"Have you ever seen a 700-square-meter skewer shop?" Li Tianfeng looked at Zhang Tong and said indifferently: "In the bustling area of ​​Jiefangbei Square, Team Jiang's home has a 700-square-meter store that sells spicy skewers, or You can call that a hot pot city. Do you think you are in the right family?" Li Tianfeng brought a completely different message to Zhang Tong. This news really shocked Zhang Tong. Because he always thought that Jianghua's family had ordinary family conditions.

Zhang Tong thought that if Jianghua's family sells skewers, then he and Jianghua would be a good match, after all, he is also a bigwig with tens of millions of assets in Huaihai City (mainly the price of the store). Moreover, my small shop can say more or less every month, and I can earn at least tens of thousands of yuan a month. If you don't compare, it is still very simple to live a relaxed life in Huaihai.

Although Zhang Tong doesn't feel that things like family conditions have a particularly big impact on him, because he doesn't care at all. As long as it is what you like, then any girl can accept it. But things like love are mutual, and it won't work if there are only unilateral good intentions. I don't need to care, but what about the woman's family? Although the saying that the right family is right looks like an obstacle set by the old feudalism to free love today, it does.

But it's a pity that no matter what young people think, no matter how much they hate this culture. But this culture is real. Even today it still exists, and even has a tendency to flourish. At least thirty years ago when they got married, no family would regard buying a suite as a rigid standard. Although the so-called three-turn-one-ring refrigerator color TV was popular at that time, those marriage conditions were still considered rare. If a family of three worked, it would be easy to save money for a year.

But now if the house is used as a marriage indicator to consider the marriage partner, then this standard is too high. Taking Huaihai City as an example, if you want to buy an 80-square-meter house with two bedrooms and two living rooms that can accommodate a family of three within the outer ring road, you will need to pay at least five million yuan, and this is still the price of a second-hand house. It would be even more terrifying if they asked for housing in the school district. Tens of millions of dollars for a house is simply trivial. However, based on the per capita income standard of Huaihai City, which is 9,200 yuan per month, it would take more than 40 years for ordinary working-class people to buy this kind of house without eating or drinking.

And buying a house has become a so-called rigid need for marriage, and this so-called rigid need is actually a result of capital hype. Therefore, many bad habits in this era are not thrown into the garbage dump of history, but are pulled out and carried forward by those capital-oriented people. So someone said that capital is a murder knife, and one day capital will sterilize all the poor. The statement that the poor are not worthy of having offspring has been spreading on the Internet, and this statement has been supported by many people, and even waved their flags. And the saddest thing is that many flag-waving advocates are advocating all of this, as if they think it is cool, and feel that they are aloof and lonely when everyone is drunk and I am alone. But if you saw the deserted tombs and mounds all over the mountains and fields planted like big steamed buns on Mangshan Mountain that day, these flag-waving and cheering people are actually just a bunch of steamed buns. No matter how outstanding, peerless and independent he thinks he is, his essence is still just that ordinary ball of steamed bun stuffing that is not worth mentioning.

Although Zhang Tong said that he came back for a few months, he didn't understand many things in this world clearly. But there are some things that he weighed very clearly. He likes Jiang Hua and wants to marry her. Then the approval of her family is very important. Although many love stories are praising the bridge that is similar to running away from home and giving up everything for love. But as a 28-year-old man (35 on ID card), Zhang Tong knows too well how much family means to Chinese people. The only motivation for myself to return to the earth after all the hardships is to go home.

Giving up everything for love, even giving up your beloved family, sounds romantic, but the thorn in your heart will stay with you for a lifetime.

Zhang Tong touched the beard root on his chin, he thought: No wonder Jiang Hua's pursuit of me is always a bit ambiguous, without a clear rejection or promise. She is always vacillating, is that the reason? After Zhang Tong thought of this, he turned to look at Li Tianfeng: "Xiao Li, tell me about Jiang Hua's family."

Li Tianfeng looked at Zhang Tong pouring himself a cup of hot tea with a stern face, and he said with a certain tone: "Then the boss's dinner today."

"Free of charge!" Zhang Tong said proudly: "Whatever you want to eat, as long as I have it here, I will make it for you right away."

"Then I want to eat butter abalone."

"No, don't even think about it. Spicy fried clams are about the same."

"Wow, Zhang, you have such a big gap! Change the abalone to a clam!"

"Almost, all with shells."

"Hey, you're so kind. Why didn't you say grab a handful of melon seeds, which also have shells."

"Melon seeds? That's a good idea. Xiao Xiao, go and buy a bag of Chacha melon seeds for Officer Li. Remember to buy the cream flavor, I like it."

"Don't, don't, don't. Clams should be fried clams." Li Tianfeng found out that Zhang Tong was really good at being shameless sometimes. At this time, Xiao Xiao also made the noodles, and topped it with a spoonful of fried shredded pork with pickled vegetables and bamboo shoots, and fried a poached egg. Xiao Xiao smiled and said to Li Tianfeng: "Officer Li, eat first. Give me the spicy fried clams too."

"Hey, wait a minute, didn't you say that Lao Zhang is fried?" Li Tianfeng stretched out his hand to stop Xiao Xiao.

Zhang Tong grabbed his hand back: "It doesn't matter whoever cooks it. Can Xiao Xiao fry a spicy fried clam? Let's talk about the business first. What's the situation in Jianghua's house?"

Li Tianfeng withdrew his hand happily, and took a mouthful of noodles. Well, the taste is relatively average, neither bad nor delicious, just the level of the average roadside shop. Although the following noodles look simple, the heat is still very important. Xiao Xiao's craftsmanship is still not as good as Zhang Tong's. Li Tianfeng took a bite of the noodles and then took a bite of the poached egg, and there was no runny heart inside.

He could only say lightly: "Hey, it's really hard to eat something these days. You see, I've been busy all day today and I can't even eat what I want. I ran into a group of supernatural beings this morning. If you are angry with me, you will come to your Lao Zhang's shop to be angry at night. You said that I can't even eat a spicy fried clam, what's the point of my day."

Zhang Tong almost wanted to say: boring? It doesn't make sense for you to die. Of course, life is not a cross talk, so you can't pick up this joke. He could only calmly ask Li Tianfeng, "What's wrong?"

Li Tianfeng glanced at Zhang Tong, he decided to find someone to complain about what happened today. It just so happened that Lao Zhang was quite suitable, and after he finished complaining, he would tell Lao Zhang about Captain Jiang's family affairs. Anyway, it wasn't me who wanted to pursue Captain Jiang, and I wasn't in a hurry at all. Whoever likes to be in a hurry will go there in a hurry, and whoever tells someone not to eat buttered abalone for himself.

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