Wang Xuewu's dead soul is daring, and the current situation is completely beyond his control. He can't see any figure on the opposite side, but he can feel the cold metal feeling on his face.

It should be metal, not something else. Wang Xuewu is not sure whether his perception is normal, because he can only feel it with his skin, but his eyes cannot see anything else.

Zhang Tong stood in front of Wang Xuewu like this, holding Wang Xuewu's face with the round metal head of the stick. He continued to say in that strange voice: "My strength has recovered now, so I thank you, you say Okay, Daoist Wang."

"How should I thank you?" Zhang Tong cut off part of Wang Xuewu's perception, which made Wang Xuewu unable to see Zhang Tong standing opposite him even with his eyes wide open.

The muscles on Wang Xuewu's face were trembling. He fell to the ground and crawled backwards in the bathroom. After installing the toilet, he said tremblingly: "No, you are not, you are not Tian Yi! You are not Tian Yi!"

Zhang Tong smiled, well, now it can be confirmed that Wang Xuewu is really related to Tian Yi's case.

Zhang Tong was actually very angry about Tian Yi's case, because a pair of innocent parents passed away in this case. Zhang Tong knew about it when he heard Jiang Hua introduce the case before.

Tian Yi's parents are two ordinary workers. They have never done anything earth-shattering in their life, but they have never done anything evil either. Like the vast majority of people, life is flat and dull.

Without any great skills, there is no way to buy a big house for his son in Huaihai City, a place where every inch of land is expensive. But their affection for their children is real. For more than half a year before Tian Yi's return, the couple went out to look for their son almost every day. They broke through the threshold of the police station, and the police were afraid of the couple.

Although Tian Yi is a squat at home because of his personality, his parents have never disliked him, as long as he can come back. Just like he spent so much money after he came back, although his parents kept arguing with him, they always compromised and gave it to him in the end. They just want Tian Yi's depressed mood to recover as soon as possible.

Even if it returns to the same as before, although I don't like to go out, I don't look for a job. But as long as he can pick up a paintbrush, he doesn't care what he paints, as long as he can support himself in the future. After all, his parents are old and have no ability to support Tian Yi for a lifetime. He still has a long way to go.

Such a couple is very ordinary, but they gave Tian Yi all their love. However, the ending of the story is not satisfactory. Can Tian Yi stand up and be a man again in the future? Zhang Tong didn't know, what he knew, the couple had already died in a pool of blood.

The cause of death was due to excessive wound bleeding and rescue failed. The most suspected criminal is Tian Yi, and it is very likely that Wang Changchun's so-called elixir may have prompted Tian Yi to do all this.

Children kill their parents, especially if the parents have done nothing wrong. From every point of view, this is a human tragedy. Zhang Tong realizes that he is not such a perfect saint, he has all kinds of little thoughts of his own. But he didn't feel that he was a cold-blooded person, and it was such things that he disliked the most.

After returning from another world and getting the news of his parents' death, Zhang Tong immediately went to Ningbo, standing in front of his parents' grave and weeping silently. He hadn't shed tears for many years, but he didn't feel ashamed to cry for his parents.

Therefore, he hates Wang Xuewu very much, and Zhang Tong hates Jiang Hua's perverted thoughts about trying to seize his store, and Wang Xuewu is also behind the Tian Yi case.

How much money is it for someone to commit such a human murder? Wang Xuewu ruined a family for personal greed.

So Zhang Tong is willing to do Jiang Hua a favor and help her solve this case. Of course, it's not just to help Jiang Hua, but more importantly, Zhang Tong is extremely unhappy with Wang Xuewu in his heart!

When Wang Xuewu screamed: "You are not Tian Yi!" Zhang Tong smiled silently, and continued to use that strange voice to say: "I am Tian Yi, Daoist Wang. You forgot that you gave me the elixir and restored my strength. It's a pity. , I wasted a lot of pills."

"The elixirs I took before were useless, but I finally found a way to use them correctly." Zhang Tong's tone was eerie, and he blew into Wang Xuewu's ear and said: " How do you think this pill should be eaten?"

Zhang Tong's breath made Wang Xuewu's scalp feel cold, it felt like those horror movies he had watched when he was a child. Wang Xuewu wanted to stand up and run away, but he couldn't move even with all his strength. He appeared to be numb to his body from the neck down.

Zhang Tong continued to scratch Wang Xuewu's face with the metal round head of the stick: "Come on, let me tell you the answer. I heard a legend that your elixir should be eaten with the blood of your blood relatives." It worked. So, guess what I did?!"

The crazy voice that came from Wang Xuewu's ears made him terrified, and now he couldn't figure out whether the other party was Tian Yi, an otaku. What happened today was too weird. He approached Tian Yi at that time because the other party returned from another world and had no ability.

That's why he pretended to be Wang Changchun to get in touch with the other party, using pills as an introduction to defraud money. And he knows exactly what those pills are, not to mention that taking them together with the blood of blood relatives can restore the ability. Even if it is mixed with dragon blood, it is useless!

Those things are a hallucinogen, something his teacher researched. His teacher called this pill "Xinxiangshicheng Pill", as long as you take one, your wish will come true.

Of course, it's not in the center of reality, but in dreams and fantasies. It allows you to live through an extremely real, but false dream itself. In the dream, you can regain everything, including everything you had in the other world.

This drug is not addictive, it does not rely on biological response mechanism to produce dependence. It can be said that it is completely non-toxic and harmless, but at the same time it is extremely poisonous and harmful.

There are always too many pains and too many last resorts in life. Whether you live in another world now or before, there will always be things that don't go your way. And this drug can help you accomplish everything you need in your dreams, everything you want.

The reality is too painful, the dream is too beautiful. Make a choice, do you want to die in reality or live in a dream? So Wang Xuewu, who was greatly frightened, was a little panicked. He almost subconsciously refuted Zhang Tong's words: "Impossible, impossible! You are not Tian Yi, and this medicine cannot restore your strength!"

It seems to be to cheer yourself up, or to increase the strength of your rebuttal. Wang Xuewu told everything he knew about the medicine like pouring beans into the bamboo tube in the air.

Originally, Wang Xuewu shouldn't have said these things, but today he seems to be possessed by an evil spirit. Fear has been dominating his brain, causing him to lose his ability to judge and make all kinds of wrong decisions.

And Zhang Tong listened carefully to every word Wang Xuewu said, especially about the effects of these drugs. After listening to Wang Xuewu's story, Zhang Tong felt a little scary. A drug that can create perfect dreams, making people unable to distinguish between reality and falsehood? Just like Zhouzhuang Mengdie, am I Zhouzhuang or am I a butterfly? Which one is the real reality?

If you are addicted to dreams and cannot extricate yourself, you may even feel that dreams are real life. Then, in order to return to the "real world", many people may spare no expense to buy this elixir from Wang Xuewu.

And Zhang Tong looked Wang Xuewu up and down, this guy doesn't look like a person who can research this kind of medicine. However, that's enough, it should have been Jiang Hua's job to follow the vine to catch the big head behind. Just find out the clues and help her out.

Zhang Tong let the swing stick bring a slight electric current across Wang Xuewu's face, and the stimulation of the electric current made Wang Xuewu's hair stand on end. "Wang Daochang, maybe it won't work for others. But my ability is to summon all kinds of anime characters. Some anime characters are very proficient in dreams, and only in dreams can they play their greatest role. And they can help me in reality." Zhang Tong started talking nonsense.

"It may not work for others, but for me it is only in my dream that I can find a way to restore my strength!" Zhang Tong is talking nonsense, but this kind of nonsense has some credibility.

Because of the development of animation to the present, there are at least tens of thousands of animation and comic works in the world. It should come as no surprise that there are characters who are well versed in dream virtual reality. What if Tian Yi really found a way to restore his strength in the virtual dream? Wang Xuewu didn't dare to make a conclusion, because there were all kinds of freaks among the returnees.

But now Zhang Tong used the swing stick as an electric baton. After prodding Wang Xuewu a few times, he asked, "Then Daoist Wang, what about the rest of the medicine?"

Wang Xuewu had a bitter look on his face. If he handed over the medicine or not, he might not have a good fruit to eat.

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