The dark knight named Xiao Hei really wants to go back to the Demon Realm now, but when I first came there was a Might and Magic Gate, what about such big magicians? Why did they disappear in a blink of an eye! How can I go back to the Demon Realm? ?

No way, that damned guy is getting closer, closer. He was still holding a bag in his hand. What was in the bag? He's about to open the bag. It smells, it smells terrible, it smells like poison!

"Come on, Xiao Hei. Open your mouth." Zhang Tong smiled and handed a Huangshan biscuit to Xiao Hei.

Twenty minutes later, in Gao Xiaomin's room.

Zhang Tong looked at Gao Xiaomin's room in amazement, and at the same time looked at the decoration in Gao Xiaomin's room curiously. And Gao Xiaomin recovered from the state of being strangled by Xiao Hei just now, while Xiao Hei was kneeling on the sofa beside him, holding a cup of green tea, and a plate of Huangshan Shaobing in front of him. It is drinking green tea and eating shochu from the mouth opening of the mask. Quiet like a Buddhist demon.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this furniture pure solid wood? Could it be the legendary century-old ash?" Zhang Tong touched a tea table. Zhang Tong's hundred-year-old Mandshurica ash was learned from the TV series "Wulin Biography" he just watched recently with the shopkeeper Tong Xiangyu. I also know why the returnee named Bai Zhantang was surprised that he didn't respond when he heard his name that day.

"What ash, this is Sapele." Gao Xiaomin couldn't help complaining about people like Zhang Tong who have never seen a good wood and misrepresented the name: "You can just do it casually without learning a new term." Is it messed up?"

"Ha." Zhang Tong smiled indifferently, then pointed to the floor and asked, "Your floor is natural marble, right?"

Gao Xiaomin rolled his eyes: "Man-made. Natural marble may not have such a neat pattern, and natural marble is not environmentally friendly. I support artificial stone."

"Artificial stone is cheap."

"A piece of this standard and this size (800x800mm) costs more than 1,200 yuan." Gao Xiaomin squinted at Zhang Tong: "Hey, why are you asking these questions today? Your house needs to be renovated?"

"Ask, just ask. I just see that your house is decorated in a good style. If you get married in the future, the new house should be decorated in this way." Zhang Tong touched the smooth floor: "But, now look Forget it. The floor tiles of your house are enough to buy a small-sized house in Shuangqing."

"Buying a house in Shuangqing? Wait! What do you mean?" Gao Xiaomin immediately asked, "Don't you have a place to live in Huaihai? Did you go out of your mind to buy a house in Shuangqing?"

"It's nothing, just asking casually." Zhang Tong didn't intend to answer Gao Xiaomin. But Gao Xiaomin suddenly said: "That Jianghua man is actually from Shuangqing, right?!"

Zhang Tong raised his eyebrows, but he didn't respond to Gao Xiaomin's words. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, what do you think about what I just told you?"

Zhang Tong was referring to what happened to him in Huangshan, and the jihadist organization he met. Since Gao Xiaomin didn't lose the memory of Sifang Island, and he and Gao Xiaomin had a lifelong friendship, then Zhang Tong felt that he could talk to Gao Xiaomin about some things.

About not losing strength and meeting an organization that wants to make some jihad plan. Zhang Tong said all these things, because although Gao Xiaomin seems vicious sometimes, he is very trustworthy. If she promises someone one thing, she will definitely do it. It can be regarded as the master of every spit and nail.

Of course, Zhang Tong didn't tell everything about himself. At least it's about where his strength has reached, and what happened behind Sifang Island. Zhang Tong didn't take the initiative to say how he slaughtered the old rulers, etc., so Gao Xiaomin didn't take the initiative to ask.

Gao Xiaomin looked at Zhang Tong with a bright smile, and thought a little angrily in his heart: "Damn guy, this person has not lost his ability. On the contrary, he seems to have become stronger. Xiao Hei now sees that he is no longer a mouse or a cat. It is completely It’s like the Goblin saw the Lord of Destruction. Now a dignified high-level demon actually makes such Buddhist tea and snacks. Damn! How can I have the opportunity to enslave him like this?”

Gao Xiaomin is still tirelessly pursuing her lifelong dream, at least for now she doesn't want to give up.

But these things just need to be thought about, Zhang Tong has not lost his strength now, if he force-feeds Mai Lisu to himself, he will be powerless to resist. hateful!

Gao Xiaomin had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he said without a trace on his face: "You mean you planted a nail in this cult-like organization, and then let the nail destroy the organization from the inside. Then split their industry Let me take over?"

"It's not wrong for you to say that." Zhang Tong nodded: "This is what I want you to help with."

"Why not directly?" Gao Xiaomin asked Zhang Tong: "There should be a department dedicated to these matters. Why do you need to do these things yourself?"

"Because there are many conflicts of interest, and this is what I am most afraid of." Zhang Tong thought of some things that Dongfang Jianguo said before, and hesitated in his heart.

"What can they trade? Money, power and sex? People who can be fooled by these will always have a flaw?" Gao Xiaomin raised his own doubts.

"No, it's not just money, power and sex..." Zhang Tong curled his lips.

"What?" Gao Xiaomin frowned.

"Changsheng." Zhang Tong said lightly: "Of course, maybe it shouldn't be called Changsheng. Because they can't really make people live forever, but it's not difficult to live better and longer. This jihadist organization seems to have mastered a certain A medicament that increases lifespan and youthfulness."

"After injecting their medicine, people will be younger and can maintain the peak state of the body longer. But the disadvantage is that once they are not injected with their medicine, the body will accelerate aging. If they inject their medicine for a long time, they may live a whole life People in their fifties and sixties are in the same physical condition as ordinary people in their fifties and sixties who are healthy and strong. This is a deal that many people can't refuse." Zhang Tong expressed his concerns.

"For these people, their interests are already tied to this jihadist organization. That's the key to why I want to take care of this myself. And if there is a Great Old One, the general Secret Service The police are also completely unable to deal with it. In the end, I still need to take action." Zhang Tong spread his hands.

"So, I want you to do me this favor. Of course, it's not in vain. You can take all those companies away, and you can become the richest woman in Asia in the future." Zhang Tong smiled.

But Gao Xiaomin didn't smile, she shook her head: "If you really want to help me, then help me get rid of this first. I don't even know what to do with this thing."

Gao Xiaomin pointed to Xiao Hei, a Buddhist demon who was drinking tea and eating snacks.

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