The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 1524 The wild time and space gate is a bit fierce

You can absolutely trust the professional ethics of capitalists.

Their professional ethics is [As long as it can make money, I can sell you the rope that hangs me! 】

There are not many people with such professional ethics nowadays. Hearing what Andrew and Carmel said, Zhang Tong couldn't help sighing.

The extent of human beings' death in the matter of death far exceeds the limit of human imagination.

They don't think there is anything wrong with North America's current situation. Even they can't wait, eager to try.

I want to make Europe like this.

Because of this look, they can make more money.

As for risk?

who cares!

In the age of great voyages, everyone knew that going out to sea was close to death, but there were still so many people who threw their heads to do it.

The peoples on the continent of Europa are born with the gene of pinning their heads on their belts to pursue profits.

What else can Zhang Tong say about this?

"Are you really not afraid that Europe will become the next North America?" Zhang Tong finally asked.

"Ha, don't worry too much." Carmel smiled: "Not only are we not afraid, but we are even looking forward to it."

Sure enough, people and capitalists are two kinds of creatures.

The two really cannot think in the same brain circuit.

"So, Mr. Zhang. How about, join our great plan. This will be a plan that will benefit you." Carmel's whisper was like a demon's bewitching.

But will Zhang Tong be bewitched?

No, not at all.

When opening a small restaurant, Zhang Tong showed that he is a man who treats money like dirt.

Too much money is a burden, I don't want to make money at all, get rid of you annoying money! The man surnamed Zhang with a net worth of tens of billions said so.

It's a pity that Carmel doesn't believe that there is no one in this world who is not interested in money.

So he continued to bewitch: "Not only can your property be raised to a higher level, but it can also allow you to grab more power!"

Hearing what Carmel said, Zhang Tong pretended to be interested and asked, "How do you say it?"

Carmel showed a really so expression. Men, there are only three things that interest this creature the most in this world: power, money, and sex.

No one can escape these three laws.

Of course, Zhang Tong didn't escape either, he was fascinated by Jiang Hua's beauty. And Jiang Hua made up for the last weakness in Zhang Tong's human nature.

Now Zhang Tong is invincible!

Of course, Carmel didn't know this. He continued: "The way to gain power is very simple, because we found some returnees. Those who don't want to live in China."

"When they pass through this space-time gate, they will return to the world they have traveled through. And..." Carmel bought it off. He said word by word: "Their abilities will be restored after crossing over!"

Tong Zhang:!!!∑(Дノ)ノ

"Are you serious?!"

"of course it's true!"

Fuck, this wild portal is different!

As we all know, the Huaxia government has also mastered the door opening technology because of a certain behind-the-scenes manipulator. But this door-opening technology is manually opened.

And there are not so many confirmed planes at present.

The Chinese government has also tried to bring the returnees from these planes back to the place where they used to live and fight. See if their autobiographies (novels) published online are true. Can they really break stars with one punch and crack the ground with one kick?

It is a pity that many experiments have been done. But in the end it turned out that they were bragging.

After going to another world, their strength is indeed much stronger than that on Earth. But there is still a big gap from the level in their autobiography.

There are many returnees who don't actually miss life on Earth. Because many people are losers when they are on earth.

After traveling to another world, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and they have become big figures who hold the power of the world while the drunk lying beauty wakes up.

How could they be willing to let go of their great fortune and wealth in another world? Many people are very superficial.

You ask them whether they want to be an ordinary middle-class white-collar worker in a prosperous big country, or go to a relatively backward island to become an island tycoon.

In fact, many people will choose the latter.

That was the case for these reluctant returnees.

Many people still fantasize about traveling back and continuing to dominate.

When the government took possession of the gate, it was made public. The group banded together and started making trouble. Ask the government to send them back.

In the end, the government had no choice but to ask you to pay the electricity bill. If you want to go back to the other world, you can go back to the other world.

The hearts of this group of people are no longer in the country, and there is no point in forcing them to stay. However, it is impossible for free. After calculation, the power energy consumed per second when the time-space gate is activated is about 160,000 RMB.

Sending a person costs about 320,000 yuan in electricity, plus labor costs. If you want to send it back, yes, 400,000!

Many people want to chip in the money.

Of course, some people signed up for the government's project and went back to another world for free. Then I found that I hadn't become stronger!

This has driven many people into despair. Began to give up completely.

And now, Carmel said that this wild time-space gate can allow them to return to the other world, not to mention, but also restore their ability in the other world? !

"With the help of these returnees, we are confident that things like that in North America will not happen. Even if it happens, it doesn't really matter." Carmel had a smile on his face, triumphant. ,

"Those returnees go back to their world. Relying on their powerful power can help us colonize those foreign worlds very quickly. Help us obtain massive wealth."

"What we urgently need now is more returnees, and now everyone knows that Mr. Zhang of Chuangshi Group has the largest number of returnees. So let's cooperate."

Zhang Tong asked the last question coldly: "Those returnees return to the foreign world they want to go to, then they will let the birds fly in the sky, and let the fish leap in the sea. Why should they help you colonize the foreign world?" ? They are so powerful in another world, they can completely ignore your words."

Carmel and Andrew looked at each other, then laughed.

Andrew said to Zhang Tong: "Look, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Tong looked in the direction of his finger, and a blue light flashed inside Stonehenge. Suddenly a naked man appeared there.

Several workers in security uniforms walked into Stonehenge with electric batons.

"No. 85757, you have repeatedly violated the company's group regulations in the third world. The group has decided to punish you for three months. If you do not obey the company's orders, the company will permanently deprive you of your right to live in the third world."

The **** man seemed to have not turned his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Did you think I was rubbed by you? My strength has returned! Look at me, the wind is coming!"

**The man raised his hands high, the air was motionless, there was no wind at all.

He was a little embarrassed.

"Rain is coming!"

The sky was clear, not a single cloud.


This time the call came, but the security guard's electric baton was inserted into his body.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" The **man's whole body twitched from the electric shock.

The three of Zhang Tong watched this scene from a distance. Andrew said proudly: "Look, no matter how powerful they are in the foreign world, we can forcefully summon them back here. And their power will be completely lost when they return to Earth."

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