Zhang Tong was woken up by the sound of me being slag and ashes, and he had a feeling of [who am I, where am I, who am I going to cut] after being woken up just now. Zhang Tong even touched his waist subconsciously , but did not touch the familiar thing.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Tong woke up from his lethargy. Yes, he had already returned to Earth. He didn't need to worry about beating and killing.

I have to say that the learning materials produced by Radio and Television are extremely boring. And how useful is this kind of compulsory learning? Zhang Tong really doesn't know, it's better to broadcast the news network one episode at a time. Brush up on political achievements It has become so.

Zhang Tong squinted his eyes and looked towards the direction of the sound. A white, tender and slightly chubby little boy was sitting not far away. He was looking at him with a tiger's head and a tiger's head, and there was a laptop in front of him (this Zhang Tong still knows), the voice came from the laptop.

The little boy Zhang Tong knew. He was Niu Xiaoli, the only son of Sister Niu. After Sister Niu’s surname, his name was Niu Ben. But Zhang Tong preferred to call him [Little Fat Ding]. This twelve-year-old child fits the nickname very well. Number.

"Little Pang Ding, what are you doing? Disturbing my sleep." Zhang Tong asked in the direction of Pang Ding.

"Hmph, don't study hard, sleep in class. In my school, you will be punished by the teacher!" Xiao Pang Ding replied to Zhang Tong. Xiao Pang Ding is the child of Sister Niu. Come to the street office at night to study the spirit conveyed above for a period of time, and make your own contribution to building a harmonious society and becoming a harmonious returnee.

So he and Xiao Pang Ding have known each other. But before Xiao Pang Ding came here at night and waited for Niu Xiaoli to get off work, he did his homework, but today he brought a laptop.

Zhang Tong stood up curiously and went to Xiaopang Ding to look at the thin and light netbook he was using. Although he did not recognize the brand, Zhang Tong felt that this notebook should not be cheap.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so thin. The configuration is 586." Just after Zhang Tong finished speaking, Xiaopang Ding rolled his eyes.

Little Pang Ding said disdainfully to Zhang Tong: "Old man, 586 happened many years ago. Uncle Zhang, you can just talk about it here. Don't talk nonsense when you go out, otherwise others will despise you."

Uh? It’s as if you don’t despise me now. Zhang Tong saw that little fat man rolled his eyes, but he cared more about what little fat man called him later. So Zhang Tong corrected it: “Call me Brother. I'm only 28."

Little Pang Ding looked at Zhang Tong for a while, then spread his hands and said: "I saw your ID card, and you are thirty-five based on the date of birth."

Zhang Tong emphasized: "I am actually twenty-eight."

Xiao Pang Ding emphasized: "But according to the law, you are thirty-five. Don't pretend to be young. In fact, there are still many girls who like to accuse uncles. Maybe you will be very popular."

Hey! This brat! Zhang Tong felt that he was almost hurt internally. Are all 12-year-olds so smart now?

Zhang Tong couldn't help but said to Xiaopang Ding: "You are so fat now, and you are so sharp-tongued, I'm afraid you won't be able to get a girlfriend in the future."

Little Pang Ding said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm only twelve years old and I'm not in a hurry to fall in love. And I'm a man who relies on talent to attract girls."

Pfft~ Zhang Tong has a feeling of wanting to vomit blood. Are all kids so thick-skinned now? Forget it, you shouldn’t be angry with the little kid. But Zhang Tong is very interested in the netbook in the little fat boy’s hand .

He leaned over to Little Pang Ding and asked, "How much is this computer? It's quite expensive, isn't it worth tens of thousands of dollars? I can't tell that Sister Niu is very rich." In the 1990s, there were no laptops below one Wan's.

Now that prices are soaring, Zhang Tong thinks it is normal to think that a laptop computer costs tens of thousands of yuan.

And his normal thinking once again aroused the contempt of Xiaopangding: "Uncle Zhang, 3C products are very cheap now. This kind of domestic netbook can't play games, it only costs more than 1,000 yuan."

Um, is it so cheap? Zhang Tong asked Xiaopang Ding again: "So how much is the mobile phone now? Smartphone." Zhang Tong emphasized that it was a smart phone instead of an old-fashioned mobile phone sold at a farmer's market stall.

"It ranges from a few hundred yuan to a few thousand yuan." Xiao Pangding said while typing on his laptop. He clicked on a webpage and a pop-up window popped up.

"I'm Gu Tianluo, I'm in..."

Little Pang Ding directly dropped the X in the upper right corner, and complained: "Mentally retarded advertisements, my IQ will drop if I watch too many advertisements."

And Zhang Tong stood aside and asked thoughtfully: "Who is that man who just popped out of the window?"

"Louis Koo, don't you know him? You should know him. Wasn't he very popular in the 1990s?" Xiao Pangding turned off the advertisement and continued typing on the computer while answering Zhang Tong's question.

"I know him, his Condor Heroes made him and Li Ruotong popular all over the country. But isn't Gu Tianle a handsome young man for nothing? Who is the black man who just appeared?" This is what Zhang Tong finds most incredible.

Little Pang Ding: "What you said was in the past. Now Gu Tianle has been blackened by the sun and turned into a black man. You will get used to it in the future."

Well, the world is changing too fast. Even Gu Tianle has become a black man. Is there anything constant in this world? Zhang Tong thinks that learning documentaries made by radio and television are useless.

And the progress is too slow. When they teach what I need, I think I almost understand it. Zhang Tong has deeply felt in the past few days that the world has changed too fast in the lost seventeen years. I can't keep up. It's time.

When he was thinking like this, he glanced at the screen of Little Pang Ding.

"What are you writing?" Zhang Tong vaguely felt that what Little Pang Ding wrote was related to him.

Xiao Pang Ding didn’t hide: “Oh, I’m writing about the miserable life of a middle-aged returnee in the modern world. I don’t know what Meituan is, I don’t know smartphones, I don’t know what APP is. In this incompatible era How is it difficult to survive here, and what should a small shop that only recognizes cash and banknotes do in a cashless city.”

"\u003cHomecoming Observation Diary\u003e is a medium-length novel that I recently serialized in the school forum, and it is being serialized. The Chinese teacher is already a fan of my book, and now my diary and weekly homework are exempted."

Damn! Your mapping is a bit too obvious! Zhang Tong feels that he was deeply hurt by this brat today.

But what Little Pang Ding said has some truth. For the business tonight, people always ask [WeChat, Alipay]. I don’t understand what they are talking about at all.

If you follow the above teaching procedure step by step, when you are taught these things, maybe your small shop will be yellow.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tong felt that he still had to rely on himself. He made it to Xiaopangding's side and said, "Little Pangding will discuss something with you. Do me a favor."

Little Pang Ding: "Say, I will help if I can. I am a warm-hearted man."

Zhang Tong smiled: "Come to be my teacher recently."

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