The King of the Night felt that it would be a very pleasant thing for him to strangle this handsome guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Because he looks ordinary, he can only be regarded as a little handsome. What I hate the most are those very handsome guys. Every time I see such a person, I feel very upset.

Because I was angry with many people like this when I didn't time travel. For example, when I was studying in school, I wanted to pursue a goddess, but the goddess ignored me at all, and instead got together with a handsome guy.

"Handsome guys are heartless! Playboys! In the future, this goddess will know who really loves her!"

The handsome guy and the goddess go out and talk about marriage.

"This kind of handsome guy is a little boy, he won't work hard, and he won't make any money in the future! He must be on soft food!"

The handsome guy got an application from a big company, and worked very hard, and got a promotion opportunity within a year.

"Hmph! He must have gotten it by selling his looks and his ass!"

The handsome guy and the goddess really got married, and then gave birth to a lovely child. Live happily ever after.

"Hey, a pair of dogs and men, they must live harmoniously on the surface, but they are playing their own way behind the scenes. Who knows whose child this is!"

The Night King has various reasons to dislike handsome guys, because he feels that the world is unfair to him. And many times want to destroy the world (use the keyboard to destroy). But fortunately, I got compensation in the end, traveled to another world, and also got a Naruto system.

As long as you complete the tasks issued by the system, you can get the rewards given by the system. Step by step, I reached the pinnacle of life, and my improved shadow escape technique made me extremely powerful in the dark night! He even defeated the goddess of the night among the twelve gods of Narnia, and replaced her as the new god!

I am now a human being, a living god, and I don't like those annoying handsome guys. It's okay if you don't appear in front of yourself, but if you appear in front of yourself, then naturally you must be eliminated!

In fact, there is another point that the King of the Dark Night did not explain, and that is because only Zhang Tong has no strong aura around the exchange of shares. The so-called persimmon still needs to be pinched softly!

The Dark Night King used the magic claw protruding from the shadow to strangle Zhang Tong's neck and all parts of his body. There are at least dozens of people eating and drinking in this tavern, but no one came to stop him.

"Hmph, it seems that although these people have a strong aura on the surface, they are also a group of guys who don't dare to meddle in other people's business. Maybe they are still shocked by my strength!" Thinking of this, the Night King felt even more proud . And increased the strength of the tentacles protruding from the shadow, he was about to tear Zhang Tong into several pieces.

Hard, hard, hard!

Um? Why does something seem wrong again. I worked so hard, why didn't I feel that the boss was crushed into powder? Why is the clerk in this tavern not worried about the safety of his boss at all, but instead polished his fingernails with nail clippers.

"One more glass of sweet corn wine." A customer greeted the clerk who was still polishing his nails.

The clerk let out an oh, and brought over a glass of sweet corn wine. The part-time clerk whose main job is a mecha pilot is named Ye Xiu. He said to the customer who was drinking the fourth cup of sweet corn wine: "Iron Axe, this is already your fourth cup. We here It is stipulated that after drinking three cups of sweet corn wine, you must pay the bill first. Otherwise, who will you ask for the bill when you get drunk?"

"All right. It's not the first time I, Iron Ax, have come here. This is already the fifth time I've participated in this damn ring, and I've eaten at this restaurant many times. I've known about this boss for a long time. Rules, this time has already brought enough rewards." The guy named Iron Ax obviously didn't use his real name, but it was also a kind of self-protection. He was short and strong, wearing a solid armor, carrying a huge axe, and carrying a huge box.

"No, I brought a lot of things." Iron Ax opened the box he brought and pointed it to Ye Xiu: "No, this is a dark iron kitchen knife, and there is also a matching Dulong wood felt board here .There is also a box of wizard cards here, which is made of rhinoceros hide with gold stamping. It is very beautiful. Oh, by the way, there is also a pair of dragon leather shoes, which I got last time as a trophy. I think the size is suitable for the boss, so I will also go with it. Brought it."

Iron Ax King Lin Lin brought a lot of things scatteredly and handed them all to the clerk Ye Xiu.

On the other hand, the Dark Night King, who was tied up with Zhang Tong, was puzzled: "What's the matter with you?! Didn't you see that I've tied up this shop owner now? Why do you want to give something, a dwarf with a big axe? This boss is dead, you can eat and drink whatever you want, don't thank me!"

The Night King reminded Iron Axe, as if the other party was blind and didn't see what he was doing.

And after King Iron Ax handed over all the things to Ye Xiu, he turned his head to look at the King of the Night and smiled. Although the Iron Ax King is a little short and a bit strong, he has a simple and honest appearance. If he is not wearing a suit of armor and holding a big axe, he really looks like a lively old farmer, who looks like a hundred-year-old cow.

He chuckled: "It can't be compared, it can't be compared. Young man, you are young, strong, strong, and capable. If you can cause trouble, you can handle it. I am different, I am older. Now I have a living, I just want to live more For a few years, I just don’t want to die. I can’t compare to a young man like you who is full of vigor. I can’t compare, I can’t compare~.”

Although the Iron Ax King was boasting himself, the Night King was a little puzzled: Why does this man seem to have something in his words?

Ye Xiu packed up all the things Iron Ax gave him, and then picked up a pair of beautiful dragon leather shoes inside and said to Zhang Tong who was tied up: "Boss, do you want to try these shoes? If they don't fit Do you want to return it to Iron Axe?"

"Are you stupid? Your boss is dead!" The Night King felt more and more that something was wrong. Are these people ignoring him?

If it is said that when the Night King entered and exited the tavern, many people still cared about him and looked at him more often. But now everyone treats him as air, as if he is no longer in the world.

"Oh, wait, I'm coming out now." The Night King was startled! I originally tied Zhang Tong! Didn't I entangle him with shadow tentacles? How can he talk?

And now it's not just talking, he actually pushed aside the tentacles that were wrapped around him with one hand, and he looked unharmed! how so? ! Not only was he surprised, but many traversers who came to Sifang Island to fight for the first time were also surprised, but none of them became the first bird, and everything followed the rules here. Because when you come to a place first, you always have to adapt to the local rules first.

"I'm here to try on the shoes. This guy's shadow tentacles are quite comfortable. It's as cold as the air conditioner. I almost fell asleep just now. Oh, by the way, whoever came out and threw this guy to me Go outside. I'll pack that guy's food for tomorrow. By the way, I'm telling everyone that no one should give this tentacle monster food. Otherwise, I can only take Xiong Daxiong Er into the safe zone." Zhang Tong said As soon as he finished speaking, the guy with a big sword in the corner of the tavern rushed out immediately.

Before the Night King could react, he kicked his ass and kicked him flying.

"That, boss, my food?"

"Today's and tomorrow's orders are free. I will give you three extra glasses of sweet corn wine and a grilled fish."

"thank you boss!"

Outside the tavern, the Night King patted the dirt on his body and stood up. He doesn't dare to be rampant now, because everything here seems to reveal all kinds of weirdness. I don't know what happened, but it's just food, I can find it myself. Speaking of which, I was really a little hungry.

The Night King saw a huge cornfield from afar.

"Well, corn. Corn on the cob as big as a person? No matter, eat it first." Just as the night king was about to pick corn, he found two pairs of huge bear eyes staring at him. His back was already drenched in cold sweat!

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