Syphilis is a scary thing to say, because people who get the disease will have large areas of plum blossom erythema all over their bodies.

People who died of syphilis often died miserably. And it will be tortured for a long time before death. So everyone is talking about things like syphilis.

Especially in Sedum World, a place where people's wisdom has not been fully developed. There are a lot of misinformation about syphilis. For example, if you come into contact with a patient suffering from syphilis, you will be infected with syphilis. Items used by patients with syphilis will also be infected with syphilis and so on.

But in fact, although syphilis is a highly contagious and fatal disease, its main mode of transmission is still through bodily fluids. So under normal circumstances, if you don't kill yourself, you will basically not be infected.

As for the fact that a patient with syphilis has to chop off his hand, that is even more nonsense.

For example, the swordsman in front of Niu Ben is asking for trouble. I cut off the index finger of my left hand, although it is not the most important thumb of a swordsman. But breaking an index finger will definitely affect his kung fu.

Maybe they will fall from the top 500 in Jianfeng City in the future. That will have a great impact on the future life.

But Niu Ben didn't care about the future life of this swordsman. Because the guys on the opposite side are obviously not good people, since they want to make profits by reselling women. Then there is nothing to say. If this kind of person breaks his finger, it will be broken.

Speaking of it, this is also the limitation of this era. After all, there is no law on the protection of women's rights and interests in the Sedum World. Swordsmen receive rewards to make money, which is not illegal from various perspectives. Even if the government comes, there is no way to control it.

But Niu Ben didn't want to trouble this swordsman, but this swordsman was not going to let Niu Ben go. To be precise, he did not intend to let go of the white jade and cicada in Niu Ben's hands.

After all, I chopped off my fingers, and it would be a big loss if I couldn't take these two girls away. So no matter what, this person in front of him cannot take these two women away.

"Leave the two of them." The top 500 swordsman boss pointed at Niu Ben with his ghost-headed sword. Although a finger was broken, although the other party looked bigger than himself. But two hundred taels of silver cannot be given up by oneself.

The three swordsman brothers stood together aggressively, exuding the aura of the top 500 five tigers breaking the door knife masters in Jianfeng City.

Although Niu Ben didn't feel it.

Niu Ben glanced at the swordsman opposite him: "Your finger is broken, do you want to connect it?"

The swordsman, who was still aggressive at first, withered in an instant: "This...can be connected?!"

"Ang, yes. But it's very expensive, and it can't be broken for more than a quarter of an hour, or the gods won't be able to connect your fingers." Niu Ben looked at the swordsman: "Do you want to connect?"


"Prepare five hundred taels of silver, and tell me by the way, what is the reward you mentioned."


In the Qing Garden, the old bustard Zixi was very angry.

Because she received a news that made her not very happy.

"Cicada was found, but it was in the clinic next to the Furong Garden. The woman with her got syphilis, so it should be Baiyu. Hey, I didn't expect Baiyu to die like that."

The news brought by Ah Da made Sister Xi unhappy. She put on a tiger face: "Didn't you say that you invited the top 500 swordsmen in Jianfeng City? Why didn't you bring them back?!"

"Hey, the swordsman cut off his own finger. There is a genius doctor in the clinic over there, who helped him connect his finger. The three brothers said that they can't make trouble for others. Not only do they not make trouble for others, they even I gave the other party five hundred taels of silver."

Ada said so.

Sister Xi gritted her teeth: "That's why I said that the swordsmen in Jianfeng City are getting worse every year, and they are becoming more and more unprofessional! But it's good, it saved me two hundred taels of silver."

Sister Xi burst into flames after she finished speaking.

"Sister Xi, where are you going?"

"Go get my two cash cows back. Wang Fa is gone!"


In the clinic next to the Furong Garden, Chan'er and Bai Yu have been arranged to rest in the ward by Niu Huang. In Sedum World, there is no such thing as hospitalization, and most people live at home to see a doctor.

Living at home for medical treatment is naturally not as convenient as being hospitalized. Hospitalization allows doctors to better observe the patient's situation anytime, anywhere.

These doctors are all [Three Su] doctors arranged by Dahei to go to Earth for a quick training. Most people on earth would be scolded as quack doctors, but in the world of Sedum, just being able to use penicillin proficiently can be regarded as a miracle doctor.

For example, after Bai Yu had a skin test, she was given a shot of high-purity penicillin, which was used as the main drug to treat her syphilis.

Chaner also had a body check to see if she was infected with syphilis.

Fortunately, Chan'er is currently testing everything to be normal.

Niu Ben and Huang Zeying also heard their stories from Chan'er, and sympathized with them both.

"This world really needs to wipe out these feudal forces, otherwise these girls will be too miserable." Although Niu Ben looks very burly, he has a delicate and soft heart.

Huang Zeying echoed: "The world of Sedum is so big, and the population is probably more than a billion or even billions. There are countless tragedies like this."

"So we really need to quickly liberate women's labor force here, even if it is to work in a factory, isn't it better than this?" Niu Ben sighed.

But before he could feel his emotions, the roar of the Hedong lion came from outside the clinic.

"Bai Yu, Chan'er! Get out of here, you two little girls. I know you're inside, don't think that you'll be fine if you hide inside. Hurry up and come back with me!!" Sister Xi led her thugs to shout at the door .

If it weren't for the kindness of the top 500 Broken Door Knife brothers thanking Niu Ben for finding someone to help them connect the eldest brother's fingers, they would have guarded the gate. I'm afraid that sister Xi would just barge in.

Niu Ben and Huang Zeying walked out quickly after hearing the noise. The Broken Door Knife boss guarding the gate clasped his fists, and his left index finger was still wrapped in gauze.

"Mr. Niu, the people from Qingyuan came to ask for someone, and our three brothers are also very embarrassed."

Niu Ben waved his hand to signal himself and Huang Zeying to deal with it.

Huang Zeying, who was dressed in Taoist robes, became angry after hearing the story of the two daughters, but now she looks at such an arrogant sister Xi. Immediately, he couldn't help stepping in front of Sister Xi and yelled loudly: "In broad daylight, you still want to rob people's girls? Who gave you the courage?!"

Sister Xi was not afraid at all, she took out a document from her bosom and threw it on Huang Zeying's face: "Who gave me the courage? The law of Jianfeng City gave me the courage! This is the law formulated by the Academy, Who dares to refuse?!"

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