came in, Zi Qiao complained, "Is the egg fried rice made by Yi Fei so delicious?"

The little friends are also very helpless. Yifei and Xinling have been cooking together for so long, and they haven’t learned the essence at all, and they keep adding other things to the egg fried rice.

And when I was scooping up the rice, I scooped a lot, and they all ate it. Who, like Zi Qiao, thought about the party girl, and pulled out another half bowl of the egg fried rice that Yifei brought him, thinking about it. While attending the party, I didn't notice Yifei's unkind look. .

"I'm sorry, I want to ask, what does this party have to do with Yu Mo's emotional recovery?"

Yifei glared at him first, Zi Qiao was a little puzzled, "To be exact, it doesn't matter much, but there is a gathering that attracts her, at least she won't run around the world, we have to find a new focus for her today. , and then completely forget the unhappy things!"

Zi Qiao had a bold idea, "It's not easy to forget the unhappy things, we just need to play a very exciting game with her, known as the king of the party, Ludo!"

"No flying chess!!!"

Several people wandered aimlessly with wine glasses, and from time to time they saw extras walking by wearing various clothes

The dean came over, "Zhang Wei!"

"Dean" Zhang Wei hurriedly shook the head of the resident's hand

"Thank you so much, I didn't expect you to finish the charity party so quickly!"

Zhang Wei glanced at Tang Hao, scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Yes, yes, this is the director of our welfare home" and introduced them

greeted each other

Chapter 1 Charity Party-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

greeted each other

"The children will be very grateful to you when they receive the donation!"

"Donate???" Zhang Wei froze

"Yes! As usual, I want to say a few words before the fundraising ceremony!" After speaking, he walked to the party center without giving Zhang Wei a chance to ask questions.

Zhang Wei was so anxious that Tang Hao patted his shoulder, "Calm down! Calm down!"

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