"The sky is dead, and Huang Tian should stand." Zhang Tong blurted out these words without any burden.

But the faces of Hulu brother and the younger brothers opposite him changed drastically. Brother Hulu even waved his hands quickly and said: "Friend, you can't say these words indiscriminately. Your surname is not Zhang, and I am not surnamed Huang. You will be held legally responsible if you say these words casually."

Zhang Tong thought to himself: It's a coincidence to say so, and his surname is indeed Zhang. Of course, the person opposite is not surnamed Huang.

"It's fine for friends to joke here. You know that rebellion is about to lose your head. I don't think I heard what happened today. If you leave now, I won't call the police. If you want to say these strange things again, I can only call the police to arrest you."

Brother Hulu made his own threats. He was warning Zhang Tong, who was wearing a Magneto tights cosplay suit, and told him: You'd better go obediently, or we will call the police.

Zhang Tong felt that he was about to die suddenly. You guys are villains and villains. Who gave you the courage to threaten people to call the police at every turn, was it Liang Jingru?

Regarding this, he could only say: "I don't understand, you are the villains and villains."

"As for the evidence, you should be held accountable by law if you smear someone innocent out of nothing." Although he is only a college student who graduated from Yeji University, Brother Hulu still has a very strong sense of law.

"Everything must be based on evidence. Are we bad people just sitting here and scolding the high housing prices in Huaihai? If this will lead to arrests, at least 25 million of the 30 million people in Huaihai will be arrested!"

"If you can't afford a house, you have to find the reason yourself! You guys start it." Zhang Tong drove away a brother Hulu who was sitting on the sofa. He himself sat in this position very naturally, and opened a bottle of beer, drinking while talking.

"Find out the reasons from your own side, and see why you can't afford a house. You can't blame the society and the government for everything."

Zhang Tong's current appearance and tone are full of the appearance of those who sing praises for the inflated real estate prices, and who are struggling to clean up the land. Seeing this kind of person on the Internet would make him want to be beaten to death, but if he actually met him in real life, he would really have the urge to be beaten to death.

The impulsive little black fat man couldn't sit still on the spot: "What are you talking about?! We people work hard every day and night. We work hard every month. Those who wake up earlier than chickens go to bed faster than chickens. Late. Do you know how hard we worked?"

"Even if we work so hard, the money we can earn a month is not enough to buy a one-square-meter house in Huaihai City. Do you think this is normal?!" The little black fat man was furious.

But at this time Zhang Tong sneered: "Then you get out of Huaihai, who made you stay here all the time, isn't this a waste of Huaihai people's resources?"

Zhang Tong's current appearance is full of a mean and arrogant guy with serious regional discrimination. He said choking words while drinking other people's wine: "In this case, why do you stay in Huaihai all the time. You are divided The resources of Huaihai have been reduced! You outsiders, go back wherever you came from!"

"Huacha~! Listen to what you mean, brother, you are from Huaihai?!" Now the hot-head brother Lu Qian also stood up.

"Yeah, I'm not only a local, but I also have a duplex house in a busy area of ​​the city. Why are you unconvinced?" Zhang Tong's hatred was well expressed. Now almost everyone stood up and surrounded Zhang Tong.

"This guy is too arrogant!"

"Chop off his hand, Brother Hulu!"

"One hand? I think both hands and feet must be chopped off!"

Now everyone's anger was aroused by Zhang Tong, and everyone around Zhang Tong wanted to chop off his hands and feet.

But Zhang Tong said indifferently: "Hey, hey, he said you are not villains? See, you are all going to surround me and chop off my hands and feet. Do you know that killing people is against the law? Don't you be afraid of me? Call the police?"

Now Hulu can see that this guy is just here to mess around! I don't know what this guy wants to do here, but it's probably not good. Hulu thought about whether to take the risk of killing this guy.

And just when he had this plan, the [Magneto King] over there suddenly said: "So, I said that you people are a bunch of waste! If you can't afford a house with money, then find a way to earn it! No! From looking for reasons, I know that complaining is useless. I can afford a house because I earn money. Look at how rich Uncle Wang Qingyun and his nephew in Hui Province are!"

Zhang Tong suddenly mentioned Wang Qingyuan's nephew and uncle, who are well-known in the organization so far, because the corruption and embezzlement of public funds in Huizhou Province have been exposed. Wang Qingyuan's uncle and nephew have now been identified. Over the years, they have used their positions to embezzle and accept bribes and embezzle more than 130 million yuan of public funds.

Although it is morally wrong to do this, but under the same system, Hu Lu and others are actually quite envious. More than 100 million! You can buy a big villa in Huaihai!

If you buy a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms of 100 square meters, each of my brothers can get a set! Therefore, although Hu Lu and others said that they were very happy that people from the upper echelons of the organization started to investigate corruption. But this kind of happiness is mostly a kind of schadenfreude. Everyone’s thoughts are actually [I told you to take bribes and make a lot of money, and now you will be punished? Should! Who told me that I didn't share a share of the money! 】

In the final analysis, this is just a kind of psychology that makes people laugh and others don't, and the monk can touch it but I can't touch it. Everyone loves money, why do you make a lot of money and we can't?

So when Zhang Tong finished saying this, the faces of Hu Lu and the others changed again, especially Hu Lu, who was now more and more confused about the depth of the other party. The person who originally planned to cut off Zhang Tong's hands and feet is silent now. Everyone was silent, Hu Lu said: "What is your intention? But the company is here to check the accounts?"

Hu Lu suspects that the person opposite is actually sent by the organization to check the accounts, and he is just here to tell the truth about himself and others.

"Account checking? No, no, no, I'm not interested in the so-called clean government storm. In fact, I just want to make some money, more money, the more the better. I'm just watching Wang Qingyuan and his nephew make money. It’s just a little tempting. I just wonder why they can make so much money, but I can’t.” Zhang Tong used his acting talent to the limit.

"I'll just say this once. Now there is a big deal for you to make money. If it succeeds, you can make a lot of money. You can buy a house or a car in Huaihai if you want, and you even have a chance to leave this so-called evil company." , to start life again. I said, can you do it?"

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