(Chapter 83 was deleted, hehe, I had to rewrite it. I don’t even know where I made a taboo.

Children’s shoes who have read Chapter 83 before, please refer to my newly written content. )

When Xu Canghai said to let the thieves run away for a while, no matter how Huang Zeying heard it, he felt that his viewer seemed to be copying famous sayings.

Just like letting myself appear holy in front of the people of Baijia Village before, I insisted on reciting some plagiarized poems to improve my style.

But then again, Huang Zeying thought Jiang Wen was so stupid, why didn't he apply "Let the Bullets Fly" for World Heritage List? It is a loss if it does not become an intangible cultural heritage.

It's like "Yes, Prime Minister" and "Yes, Minister", which are half of British dramas ruling the world.

It is said that some political classes in some schools regard these two TV series as must-see materials for understanding the political forms of capitalist countries. It is also very remarkable that TV dramas can be filmed to such a height that they can become the research object of ideology.

"But the Lord, is it okay to let the thief escape?" Huang Zeying was still somewhat worried.

"Don't worry, how far can he run? What do you think this is?" Xu Canghai held a wallet in his hand, which contained Huang Liqun's ID card, some change, and other documents such as a driver's license.

"In these days, he needs an ID card to take a long-distance bus, an ID card to take a train, and even more so to fly. The only means of transportation he can take now is the bus." Xu Canghai smiled while pinching his short beard: "Unless he has the ability to escape the province by bus, he won't be able to escape."

Hearing this, Huang Zeying was relieved a lot, but he remembered a news that he had read when he was very young. In the news, there was a great god who couldn't buy a train ticket to go home because of the Chinese New Year.

Then I studied the bus routes of all cities along the way in detail, and then formulated an action plan comparable to [Market Garden]. Relying on the public transport systems of more than a dozen cities, Dashen traveled more than 1,800 kilometers and returned to his hometown after traveling for two days.

He didn't take a long-distance bus for the whole journey, relying entirely on the perfect bus system of the motherland, he seamlessly completed the bus journey across half of China.

In addition to sleeping in a hotel in a small city, the cost of the train ticket alone cost him even less than the train ticket.

If Huang Liqun has the ability to escape half of China by relying on the public transportation system, then Huang Zeying has nothing to say except that he is awesome.

Xu Canghai: "He can't escape, besides, there is Master Tzu Chi here."

Although it is said that they belong to different sects, Xu Canghai does not seem to be at odds with Master Tzu Chi. After all, according to Xu Canghai's statement: Buddha is Tao.

However, Huang Zeying felt that it was simply because Master Tzu Chi had a good temper. If it was a monk with a hot temper, he might have already started fighting with Xu Canghai.

However, Master Tzu Chi looks benevolent, is it reliable for Guanzhu Xu to ask him for help?

Huang Zeying didn't see the aura of a strong man from Master Tzu Chi at all.

Of course, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

Master Tzu Chi is a low-key person, usually in-depth and simple, and the country will not take the initiative to report on these powerful religious figures.

Therefore, Master Tzu Chi and the Great Compassion Temple are not well known among ordinary people. It's not even as famous as the person in charge of a large martial arts school + tourism company + film and television company in southern Henan.

However, Master Tzu Chi is a powerhouse at the LV6 level no matter what. He is ranked among the best in the world.

Although Xu Canghai is LV4, he has actually known Master Tzu Chi for many years. The friendship between the two has never been unfamiliar because they belong to different sects.

Looking at Master Tzu Chi, who was preaching scriptures and chanting Buddha Dharma to the believers, Xu Canghai silently took out his mobile phone.

He recently registered an account on Kuaishou, and his name is Quanzhen Taoist Xu Canghai. The first video posted was about Huang Zeying killing demons in Baijia Village.

The playback volume of this video is still quite high, with 150,000 views already. It's just that the messages are a bit small, and there are only more than one hundred messages until now.

The number of fans has only increased by a few hundred.

"The playback volume is so high, why is there only so much background data? Could it be that the number of clicks has been faked?" Xu Canghai was a little puzzled.

Originally, he was counting on Huang Zeying's handsomeness to attract a wave of fans.

When Master Tzu Chi had finished his lectures to the believers, Xu Canghai couldn't help pulling Master Tzu Chi into a corner, and the two began to plot about Zhengxing Buddhism and Taoism.

"Tzu Chi, do you feel that there are fewer and fewer people who believe in our two religions?" Xu Canghai said in a low voice.

"It's said that foreign monks can recite scriptures, but that's not how they recite. Christianity and other Western and Central Asian sects are encroaching on our territory very aggressively."

After hearing this, Master Tzu Chi seemed not in a hurry, and even whispered a Buddha's name: "Amitabha, what the people believe in is their freedom. We are a country of freedom of belief."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Xu Canghai did not dare to refute Tzu Chi's statement on this matter.

"But we are also responsible for guarding the soil. We can't lose our position on the territory of faith." Xu Canghai muttered: "Did you not discover the things I said during your journey?"

"Amitabha." Master Tzu Chi proclaimed the Buddha's name, but did not answer, which was a tacit agreement.

Xu Canghai: "So, I've actually been thinking about revitalizing our Buddhism and Taoism for the past year."

"Huh?" Master Tzu Chi seemed to be refreshed. Although Master Tzu Chi is an outsider, Zhengxing Buddhism is also one of his dreams. Otherwise, he would not have developed a love for talents in Qingliang Temple and forcibly accepted Niu Ben as a disciple.

"How to say?"

Xu Canghai walked five steps and suddenly turned around: "Tzu Chi, I have a bold idea in the past year."

Master Tzu Chi: "Say."

Xu Canghai said: "The world is different now. If we want to rejuvenate our two religions, Buddhism and Taoism, and protect the land of faith in our country, I think we have to do the opposite."

Tzu Chi was curious: "How?"

Xu Canghai: "In the past, we started from the countryside to develop our faith, following the route of encircling the cities from the countryside. But over the years, we have lost a lot of rural ground. And our self-styled way of preaching is really not attractive."

"At the same time, the wave of rapid urbanization in our country has intensified. Genesis Group has brought a large number of new technologies, shortening the distance between rural areas and cities. In the future, the difference between rural areas and cities will become smaller and smaller."

"But as a modern mainstream culture, it must have originated from the city. The bigger and more developed the city, the more powerful modern culture will be born to dominate the popularity of the entire country."

Master Tzu Chi nodded slightly when he heard this, what Xu Canghai said made sense.

"Since this is the case, we can change our strategy." Xu Canghai said.

Tzu Chi: "How?"

"The city surrounds the countryside! Use the abilities of our two religions to compete for culture in the city, and then use the city as the origin of culture to influence the countryside!" Xu Canghai said his grand strategy.

Tzu Chi did not deny this strategy, because Xu Canghai's judgment was correct in terms of the general trend.

"But there is a problem." Tzu Chi asked: "We are old-fashioned in the countryside, how can we spread it in the popular cities?"

Xu Canghai pointed to Huang Zeying who was standing in the distance by the roadside wearing a flowing Taoist robe and carrying a sword. And now he is surrounded by a group of young ladies in Hanfu.

At least dozens of young ladies wanted to take pictures with him as a souvenir.

"This is my way. In this day and age, we can't do some ruthless tricks. So I decided! I can't let my disciples just become Taoist priests."


"They need to debut and become idols!"

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