After Tian Yi cried and vented his feelings, he became much more normal. He can also start to cooperate with Jiang Hua's investigation.

But the follow-up investigation has nothing to do with drinking Zhang Tong, he is just a small restaurant owner. Let Jiang Hua deal with these matters.

I am not a professional in solving crimes, unless the murderer directly hits my hand, otherwise I really don't know how to track down who is the real murderer in the case of Tian Yi's parents being killed.

I believe that Jiang Hua will work hard to investigate this case, and Zhang Tong also hopes that Jiang Hua will find the murderer as soon as possible to give Tian Yi an explanation and deter those criminals.

For such vicious cases, public executions must be made public in order to deter future generations. This is what Jiang Hua can do. Even if I catch the real murderer, I'm afraid I can't let the TV station broadcast the sentence.

But Zhang Tong felt that he wouldn't mind raising his hand to help if they ran into each other.

But besides this matter, Zhang Tong is still paying attention to another matter. That was the whereabouts of Gu Dali. He was so far away from him that it was difficult to track him by electromagnetic induction.

But it doesn't matter, I planted a seed in him, as long as the right time comes, it will naturally explode. As for the ancients behind the jihad organization, it doesn't matter what the old rulers are. Let all these annoying guys shut up.

Times have changed, and the old days have long since been buried. If there are still stubborn [gods], let them be with the light! Zhang Tong has his own ideas.

But speaking of it, I haven't seen that man named Zhang Moxuan for a while. That man is quite handsome, and he knows how to dress up.

Zhang Tong felt that Zhang Moxuan's dressing style was quite suitable for him, and wanted to ask him which shop on Taobao he bought his clothes from when others came to eat in the store.

I don't know where Zhang Tong is thinking about where he bought his clothes. Zhang Moxuan is sighing in his room.

Zhang Moxuan has already told Mr. Ji his thoughts. And what ideas inside the organization cannot be controlled by oneself.

It's best to temporarily give up the plan to win over Jianghua. And there is no need to target the owner of a small restaurant. From Zhang Moxuan's point of view, it is not calculated to spend the power of the organization just to deal with a small shop owner.

So what if he was killed? When Mr. Ji and the others were working before, they could be said to be able to get each other's real estate, which could be worth ten to twenty million. But can the fairies still get it?

Since there are not enough benefits, why take such a risk? Zhang Moxuan submitted his risk assessment report.

He believes that the organization should now focus on the construction of future cities. The demolition work on Chongming Island went smoothly, and most of the farmers have already moved out. And the construction team for the first phase has already entered the field, so it really shouldn't be distracted by these things now.

But that being said, coming to Huaihai by myself was decided by the top of the organization. It doesn't matter whether someone above made such a decision by slapping their brains in a flash of heat.

But it is obvious that if the high-level executives who made this decision agree to Zhang Moxuan's request, they will be slapping themselves in the face.

In particular, there were three other experts in the organization who were also lost in Huaihai. Although I have great confidence in the ability of these three people to keep secrets, I am not afraid that they will reveal something.

But the damage has been done, and the fruit has not been seen at all. What if the higher-ups asked me to get close to Jianghua?

Thinking of this, Zhang Moxuan couldn't help but shudder. He still remembers how he felt when he saw Jiang Hua that day. He felt as if he was staring into an abyss, which was terrible.

He absolutely didn't want to have any close contact with Jiang Hua again, he was afraid that just touching one side would break him to pieces.

If the leaders above feel that they can't let go of face and force themselves to continue planning, then I'm afraid I can only resist passively.

Zhang Moxuan took out two windbreakers and shirts that were custom-made from a clothing store called Royal Gentleman on Huaihai Road from the closet, and changed into them.

What he did in the organization was originally a public relations job, and his image was the facade. Anyway, Taobao's cheap goods are definitely not to be worn.

After he changed his clothes, he received a message from the communication above: the plan continues.

"Fuck!" Zhang Moxuan cursed. I have already analyzed it so clearly, but has the brain of the above person been kicked by a donkey? To force the plan to be carried out!

Well, the leaders above must know that what they said is right, but it doesn't make sense.

Right and wrong mean nothing in the face of leadership. For some leaders, face is more important than whether they are doing the right thing.

But now Zhang Moxuan is facing such a thing, in order to save his face. The leaders above asked him to forcibly continue to implement the previous plan.

Zhang Moxuan was speechless for a long time after reading the message, and finally he could only say silently: "Bureaucracy kills people!"

He decided to resist passively, but before passively resisting, he still had to eat something first.

Zhang Moxuan doesn't know how to cook any food except instant noodles, so he can only forage outside.

However, it seems that except for Lao Zhang's shop, the others are not delicious. I ate a lot, but found that there was actually no choice. After putting on his coat, Zhang Moxuan was ready to go out.

Huang Gang was going to drive home. But when he drove to the Caoyang area, he suddenly remembered something.

The documents about Huangfu Qingsong's receipt and case handling are still in his car. Because he didn't let anyone intervene in this matter, he handled the whole process by himself.

Well, I still need to hand over the case handling receipt and the written document written by Huangfu Qingsong not to pursue follow-up to Zhang Tong. Originally, these things were called and asked Zhang Tong to come to the bureau directly to get them.

"Forget it, we've already arrived at Cao Yang, so I'll take it for him on the way. Huangfu Qingsong's matter is over, and I'm at ease. Zhang Tong's unintentional collision has solved a big problem for me." Huang Gang's mouth hangs Smiling, in a good mood.

Huang Gang, who was driving a Passat, was driving in the direction of Lao Zhang's shop.

And in the Hilton Hotel in the Changfeng business district. When Tian Yi broke out, a man and a woman who had been observing him were communicating.

"It seems that Tian Yi has woken up. I was watching outside the hospital today, watching someone deliver food to his room." The man said so.

The woman twisted her hair: "Is there any other valuable information?"

"Well, there is one very interesting one. Just after Tian Yi woke up, someone delivered food to him. And the person who delivered the food was also a returnee. Do you think it's interesting?" The man smiled.

"Then it's really interesting." The woman also smiled.

"He runs a restaurant, do you think we should go and have a look?" the man lit a cigarette and asked.

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