"Okay! I've figured out this plug-in! Next, I'll definitely abuse them!" Zhanbo is full of confidence

The four return

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The next few people no longer study the problem of cutting knives, and start to go out directly

"What's the battle plan this time? Or... let Ah Hao order a bomb and send them directly to the sky?"

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, "Will people stand together and wait for you to blow up?"

"It's okay! I'll take you to fly this time!" Zhan Bo pulled the gun bolt and walked out alone.

The three of them hid beside the strong onlookers

I saw Zhan Bo walked to the area where the police often appeared, and stopped with his gun in his hand.

When an enemy comes out, he turns around and shoots his head in seconds.

After three shots were fired. . . .


The three hiding aside were stunned, "This plug-in is too brutal!"

In the next few games, Zhanbo showed great power, whether it was a pistol, rifle, machine gun or sniper rifle, as soon as he got his hands, he shot one by one.

A loud "Terroristswin!" sounded

Zhanbo is playing there alone

The three of them were bored around a box and held cards. They were tired of fighting landlords. Now they play with less effort and worry, that is, they each play a card. Take the cards away, and whoever runs out of cards loses. . . .


As soon as Xinling walked in, she saw Teacher Zeng holding a bottle of cocktail, her face was tangled, Yunyou didn't know what to say next to her.

"Hi Yoyo, Teacher Zeng"

"Xinling." Youyou greeted

Xin Ling looked at Teacher Zeng curiously, "What's wrong with Teacher Zeng? His face doesn't seem very good."

Yunyou smirked, "He, the duck he got flew away, he's depressed!"

Chapter 1 Headshot-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Yunyou smirked, "He, the duck he got flew away, he's depressed!"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Mr Zeng gritted his teeth and let out a low growl

"What is he saying?"

"He said...I don't know..." Youyou spread her hands

Teacher Zeng's eyes were straight, "I'm going to bloody the sports channel!"

"Why? Hey, Mr. Zeng, didn't you go to receive a new colleague from the radio station today? How is it, isn't she a beautiful woman?" The three words Mr. Zeng said today made Xinling very curious.

Teacher Zeng said the words "there are no beauties" on the radio with such certainty, but Xinling felt that Lisa was okay. . . .Could it be that what Teacher Zeng said did not include the management? . . .

Yoyo patted Teacher Zeng on the shoulder, "Hey! It's because of this incident that Teacher Zeng thought the woman who came here must be ugly, so he was in a hurry to get away to participate in the CS competition, so he called Peter Zhu from their radio sports channel, and then It's a big beauty! And she was cut off by that sports channel! No! It's so depressing!"

"Oh..." Xin Ling understood why Teacher Zeng wanted to bloody the sports channel. . . .

"Is that the one who just walked over and wore a white suit?" Just now Xinling saw him walking out of Teacher Zeng's place.

"Mr. Zeng, didn't you wear formal clothes when you went to the appointment?" Xin Ling looked at Teacher Zeng's clothes.

"Yeah! That's what he wore!" Youyou was also helpless, "I also advised Mr. Zeng to dress decently! But Mr. Zeng won't listen."


"He thinks that the people who come here must be ugly! And he said that he has to play CS, and if he wears formal clothes, it will affect his performance! Isn't it right?"

"Puchi" Xin Ling covered her mouth and smiled, "Mr. Zeng, is there any difference between playing cs and clothes?"

"Of course there is a difference!" Teacher Zeng stared, "The clothes are too tight and affect the feel! It's easy to miss!"

"Really, Mr. Zeng! But I heard Hao say... You seem to have a negative record when you play CS!"

Teacher Zeng's eyes were flustered, "What! 3.9 Ah Hao is talking nonsense! He is slandering! Spreading rumors!"

The two women looked at him suspiciously

"What kind of eyes do you guys look at! Wait! I'm going to the competition now! I'll definitely get a good result this time! It's definitely positive! And it's definitely better than your husband!"

Xinling stuck out his tongue, "Cut! Who wouldn't talk big! I don't believe it!"

"I can definitely do it!!!" Teacher Zeng seemed to have a raging fire in his eyes, as if he had seen the battlefield where bullets were flying. . . . . . .

The [-]th chapter of the text will really explode

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"I didn't expect that I would be able to advance to the semi-finals like this!" Guan Gu is in a very complicated mood now, and this journey has been bumpy and bumpy (err, without Zhanbo, he played the abusive games)

Win the Thrilling

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