The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 1472 Give me a formal contract

Ryota Inoue is still very sober, everything in this world has a price. Just as there is no love without a reason, there is no hate without a reason.

Based on his own experience of watching hundreds of anime and light novels, Ryota Inoue knows that there is a price for asking for anything. It just depends on whether the price is calculated or not.

The mysterious man in black pinched the short beard on his chin: "Interesting, really interesting. Do you want to clean for an hour?"

Ryota Inoue nodded: "Well, no more."

"But don't you think it's not enough?" The man in black didn't directly veto Ryota's statement, he said in an orderly and seductive tone: "Your hometown has the highest nuclear radiation in all of Dongyang. I heard that the Dongyang government doesn't Didn't you de-radiate your hometown?"

"Ah." Ryota hesitated: "I'm not sure if that counts as deradiation. After the radiation was leaked, I was a volunteer for a while. I don't know whether the government's deradiation is useful. "

"Huh? How to say?"

"The government organized us to pull out the local grass."

"And then?" the man in black asked.

"Then I buried the grass. I turned up the soil by the way. I worked for a month at that time." Ryota recalled: "Experts said that this would reduce the local nuclear radiation. But I measured it with a Geiger counter , the radiation is still an alarm.”

"Oh. Then, what did you do?" The black man seemed not very clear about the 311 radiation incident, and he asked very interestedly.

"Later? Then we left. I don't know what the government did. But I heard that the local nuclear radiation is still very high. However, among us 311 refugees, there are many refugees like me who are drifting away. There are many older students. , or those who brought their families with them have already gone back to live.”

"Huh? Didn't it mean that the nuclear radiation is still high?"

"There is no way. The monthly subsidy from the government is only about 100,000 yuan per person. This is very little money, and it is not enough to rent a house outside. Moreover, it is actually difficult for refugees like us to go to other places if they do not have special skills. earn a living."

"After all, there are so many jobs now, and we have no advantage. Especially there are many fishermen and farmers in our local area. They can do nothing but fish and farm. If they don't go home, they will starve to death sooner or later."

"If we go home, at least the original land is free. If we rebuild locally, the government will help us with a grant. Let us rebuild on the original site, although the money is not a lot. But with bank loans If so, at least a small house can be built to shelter the family from wind and rain."

"Of course, this is still relatively good. I have seen worse ones. There was a neighbor in my hometown, a family of three, who finally saved a sum of money to buy land in the past two years. Bank loans to build houses."

"As a result, the house was just built, and it was hit by a tsunami after only a few months of living. The house completely collapsed and was washed to pieces by the waves. But the loans they owed to the bank will continue to be repaid, and they will continue to repay for 30 years."

"The three of them could only build a temporary residence in their hometown, and then worked hard to repay the loan."

What Ryota said was very helpless, but very realistic. Otherwise, what should we do? Not everyone, like Ryota, can always be an Internet cafe refugee outside, relying on government compensation and occasional odd jobs to make ends meet.

Especially during the 311 tsunami, many homes were destroyed. According to well-known people on the Internet, the especially environmentally friendly and healthy wooden houses used by Japanese people to build houses are completely helpless in the face of tsunami.

However, the reinforced concrete buildings criticized by public intellectuals as cold and devoid of warmth and humanistic care survived the tsunami.

In fact, in the final analysis, there is still no money to make trouble. Toyo is one of the largest timber exporters in Asia. They export a large amount of wood to China every year, and then China processes it into disposable chopsticks and sells them back to Dongyang.

Timber in the East is much cheaper than in China, and ordinary people can only choose wood to build houses. A brick-and-concrete house? Only very rich people, such as baseball stars and rugby stars, can build a house.

The man in black was noncommittal about the bitter history of the common people in the East. He was just curious: "You said fishermen and farmers, didn't you say that your nuclear radiation exceeded the standard?"

"Even if the nuclear radiation in the surface soil does not exceed the standard, didn't you bury the soil and grass that exceeded the nuclear radiation standard when you were volunteers?"

"Can the crops grown there and the fish caught there still be eaten?!"

Liang Tai spread his hand: "So, the food we sell locally will be marked with the words produced in Radiant Island on the packaging. You can buy it and throw it away at home. Don't eat it. It is to revitalize and support the farmers in Radiant Island."

"Of course I watched the show recently, and some people ate Fudao's food for several years. It is said that they got leukemia. But I don't know if it wasn't caused by Fudao's food."

"But compared to those guys who eat Radiant Island food, I think my fellow villagers are a little bit more miserable. Because they have no money, the whole family can only continue to live in Radiant Island."

The man in black pondered for a while: "Your wish is a bit big. Want to eliminate the nuclear radiation of Radiant Island? You all know why Radiant Island got its name. This is a strong causal relationship."

"And aren't you afraid of me? I dress so weirdly, so I don't look like a good person."

Ryota looked like "You don't come here": "I'm just afraid that I have no money in my pocket. As for whether you are a devil or something, I am not interested at all. So if you can sign a relatively equal agreement with me, then I I will make a deal with you."

"If it's not equal, then you just pretend that I haven't been here. I know that even if it's a deal with the devil, as long as the deal is not reached, the devil can't take anything away from people." Ryota seemed to be interested in the mysterious There is quite a lot of research.

I don't know if it's because he has read enough light novels or watched enough anime, which brought him some specious knowledge.

After all, there are not a few people who read comic books as popular science publications these days. There are even many people who want to prove [Hippo Physics] through science.

"The price you are willing to pay is too small, and your wish is too great. This deal is not fair." Said the man in black.

Liang Tai turned around and left: "Forget it, bye." There was no trace of his back.

"Come back! Wait a minute! I see that you are so sincere, I will give you a chance. If you become my emissary and collect my wish to eliminate nuclear radiation, I might be able to help you fulfill your wish."

"Ah? This is very troublesome. I still have to work part-time. I only have tens of thousands of yuan left this month, and I can't even afford to live in an Internet cafe. Forget it, it's more important for me to work part-time."

"Wait! Don't go! Give me a part-time job, and I'll give you three...two hundred and fifty thousand yen a month!"

"No, it may be dangerous to work for you, at least 300,000 yen a month!"

"Okay, but you're on call 24 hours a day, ready to work."

"Yes." Liang Tai looked at the man in black: "But you have to help me pay the resident tax, national insurance and welfare pension. By the way, does our company have housing subsidies and transportation subsidies?"

There was hope in his eyes: "Can I sign a long-term formal employment contract if I work for the devil?"

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