What is scare?

It's a fucking scare!

Is there anything more frightening than waking up from sleep, and suddenly there are two people with strange behavior standing next to you and suddenly saying to you: "The operation was successful!"

Especially when Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong shook their heads slowly to calm their drowsy brains, and then carefully looked at the surrounding environment. The two were even more frightened.

Slowly moving his drowsy head, let his sight move in this room.

It was a dim room, and the fluorescent tubes gave off a cold and clear glow. There are tiles on the surrounding walls and tiles on the floor, making it look like a bathroom. But why are there two large things like operating beds in the very center of the bathroom?

And Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong are in a huge bathtub. The bathtub was filled with an ice-water mixture, and by physical definition, they were now submerging in zero-degree water.

No wonder it felt like the surrounding cold was biting to the bone, as if it was about to pierce his own skin. It turned out to be soaked in ice water.

But why soak in ice water?

The brains of the two brothers who had just woken up began to function rapidly. I seem to have heard of this kind of thing before, it is an urban legend, some people say it is false but some people say it is true.

Because no one has verified it, but it seems to have been confirmed from the side of some terrible incidents.

The two brothers looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement almost in the next moment. The eyes of the two moved down quietly. And their worst fears came true.

There was a long wound where their merman line had been stitched up. Two brothers, one on the left and one on the right, one person and one knife will never fail.

And not far away from what they could see, two large glass tubes were filled with unknown special liquids, and in the liquids were soaked with things like pork kidneys.

Does everything need to be explained now? The two of my brothers have met a kidney-cutting customer!

There is a very scary underground market in the legend. The dark net in their dark net, the business they do is absolutely invisible and cannot be known by others. Because once it is known, it will be a complete crime against humanity.

They are more cautious than arms dealers and drug dealers, and they make much more money than arms dealers and drug dealers. They are more inhumane than human traffickers.

And this kind of person is a body organ trafficker!

Because there are many diseases in this world that cannot be cured by medicine, and organ transplantation is the only treatment.

However, human organs cannot be cultivated in the laboratory, and artificial organs are not perfect. So living organs are the only way out.

However, living organs have a big disadvantage, that is, they cannot be preserved for a long time. From taking out a person's heart to transplanting it into another person's body, with the current technology's ability to preserve freshness, the limit of this time is six hours. The same is true of other organs.

Moreover, the issue of rejection must also be considered for living organs. Not everyone's organs can be matched with another person.

So most of the time, a person's body has a huge problem that requires organ replacement. Then it's almost like waiting to die.

It has been said that death is the only thing that is fair to rich and poor alike.

Because organ replacement is not something that can be solved with money, if a really rich businessman needs a kidney replacement, and he offers a price of 10 million, someone will definitely be willing to sell him the kidney.

But the person who is willing to sell him a kidney may not necessarily match the body of a rich man.

The poor are helpless in this situation, and some wealthy people with all-hands-on-the-eyes will find the most terrifying human organ traffickers on the black market in order to prolong their lives.

This group of people are truly ruthless guys. They use various methods to invade the global medical database, because as long as people are alive, people always need medical treatment.

From this pool, they narrow the field by first screening people who have a chance of matching.

Then further investigate the physical condition and health of these people. Blood will even be collected secretly to determine the match between these people and the target.

When everything is confirmed, these people will start to attack the selected targets, and then cut off the necessary body organs from them.

The two brothers Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong feel that their current situation is exactly the same as that of the person whose kidney was cut by the kidney cuter in the urban legend!

Except in the urban legend, the kidney slicers would first send a beautiful woman to hook them up.

You have all lost your kidneys, can't you send a beautiful woman over to hook up with our brothers according to the procedure? !

"It seems that you are awake well. The two brothers stab each other, one on the left and one on the right." The guy who cos Magneto is wearing a mask, but the voice coming from under his mask is sinister, which makes people shudder.

Magneto turned his head and said to the guy who looked like the big villain boss in the TV series, "Dahei, hurry up and send the kidney in the bottle, Boss Wang should be waiting."

The silent villain boss walked away holding two cans of kidneys with a cold face, without saying a word the whole time. He pushed open the iron door of the room. Through the metaphorical gap, Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong seemed to see that behind the iron door was connected to a filter sterile room, and behind it seemed to be an operating room.

They even vaguely heard the villain boss say: "Boss Wang's waist is here, deal with it quickly!"

"Okay, just wait for this waist." A nice female voice said.

Then the iron gate closed, and they couldn't hear anything.

The two brothers Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong are now 100% certain that they must have been targeted by a human organ trafficking organization, and the two brothers had their kidneys cut.

A person needs two kidneys, and can live with only one kidney, but the body will become very weak.

It's like the two brothers feel weak right now. It feels like more than half of the energy in the whole body cannot be used.

If the other party can subdue his two brothers secretly, he must be better than the two of them. Now the two brothers Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenzhong didn't even think about getting their kidneys back, they just hoped to survive.

Yu Wencheng said tremblingly, "Brother, how can you sing?"

Magneto was sitting on the operating bed, playing with a scalpel in his hand. He chuckled and said, "Where is it? Have you seen the redemption of the Kidney Slicer? We will stage a real version today."

"Who made your brothers lucky? This man has hundreds of millions, and you just matched with Boss Wang. He is a big boss worth tens of billions. Now that he is old, he feels that his waist is not good. So I plan to change two kidneys." To satisfy his little three, little four, little five until little thirty-eight."

"You two are in the prime of life, and your waist is also full of vitality. Boss Wang just fell in love with you."

"But I don't like to catch a sheep and pluck its wool. Since you are twin brothers, you should share the rain and dew. Each of you has one kidney, and you will never fail."

Yu Wenzhong was about to cry: "Brother! Male ability has nothing to do with waist! That's male testosterone! Kidney doesn't participate! What secretes male testosterone is..."

Yu Wenzhong wants to popularize the common sense of physical hygiene to the opposite person, so that the opposite person can understand that he did something wrong and harmed a good person. Putting on a new waist will not bring Boss Wang back to his glory.

But before Yu Wenzhong finished speaking, Yu Wencheng covered his mouth. Because Yu Wencheng had already noticed that Magneto stood up on the opposite side, and walked over while playing with a scalpel.

"Oh, so that's the case? It seems that I have lived and learned, but I still don't understand. That means the waist is useless, right? It can only rely on human treasures." Magneto muttered to himself.

Yu Wencheng asked tremblingly, "What... what is Renbao?"

"Hey, have you ever eaten barbecue? Sheep have sheep treasures, cows have cow treasures, and people naturally have treasures! Well, just right, each of you two brothers has one. You have made money. In a way, if Boss Wang has If the child inherits his tens of billions of property, you will make a lot of money!" Magneto smiled, and Brother Yuwen who laughed felt hairy.


The iron door was pushed open.

The big villain came in and said with a cold face, "Boss Wang wants some liver."

"What's wrong?"

"It was cut just now, and now I have to make it up for Boss Wang."

"Mother Xipi." Magneto flicked the scalpel: "Can this kind of accident happen?! Where am I going to get my liver now?!"

The big villain pointed at the two brothers in the ice water: "No, two livers, which one do you want to cut?"

"Don't make trouble, I still want to cut people's treasures with them!"

"What is a human treasure?"

"It's the same thing as Gou Bao."

The Yuwen brothers couldn't stop shaking, and they didn't know whether they were cold or frightened.

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