This is the prison is alive. Gu Dali had to face this reality. This prison looks very strange. It is a living thing, and now he is extremely hungry for food, and the growl like a beast is still in Gu Dali's ears. echo.

"Food, smell the smell of food, hungry, I want to eat!"

Gu Dali has never been in contact with this kind of thing, he has no idea what this thing is for? But he now knows that he may be in the belly of this monster, and that he is in danger.

Gu Dali just wanted to break free from here immediately.

Dali Vajra Fist, Dali Vajra Kick, countless martial arts of the Dali series were used crazily by him.

These skills were not made up by Gu Dali himself, but after he joined the organization and the organization wiped out some returnees, he got them from the returnees.

Many returnees returned from the martial arts plane or the oriental fantasy plane. Some people still have secret books on them, and after the organization eliminates these people, the secret books are also disrespectfully accepted.

And these Dali series of cheats are most suitable for guys with superpowers like Gu Dali to use. Although there is no way to cultivate the strength written in the exercises.

But Gu Dali's ability is strength, and the huge force that can push several tons of weights can be regarded as complementing each other when using these Dali series of martial arts.

Gu Dali frantically activated his supernatural powers, and his muscles were in a state of explosive expansion. In the Vigorous Vajra Fist, he made the vajra Buddha worship move like a storm. All I could hear was the sound of bumping and bumping in the air, which was the sound of airflow produced by Gu Dali's fist piercing the air.

And such a powerful punch is enough to smash a full-size pickup truck into pieces in an instant. Even some light armored vehicles cannot withstand such an attack as Gu Dali.

What happened now was weird beyond Gu Dali's expectation, so he didn't hide his strength at all, even if Wei Wuchang came to trouble him later, he would break this prison.

Gu Dali is still very confident in his attack power. Although he may not be able to do it for Wuchang, he also believes that if he hits with all his strength, Wei Wuchang will not feel better in the future.

Even though this prison is full of weirdness, this polystone-looking thing is now alive. Gu Dali believed that he could still break it.

Gu Dali especially likes to read some online novels on Qidian He especially likes the viewpoints in some novels, such as breaking ten tricks with one force, breaking ten thousand tricks with one force, and so on.

Because in his opinion, these are the rhetoric prepared for him. I am the male protagonist who breaks through everything.

Gu Dali also doesn't like those guys who rely on external forces to fight. In his creed, men should be hard on the anus. Guys who rely on external forces and technology to fight are all bitches, and they can only be truly powerful if they are strong themselves.

Because he believes in his own strength, he will become stronger and stronger through continuous exercise. In the future, it will always be able to overcome all external forces, equipment, technology and so on.

Even today, he still thinks so, he believes that his fist will be able to solve this weird prison.

But after his torrential attack passed, the gap he originally expected was not opened. The eccentric prison appears to be unscathed.

And everything he did, not only did not help his current situation, but seemed to anger this monster.

"It hurts. The food dares to resist, I want to eat you!" It seems that this weird monster is becoming more and more sober now, and his sentences are becoming more and more fluent. Gu Dali's attack did not cause any damage, but enraged the opponent instead.

This is not a good sign, because this monster looks like it is going to eat Gu Dali soon.

The wall, which was originally made of polystone, suddenly became very soft. Soft like the flesh of some creatures.

And from these soft flesh, countless tentacles stretched out.

These tentacles wanted to bind Gu Dali, but Gu Dali waved his hands and broke several tentacles. But two fists are no match for four hands, and there are too many tentacles. Before Gu Dali didn't notice, his feet had already been bound, and the tentacles hung him upside down with force. Once Gu Dali was knocked out, his power advantage was lost instantly, and it was not easy to exert force in mid-air.

After Gu Dali lost his advantage in strength, he was immediately entangled by many tentacles, wrapped as firmly as rice dumplings.

And these tentacles were trapped on Gu Dali's body, making Gu Dali feel burning pain. It was like being burned.

In fact, this is because these tentacles are secreting the digestive juice of this pink prison, which is enough to corrode all carbon-based life forms.

Gu Dali's physical toughness is far beyond that of ordinary people, so he still only feels the pain of being burned. If it is an ordinary person, the places touched by these tentacles may have begun to rot and lyse in large pieces.

"The taste of the food is really delicious." The pink prison growled lowly, as if a beast that had been hungry for a long time finally found food.

"I haven't eaten for a long time." Pink Prison said excitedly.

In fact, it is strange to say that Wei Wuchang did not expect such a thing to happen when he put Gu Dali in prison, because Wei Wuchang also used this pink prison to imprison some other people, and those people ended up getting in and out easily. Why did Gu Dali have problems?

Wei Wuchang would not know, and neither would Gu Dali, because it was actually the seed that Zhang Tong planted in Gu Dali that caused all this.

This seed is the key to what is happening today. Zhang Tong killed many old rulers and ancient gods in another world.

These guys are not good people, at least not for human beings. They use humans as pawns and don't care about human life at all. Proxy warfare is extraordinarily brutal.

Zhang Tong wanted to chop down any old rulers and ancient gods who dared to stretch their claws towards the earth.

The seeds buried in Gu Dali's body are a bait for the old rulers. Because Zhang Tong has been in contact with them a lot, and he knows what these guys like. If Gu Dali's organization is really related to the Old Ones, any creatures and objects related to the Old Ones will be awakened when they encounter the seeds released by Zhang Tong.

Like this pink prison. Of course, what Zhang Tong wants is not just to wake them up, what Zhang Tong needs more is to destroy them directly.

However, there was a small deviation between the development of the matter and Zhang Tong's original plan, that is, Gu Dali did not go directly back to the headquarters of the organization, and directly met the old ruler or similar high-level people, but was killed by Huangshan. Wei Wuchang was captured and thrown into the Pink Prison.

Now that the Pink Prison has been activated, Zhang Tong's seeds have also begun to explode. However, it doesn't matter if he failed to kill the old ruler directly, because Zhang Tong this time is more like a warning, and any claws that want to reach out to the earth will be cut off by him.

And just as countless tentacles corroded Gu Dali little by little, the seeds buried in Gu Dali's body by Zhang Tong exploded instantly.

The huge electromagnetic gravitational force instantly distorts the surrounding magnetic field space. A huge explosion happened. Gu Dali is this biological bomb.

He exploded directly inside the pink prison, and the pink monster disappeared in the explosion. The huge impact also destroyed the entire basement.

However, it is also because Gu Dali exploded inside the pink prison, so most of the impact has been offset by the pink prison.

Therefore, although the impact of such an explosion destroyed the basement of Wei Wuchang's slaughterhouse, it did not spread to other places.

Wei Wuchang and his younger brother walked into the completely destroyed basement, and found that Gu Dali was nowhere to be seen at all. Maybe there was not even a single corpse left in the explosion just now, and the pink prison is now gone. It was scattered, and pink blood was scattered everywhere.

Wei Wuchang and his younger brother looked at each other, not knowing what had happened, but Wei Wuchang knew that he might be in for some serious misfortune this time, because the pink prison, which was very useful for the organization, was actually destroyed now. I'm afraid this will give some tongues to some guys in the organization who have been coveting their company's profits for a long time.

And Zhang Tong, who was far away in Huaihai, also felt the explosion of the seeds he buried in Gu Dali's body. He smiled slightly: "Well, I found it. Fortunately, it's not very far away, and the location is in the direction of Hui Province? Just right, I really I want to eat Huangshan Shaobing."

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