On thinking about why does life like this happen? No one in the prison has thought about it, not to mention them, even in the school that claims to have the most academic atmosphere in the entire Sedum World, no one has thought about it.

"Why does the landlord want to charge 50% of the rent? Even 70% of the rent?" Niu Ben looked at everyone in the prison, his tone was steady but full of strength.

Wherever his eyes glanced, everyone began to fall into thinking.

"Could it be said that the landlord can starve to death if he charges 30% or 20% of the rent? I don't think so. A landlord with thousands of acres of land, even if he only charges 20% of the rent per acre, his life You can still live a good life. You can still have fish and meat every day. You can still have someone to serve you in daily life, right?"

"Also, I recently heard some workers on the dock talk about their shipping conditions. If you want to work on the dock, you have to pay the gang who manages the dock ten to twenty dollars a day. "

"And what are the Cao Gang doing on the wharf? It is said that they are managing the wharf and helping to coordinate the freight. But do the people of the Cao Gang do the work themselves? No, they just gather the coolie workers who have paid, and then Just let them go to work."

"In addition to the so-called membership fee of 10 kuai a day, those coolie workers can receive 3 kuai for labor services for each box they move, and this will be robbed of 1 kuai by the gang."

"The Cao Gang also calls it a management fee. If you don't pay it, you will have to fight. Is this reasonable?"

Niu Ben's eyes were bright, and what he said was commonplace in the world of Sedum, and no one had considered whether these issues were reasonable before.

Because it seems to have been like this for thousands of years from ancient times to the present, it has become natural to get used to it, and many people even think it is a matter of course.

"In addition to the dock workers, there are also car shop workers and errand porters in the city. Which of them will not be controlled by the so-called gang and society, and they will have to pay a lot of money to leave?"

"Why? Ladies and gentlemen, think about why. Why do those workers and farmers work so hard, and the meager income they finally earn is taken away by these people?!"

The old man next to Li San who pulled him to sit down listened to Niu Ben's words, he looked thoughtful and then said: "Niu Shaoxia, what you said is a bit extreme."

"You say it's unreasonable for the landlord to take away the rent from the peasants for planting the land. But the land belongs to the landlord. Won't you starve to death?"

"There is also the work you mentioned. If there are no gangs to open up the joints, how would these workers work?"

After hearing what the old man said, Niu Ben smiled and asked back: "The old man is a bit unfamiliar, is he new here today?" But Niu Ben didn't wait for the old man to answer, he continued to ask: "According to what you said, the old man is so low-level. Do the poor have to thank the rich landowners, gang bosses and business tycoons?"

The old man nodded slowly: "Since ancient times, the rich have supported the poor, and there is nothing better in the world. Do you think so?" The last sentence was for other people in the prison.

After hearing the old man's words, many people nodded their heads because they felt that what the old man said made sense.

A labor prisoner next to Li San said: "That's right, the old man is right. If there were no rich people to give me a job, I would have starved to death."

Li San asked: "What do you do? How did you get in?"

"Me? I'm the driver of a carriage house. The owner of the carriage house is very kind to me. I went out to see off customers in winter, and I was going to freeze when I came back. The boss immediately sent me to the room. He made hot soup for me again, and even made a brazier for me." The somewhat simple-looking coachman laughed, and his appearance became even more simple and honest.

Looking at his appearance, Niu Ben inexplicably thought of those giant pandas pestering the breeder for pots of milk.

The coachman continued: "As for why you came in, hey, it's my fault. My mother is sick, and I don't have any savings, and I have no money to pay for her illness. After asking the pharmacy to prescribe the medicine, I didn't give any money, so I ran away with the medicine. . Then he was arrested."

Speaking of this, the coachman was a little embarrassed, but the other inmates around were relieved.

"It's not a big deal. For my mother's life and death, even being a thief is worth it."

"Brother, it's all right. I came in after a fight. I still have some money. Brother, tell me after you go out, I'll buy medicine for your old lady."

Even Li San said: "Stealing medicine for the sake of filial piety is not considered stealing. The Dongcheng soldiers and horses arrested you, and they must be confused."

The old man next to Li San caressed his beard and said, "You have been punished severely for what you have done this time."

A kind of toiled prisoner was complaining about what the coachman had done, and at this time Niu Ben's voice came: "Brother, let me ask you a question, what is your salary for a month in the carriage shop?"

"Six hundred bucks," said the coachman.

"How long do you work in a day?" Niu Ben continued to ask.

"It's not necessarily true, it depends on the customer. Some customers use the car late, sometimes in the middle of the night or even early in the morning. At that time, I can only lean on the door frame and sleep soundly."

Niu Ben asked again: "How much is your overtime pay for working so hard?"

Niu Ben asked a question that the coachman couldn't answer. He scratched his head: "What is overtime pay?"

"It's work beyond your working hours. Your boss should pay you more."

"Is there such a good thing?" The coachman opened his mouth in surprise: "How did I not know?"

Niu Ben smiled, but there was a trace of determination in his eyes: "If you go to see off the guests in heavy snow, the boss won't reward you?"

"I'm rewarded, I've been rewarded with a bowl of broth!" The coachman smiled, "It's a full bowl, and there are more than 20 slices of meat."

"It's cold."

"I've got a cold nose. I'm sitting outside the car and driving, and I'm almost frozen to death."

"That's still six hundred dollars a month?"


"Do you have time to rest?"

"When you rest, ask for leave with the owner. If there is no work in the garage, you will take care of the cattle and horses. Those animals have to be taken care of. When you are not working, you have to feed them beans. But I don't ask for leave when I have nothing to do. I will deduct the time off. For wages, twenty dollars a day." The coachman looked very distressed about the twenty dollars wages.

Niu Ben sat down and said, "Brother, it's been so hard, it's been so hard for a month. The work is not black or white, and I have to wait for the cattle and horses to maintain the vehicles in my spare time. Six hundred dollars a month is just a mere subsistence, and my mother is sick. There is no money to treat."

"Driving in winter doesn't even have any clothes that can keep out the cold. Your so-called boss who treats you well knows how cold it is to drive in cold weather, and you don't have any clothes to keep out the cold. What if you freeze to death on the road?"

"Is he really nice to you?" Niu Ben stared into the driver's eyes: "If it's really nice, why don't you give you a little more wages so that you can save more and buy nice clothes. If you have any money left over, It's not like your mother is sick and doesn't even have the money to buy medicine."

"Old man, you said that the rich feed the poor?" Niu Ben turned to look at the old man beside Li San: "I think it's the opposite! Will the rich go to plow the fields? Will they weave and spin? Will you go to open the furnace? Who is doing these hard and tiring jobs?"

"It's the poor! It's our ordinary people. They don't have enough clothes to cover their bodies, they don't have enough to eat. They work hard to survive and work hard in exchange for a subsistence grain. There is no one to support the old, no one to support the young, and no cure for the disease. They Should it?!"

"Why should the poor be grateful to the rich when the rich give a little something from the plate? Why is it taken for granted that the poor work so hard to support the rich? This world is wrong! It's so wrong!"

Niu Ben stood up, his two-meter height made him look like a mountain.

"We are all human beings, and we all have hands. I see the working people toiling in the fields with these hands, sweating profusely in the workshops. But the rich, the powerful hold a bone digging knife in their hands. They Harvest all our work, and if you don't give it, then you will brandish a steel knife and kill us."

"Even when we are worthless and unable to work for them, they will smash our bones with this knife, and scoop out the marrow for fat for their lamps!"

Niu Ben's words stunned the prisoners in the prison, no one knew how to answer?

After a while, Li San hesitated and said, "What should I do?"

Niu Ben said resolutely, "Take the knife!"

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