ps: The last chapter was updated incorrectly, it is a new book! Sorry everyone!

The odd homecoming has increased.

But maybe they are not returnees, but the aborigines of the other world that the traversers went to?

But now I don't know why, these people actually appeared on the earth on a large scale.

In addition to the aborigines led by these suddenly appearing beautiful girls across the earth, another group of people traveled across the earth.

But those guys are more violent, and they claim to be from such and such a fairyland. To find the Supreme Immortal King Li Weiyi.

This group of so-called golden immortals was temporarily suppressed by the heroic armed police.

Jiang Hua has to start dealing with these very troublesome things now, so she has no time to take care of Zhang Tong now.

When Zhang Tong and Li Lianlong returned to the hive, Zhang Tong got the news. Even thinking with his big toe, Zhang Tong knew that these things might have something to do with the wild time-space gate at Stonehenge in England.

He scratched his cheek involuntarily: "It's a little troublesome."

Li Lianlong asked: "What's the trouble?"

"There is a wild portal at Stonehenge in the UK, and the development of things is a bit beyond my expectations. The consortium in Europe is using the returnees to develop another world for them."

"But they keep opening and closing the portal, which may have caused the time and space of our world to be unable to maintain a stable state." Zhang Tong scratched his face and whispered.

"No, it should be said that the appearance of this space-time gate means that our earth is no longer in an ultra-stable space-time."

Zhang Tong scratched his head, he is a little bit big now.

Li Lianlong hurriedly asked: "What's the problem if it's not a superstable space-time?"

"For example, the earth is originally at a special node in the multiverse. If our universe is likened to a container, the earth is the bottle mouth of this container."

Zhang Tong explained in a simple way as possible.

"Originally, our bottle mouth is welded with our universe, which is theoretically one and unbreakable. So our time and space have always been an ultra-stable time and space."

"But we, the traversers, traveled to another world together. This must mean that the stable form of our time and space has been broken. And our return will bring more holes to this world."

"And now that the wild time-space gate has appeared, it has completely destroyed the space-time balance of our universe. As the node of this universe, the earth will be in trouble in the future."

Zhang Tong helped his forehead helplessly.

Li Lianlong held his chin and thought: "You mean, in the future, our earth will become a place where people from other worlds can come and go whenever they want?"

"Almost." Zhang Tong helplessly spread his hands: "Isn't there a so-called ascending sky and a so-called broken void in the other world. I think that as long as people with a certain level of strength can come to Earth in the future."

"If they are secretly building back doors on the earth, smuggling and smuggling in time and space. Our world will soon be chaotic, and the current social stability structure will be quickly destroyed."

Li Lianlong also thought of some other questions: "Wait! If this is the case, then with the virtue of most traversers working in other worlds, I am afraid they will provoke countless enemies. If the worlds of those lower planes are still It’s easy to say, but what if it’s a world like the one I’m in, where the powerful class surpasses the Earth?”

"Even if the strength is limited by the laws of the universe after traveling to the earth, it is not as strong as in the original world. But the world I have traveled to has a lot of strong people! If they come to this earth in a group, damn it!"

Li Lianlong seemed to have thought of something very bad.

Zhang Tong stagnates in his heart: "Wait, Lao Li. I see that you have a loyal face, so you are also committing murder and arson in another world!"

Li Lianlong blushed: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm a good boy who was born in the spring breeze and grew up under the red flag. Even if I traveled to another world, I didn't do anything bad, okay?"

"However, there are always enemies. People are drifting in the rivers and lakes. How can there be no cause and effect of love and hatred? Of course, I also have various karmic entanglements in another world."

Zhang Tong's gossip small antenna instantly turned on to twelve megawatts: "Wait, cause and effect, entanglement, no, Lao Li, you are wrong. You are very wrong. Tell me the truth, is your entanglement changing cause and effect?" Is it better to be married?"

"Oh, old Zhang, don't worry about it!" Li Lianlong stomped angrily.

Zhang Tong's small gossip antenna was retracted temporarily: "Actually, even if you have some bullshit things, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, it's Gao Xiaomin that you are troublesome."

"But what you just said is right. With the virtues of most traversers, they only bully the common people in Yurou Township in another world. This can be regarded as their accumulation of sinful virtue. Who knows how many enemies will come to Earth by then."

"How much trouble they will cause to the earth." Zhang Tong felt a headache when he thought of this.

"But isn't the time flow of the earth different from that of other worlds? Maybe those people's enemies are all dead?" Li Lianlong relied on luck.

But Zhang Tong gave him a bad answer: "Impossible. After the earth's ultra-stable space-time cannot be maintained, the time flow rate between the earth and various planes will begin to tend to be unified. The barriers of the multiverse will be broken. .”

"Those enemies might not be dead, but live well instead. Not only are they alive well, but their strength has also increased a bit. Are you angry?"

"Old Li, tell the truth, have you messed with some supreme power in another world? If you can save it, tell us, we will arrange it earlier. When he comes, we will copy the guy and do it before he reacts." kill him!"

Li Lianlong quickly waved his hands: "Don't, don't, Alian is not a bad person."

"Oh, so it's called A Lian." Zhang Tong pretended to put away the small gossip antenna that had been quietly operating all the time. Look! This catches a big fish!

"Old! You thick eyebrows and big eyes, why are you full of bad water!" Li Lianlong, who had been tricked, was very annoyed.

"Hey, instinct, instinct." Zhang Tong smiled shyly, and his smile was full of apology of "Sorry, dare to do it next time".

"Now we need to do something. I want to go back and tell my wife the truth, so that she knows. You go to Gao Xiaomin and ask her to register the returnees in the company. What did those people do in the other world? If there is any enemy, we must collect as much information as possible.”

Zhang Tong and Li Lianlong are going to split up.

But at this moment, there was an unusual fluctuation in the air, which both Li Lianlong and Zhang Tong noticed.

The next moment a woman suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. She murmured: "Is this the legendary upper realm that can only be reached by cultivating martial arts to the extreme and breaking the void? Is this the place that Aaron is longing for?"

Zhang Tong looked at Li Lianlong, who was already sweating profusely.

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