The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 1444 Monks should be merciful

Time went back to fifteen minutes ago.

The perverted murderer, the ogre, and the pedophile twins entered the house.

In fact, Niu Ben has noticed them since they stepped into this alley to be demolished. Because these people don't hide their aura.

It's like standing there and shouting at Niu Ben: "Come and hit me! Stupid x."

Really think that I am invincible in the world.

This is also the commonality of many villains. Once they have some ability, they will be swayed and feel that they can do whatever they want.

In this world, there are only villains who are struggling with dreams that ordinary people cannot understand. For example, a cat god religion has risen in Europe, and the orange cat is respected as the god of creation. Claiming that cats are the masters of this planet and the Almighty God. And want to overthrow the theocracy of God Yahweh and Jesus.

But it's a pity that although the Cat God Sect has grand ideals, and there are popes and believers who are willing to work hard for it (at least there are more than 50,000 believers in Europe).

But they were eventually extinguished. One of the most sensational things that the Pope of the Cat God Church did was to replace all the crosses and statues of Jesus in more than 5,000 churches in Europe with one-footed peasants overnight, with a hint of contempt and majesty in his eyes. cat statue.

The places where the statues were replaced included well-known cathedrals and tourist attractions in Europe. It was finally caught because when the orange cat statue was replaced for the Vatican cross, the orange cat statue collapsed the foundation of the cross. It crashed directly into the Pope's chamber from above the church.

Only five centimeters away, this orange cat that can only collapse the roof of the church can send the Pope to meet the cat god.

It's a pity that it fell short.

This time the incident was classified as a terrorist attack, and the Cat God Sect was listed as a cult, and it was encircled and suppressed across Europe.

However, the vitality of this sect is extremely strong. Until now, there are still remnants of them in Europe, and members of this sect are also active in other continents.

They are determined to change the world.

Their dreams are not understood, but somehow they still have some ambitions.

But except for this small number of villains, the vast majority of villains actually live very simple lives.

Why be a villain?

Of course it's for fun! Anyone who doesn't like it will be cut down, and anyone who dares to look at him will be eliminated. Dare to leave my car on the road? Kill you! Dare to drop me afraid? kill you!

Only by following one's inclinations like this can one be called a refreshing villain.

Being a bad guy is great, but being a good guy has a lot of constraints.

So the villain is always more popular with selfish ghosts than heroes.

It’s like the big ogre walked into the room and saw the bull running and said: “This big monk’s tendon meat is good, don’t grab it from me. I want to roast it and eat it!”

The murderer has already sneaked into the darkness.

It seems that they have no intention of robbing the ogre at all.

Niu Ben glanced at Huang Liqun: "Yo, I didn't expect that, I caught a small fry and brought out a basket of seafood. There are all kinds of things, pippi shrimp, hairtail, seahorse, yo, and a squid. .”

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow rushed out from Niu Ben's shadow, it was the guy nicknamed the perverted murderer. He stabbed Niu Ben in the back with a sharp dagger.

This blow was fast and fierce. The dagger he used was made of special steel, injecting his own energy. This move is enough to pierce the frontal anti-puncture armor used by the main battle tank.

Just a second before he was about to succeed, a big hand grabbed the dagger fearlessly.

Niu Ben held the dagger like he was holding a child's toy, and he heard a click when he twisted it hard. Before the murderer could release the knife, his hand was twisted into twists.

The murderer wanted to flee, to blend into the shadows and escape. But a big hand grabbed his head directly.

"Get out!"

When Peiran heard it vigorously, the murderer didn't dare to resist at all, because he was afraid that if he resisted too hard, his brain would be pulled out of his neck, and even his entire spine might be pulled out.

Just because he didn't resist doesn't mean that Niu Ben won't deal with him. After pulling him out like a carrot, Niu Ben beat him to the ground. It's like a fishmonger in a vegetable market throwing crucian carp.


The murderer was thrown to the ground, and a big hole two meters deep was smashed out. He is now like a crucian carp that has been thrown, his eyes are dull and his mouth is bubbling, and his whole body is twitching unconsciously.

This time the move seems to be very slow, but in fact it is very fast. The whole fight took no more than two seconds.

Niu Ben straightened his slightly messed up clothes: "Who's next?"

The ogre and the twins looked at each other, knowing that they had encountered a hard stubble, and the murderer was about to die. They really don't want to take any chances.

But Huang Liqun was also afraid. The great monk looked kind, so how could he be so cruel. Even crueler than that Taoist priest, what about the monks who agreed to be merciful?

He was also afraid that he would become a crucian carp, a silver carp, or a fat-headed fish!

So when he saw the ogre and the twin brothers and sisters planning to retreat, Huang Liqun shouted hoarsely: "I can add more money! Add more money! Each person will add ten iron lotus flowers!" Huang Liqun bet all his wealth up.

Money touches people's hearts.

"Don't fight recklessly with the great monk, just leave Huang Liqun and leave!"

In an instant they had a battle plan in place. As for the murderer who has become a dead fish? No one cares about him anymore, and we can get more points without him.

After the plan was decided, the twins broke through in two lines, and the ogre roared, and six arms grew out of its back. Now he looks like the eight-armed arhat in Buddhist mythology.

But this eight-armed arhat is not at all majestic, but full of evil spirits.

Niu Ben has been into Buddhism for some time, and he gets angry when he sees this ogre pretending to be an eight-armed arhat.

"Lie down!"

Like a cannonball, Niu Ben's fist hit the ogre's body. The ogre actually took a punch, and then the eight arms punched like Gatling was extremely strong.

Ogre: "Fist hard with me? This is the most unwise thing you can do! It's up to you or me!"

In the competition between eight arms and two arms, it is reasonable to say that the punching speed of eight arms should be four times that of two arms.

At first it seemed to be true, the ogre's fists could not only parry Niu Ben's fists, but even fight back.

But after playing for 1.5 seconds, it was different. Niu Ben's fists were getting faster and faster, not only parrying all the ogre's fists, but even his fists hit the ogre's body like raindrops.

And the ogre that was smashed was like a bunker hit by a rainstorm, and the rain marks began to be left all over its body.

"Stop beating! Stop beating! The monks are merciful!" said the ogre.

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