"Do you really think that I dare not?! Don't think that I dare not arrest you because you are Hei Yan's disciple!"

"Come on! Copy me!"

Niu Ben has always been a straightforward person, from childhood to adulthood. At the age of twelve, the school organized the school band to go to Eagle Country New York for an exchange performance.

This is a rare opportunity for many children. The fee of 10,000 yuan is extremely cheap for nearly two months of exchange and study.

After all, a capital elementary school graduate can spend 100,000 yuan to send a sixth grader to Antarctica to see penguins and the aurora. These days, countless parents are willing to invest all their property for the sake of their children and for the so-called not to lose at the starting line.

Even if Niu Ben's mother has no money, she still has to take out the few savings in the family and let Niu Ben go abroad for exchanges and gain insights.

But Niu Ben flatly refused. At the age of twelve, he had already seen it clearly. Going abroad for study and exchange did not bring him any qualitative improvement.

The so-called courage to perform and the so-called contact with people can be done by playing the saxophone on the street. I don't need to be obsessed with the games of those rich children.

You have your own way to go, and you don't have to conform to others.

He had his own ideas since he was a child, and today, his ideas have become more mature and unshakable.

Qin Huo originally planned to persuade Niu Ben, but Huang Zeying stopped him.

"Forget it, the little calf's temper has come up, and no one can stop him. From his appearance, he is already full of anger and is about to boil. You'd better stop trying to persuade him. He has plans of his own."

The person who understands himself best is often the person who doesn't deal with him very well. For example, Niu Ben and Huang Zeying.

So Niu Ben was ordered by the furious Ouyang Mo to be handcuffed. After learning about Niu Ben and the disciples of the leader of the Demon Cult, the servants present were all anxious. After all, it is well known that the leader of the Devil's Cult defends his weaknesses.

But Ouyang Mo has lost face now, and it has lost a lot of face. This thing became unbearable.

The so-called upright people cherish feathers more than their lives. So under Ouyang Mo's repeated urging, Niu Ben was still arrested and sent to prison.

Before leaving, Niu Ben glanced at Huang Zeying: "Xiao Huang, the rest is up to you."

Huang Zeying nodded: "Look at mine."

The two are playing a charade.

Niu Ben was arrested, and Qin Huo and Huang Zeying also left. Ouyang Mo went back to the backyard to drink tea angrily. Although he was afraid of the leader of the Demon Sect, he was not so frightened.

After all, this is Jianfeng City, where the academy is located. With the protection of Mr. Heiyan, can Heiyan turn the sky upside down? Anyway, let me calm down first.

The unlucky recorder joined the army and was helped by a group of colleagues to see a doctor.

The hall, which was buzzing with people just now, became quiet in an instant, and only Sister Xi was left lying on the ground in a daze.

She was completely stupid, she just wanted to make a small incident, why did she offend so many people all of a sudden!

As an old oily person who has been in the rivers and lakes, Sister Xi knows very well that everyone is gone now. It seems that no one cares about her little person.

But all of these things are caused by myself. What I have offended now is a big shot! On one side is the disciple of the leader of the Demon Sect, and on the other side is the director of Dongcheng Bingma Division.

Neither of these two can be offended by themselves. It's better now, offending both of them in one day.

If these two big men think of the cause of this incident, they will casually say: Nayzut. Then it's over for me!

A speck of dust falling from the body of a great man is like a mountain to the body of a small commoner.

It took a long time for Sister Xi to get up from the ground tremblingly, her feet were soft. It was not until he walked out of the gate of Dongcheng Bingmasi and was supported by Ah Da Ah Er that he returned to the building.

Then he became ill and even coughed up blood in the middle of the night.

Because Sister Xi is worried every day, fearing that she will be liquidated. Several days passed like this, but the liquidation did not wait. Instead, all kinds of news are flying around the sky outside.

Among them, there is such a news circulating in the market, that is, the story about Niu Shaoxia who sacrificed his life to save a girl who fell into a brothel.

This story first originated in the library and teahouse in Jianfeng City. It seems that all the storytellers in the library and teahouse were telling this story overnight.

The plot of the story is also very simple. That is, there are two girls who lost their feet and suffered all kinds of suffering and inhuman abuse in the brothel.

The Baiyu girl in the story is so beautiful, not only beautiful but also kind-hearted. Although they are all in the brothel, they often help some down-and-out sisters in the brothel.

The storyteller used to talk about gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, and romance, but he never really talked about the actual life of women in brothels.

Most of the brothel stories in the book are romantic and glamorous, but it really breaks through the superficial luxury, but inside is bloody flesh and blood.

The average life expectancy of brothel women in Jianfeng City is less than forty years old, which is a lot lower than the average life expectancy of sixty years old for women from good families.

There are many reasons for the short life span, including but not limited to: contracting diseases, and being subjected to inhuman torture in brothels. He was kicked out of the brothel when he was old and lustful, but he lacked savings and other livelihood skills. Finally die in poverty and starvation.

The storyteller of Yuelai Teahouse has a goatee and sits high on the storytelling table, eloquently eloquent.

"Everyone, do you know about the oiran contest held every year in Jianfeng City's brothel?"

The oiran competition mentioned by Mr. Storyteller is very familiar to the residents of Jianfeng City. It is a grand celebration almost every year.

Select the oiran who is both outstanding and talented, and the brothel that wins the title of oiran will have a good business in the next year.

This oiran competition has also become a good talk in the Sedum world, and many foreigners will come here especially.

The audience in the audience shouted: "Of course I know, this oiran competition is held every year. In addition to the annual number one oiran, there are also titles such as dancing oiran, playing and singing oiran, and charming oiran. They will also perform in the city. Really! Such a loud voice!"

The storyteller on the stage nodded: "That's right, that's true. How do you guys think the oiran is doing?"

"Oiran? Naturally, she is a master of both sex and art! Naturally, the life of a beautiful woman of beauty can't be wrong."

"That's right, that's right, not only is she excellent in both sex and art, but she's also lucky enough to be spotted by a wealthy businessman, and once she flies up a branch, she becomes a phoenix!"

"If you become an oiran, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

The voices of the spectators in the audience were one after another, and the storyteller was not in a hurry, he waited until everyone had finished talking before he patted Xingmu. It was a sign that he was about to start talking.

The storyteller said in an unhurried manner: "Everyone seems to be thinking badly. In fact, like everyone, I used to think that if I won the Oiran Contest, I would have a good life. But it's not the case."

"Do you remember Chen Sisi, the oiran from three years ago?" the storyteller asked.

Immediately, a judge from the audience said: "Of course I remember, the oiran who played and sang three years ago! It is said that he went to the capital to perform for the prince, but he hasn't come back yet. Maybe he was taken by the prince and stayed in the capital."

The storyteller sneered: "Oh, yes, it is true that he stayed in the capital. Chen Sisi became famous three years ago in the Oiran Contest. He played the pipa well and sang a good song, so many people came here for his fame."

"In order to make more money from this golden signboard, Chen Sisi's Yuanzi San Huayuan took her to the capital. The journey was exhausting, and Chen Sisi couldn't rest well. When she arrived in the capital, her voice hadn't fully recovered before being forcibly taken by the garden owner to celebrate the prince's birthday. Going to perform."

"Everyone think about it, this Chen Sisi has not recovered from the exhaustion all the way, can she play well and sing well? As expected, Chen Sisi couldn't sing in a high-pitched voice when performing for the prince's birthday, and the sentence of congratulating the prince's birthday was directly lost. The prince was furious and ordered to break Chen Sisi's hands and hoarse her voice."

"As soon as Chen Sisi broke her hands, the owner of the third garden immediately abandoned her. Chen Sisi is indeed still in the capital now. But she is already covering the door for 30 yuan a time. Every day is not as good as pigs and dogs, and there is not enough to eat. With scant clothing, the poor and ugly have long since lost the appearance of an oiran."

"There is Wan Luxi, the courteous courtesan five years ago. After becoming famous, how many people want to kiss Fangze. The owner of her garden is also black-hearted. In order to make money, she is asked to receive five or six guests a day. There are many of them who are physically strong. A strong quack."

"Even Lucy Wan didn't let her rest when she had a fever, and forced to arrange guests. In the end, Lucy Wan died of exhaustion on the bed!"

"Ten years ago, Jin Ruyi, the No. 1 oiran in Jianfeng, was a master of both sex and art. There was a son who offered 10,000 taels to redeem Jin Ruyi, and wanted to take Jin Ruyi away. But her boss disagreed, and he was holding on to this cash cow. He also coaxed Jin Ruyi to say that when she leaves, the garden will be handed over to Jin Ruyi. What happened?"

"In ten years, Jin Ruyi has grown older and is not as beautiful as before, and her reputation is not as good as before. The owner of her garden promised her to manage the garden? No! The owner of the Hongxiuyuan despises Jin Ruyi. Hongxiuyuan did it. So Jin Ruyi was sent down."

"Where did you put it? Put it in the small brothel in Wanshi City where the mine is mined. There is no romantic drama there, and all the rude customers are received. One tael of silver at a time. The owner of the Red Sleeve Yard is now telling Jin Ruyi that she either Retire at the age of 40 in Wanshi City, or redeem yourself with 10,000 taels of silver."

"To reach the age of forty in Wanshi City, everyone, I don't know if Jin Ruyi can live to the age of forty there!"

"Everyone, do you still think that the oirans in the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion are doing well?" After the storyteller finished speaking, the stage was completely silent, and no one spoke.

In the past, visiting the brothel was only for romantic affairs, but when you cut it open, it is covered with the blood and tears of the women in the brothel.

The so-called romance and the so-called red-sleeved tricks are nothing but the blood and tears of a group of women who have been deceived by life and oppressed.

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