The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 320: They Are All City People, They Are More Skilled Than Anyone

"Help~ help~" Xu Tian who was in the trunk had no time to shout for help when Li Zhiqiang's subordinates hurriedly closed the trunk door and blocked Xu Tian's cry for help. .

But Comrade Traffic Police's ears were sharp, and he immediately heard the faint cry for help. He immediately yelled at the guy who was doing his hands and feet behind the trunk: "What are you doing!"

"Ah, it's nothing, Comrade Police, the trunk of our car is broken, and it's being repaired now." The younger brother on the other side of the trunk showed a sincere smile. But Comrade Traffic Police didn’t like him at all. The traffic policeman had already put his hand on the Taser gun at his waist, and he yelled loudly at the little guy behind him: “What’s in the trunk!”

"It's nothing, just some local products." The younger brother smiled awkwardly there, his expression was very stiff and unnatural. Comrade traffic policeman is not on duty for the first time, he is already a veteran policeman who has been a traffic policeman for five years. He's seen a lot of good guys stash stuff in the trunk.

For example, during the Chinese New Year, fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed in Huaihai, and some people drive back to the urban area to buy fireworks from Huaihai. Or some guys who bought nationally protected animals from the countryside of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to eat meat and game. Of course, this traffic police comrade has also cracked a very important case in his career history.

That is, on the highway from Huaihai to Huizhou, a good family car was stopped, and three children who were only three or four years old were stuffed in the trunk of the car. Criminals like human traffickers seem to have existed in all dynasties, because there are always many stupid and bad people who want to buy children or women for various purposes. For example, in some rural areas where sons are preferred to daughters, they buy children from human traffickers in order to let their families have children. Or those bachelor villages, in order to get a wife back, they spend money to buy it from human traffickers. Others are beggar groups. In order to make better money and win the sympathy of adults, they buy children and ask for money. When the child grows up and it is not easy to strip off sympathy, they break the child's hands and feet, or directly scald the child's face with boiling water, and use their disabilities to win people's sympathy and make money.

If there is a certain kind of criminal business in this society, it is heinous to cut off children and grandchildren, then human traffickers are definitely one of them. And this traffic policeman once rescued a child who was abducted by human traffickers, so when he heard a slight cry from the trunk, he immediately became extremely vigilant. Although Xu Tian was too weak, he didn't hear clearly what the voice from the trunk was shouting, and he couldn't tell whether the voice from the trunk was male, female, old or young. But it was enough for the traffic police to maximize their vigilance.

"I said, you get out of the trunk now! Quick!" The traffic policeman had already pulled the Taser out of the holster around his waist. But now the little brother behind the car didn't know what to do, because his boss Li Zhiqiang hadn't given the order yet.

In fact, Li Zhiqiang is also in a mess now. Everything he calculated was not like this. According to the plan, I should have stayed away from here long ago, who knows that so many things will happen now. Thinking of the current situation, Li Zhiqiang hated the Mercedes-Benz beside him to death.

"The choice of high-end business people who are shit!" Li Zhiqiang slammed the door of the Mercedes-Benz secretly: "How come there are so many problems with the electronic system of this broken car! Now I finally understand why those in the organization specialize in violence Behavioral people like to choose old cars like the Jetta Alto. The cars with mechanical structures are more durable. The more electronic systems, the harder it is to use!” Li Zhiqiang’s complaint is not wrong, after all, the electronic system is the most important part of the car. prone to problems. It is said that the owner of a big company owns a Range Rover. He hired a driver and drove it for five years. When the driver resigned, he bought a house and a Toyota Corolla in his hometown. Penny. Because this is the rebate the driver earned from going to the auto repair shop to repair the Range Rover every day for the past five years!

Now Mercedes-Benz is also classified as a very unreliable car brand by Li Zhiqiang. What kind of plane is it? It will automatically turn on the laser headlights when it is driving, and it will automatically open the electric tailgate of the trunk when it stops here. This is too unreliable! I spent more than two million yuan to buy a piece of trash! If I go back by myself, I must find trouble with Mercedes-Benz's dead son shop.

But now is not the time to complain, what I need now is to get rid of the current traffic policeman. At this time, Zhang Tong was ignored by Li Zhiqiang and others, because they are now focusing on the traffic police.

The traffic policeman had already pulled out the Taser, and he pointed at Li Zhiqiang's younger brother at the rear of the car: "Get out of the way! I'll count to three, or I'm going to use the police weapon!"


Li Zhiqiang slowly approached the traffic policeman: "Comrade, don't be so nervous, it's really fine..." Li Zhiqiang was diverting the attention of the traffic policeman, and gestured with his back to his other younger brother: knock the traffic policeman unconscious from behind.

And the fat driver who was pulling eggs before also climbed into the driver's seat with difficulty, and he was still about to drive. I don't know if he will use the accelerator as a brake if he suddenly hurts when he drives halfway.

The atmosphere between Li Zhiqiang and the others and the traffic police was tense. If nothing happened, Li Zhiqiang did not intend to kill the traffic police. The reason was that the entire police system in Huaihai, which he did not want to provoke, came to trouble him. Li Zhiqiang and others were very careful, and the traffic police were very cautious. And where did Zhang Tong, who caused this whole thing, go? None of them noticed.

Zhang Tong is now hiding in the grass by the roadside, sending out a WeChat message that has already been edited.


Xintiandi Greenland Community.

Jiang Hua is leading more than a dozen team members in the team to investigate the site. Li Yishan, who has the ability to observe meticulously, provided a lot of useful information: "The blood at the scene was preliminarily determined to belong to Xu Tian. He should have been attacked after returning home. Judging from the traces at the scene, there should be four people involved in this attack." The attack on Xu Tian. As for why they did it, it is not clear."

Jiang Hua frowned: "What about the monitoring? Didn't any suspicious people be photographed?"

Li Yishan waved his hand: "The surveillance system in this community suddenly broke down half an hour ago, and it has just been repaired."

"It's such a coincidence, it should have been sabotaged by humans." Jiang Hua felt that the monitoring was broken too coincidentally. Li Yishan also agreed with her point of view: "Sister Jiang Hua, then I will go to the monitoring room to see if there are any other clues."

At this time, a message came from Jiang Hua's mobile WeChat. Jiang Hua took out his mobile phone and saw that it was from Zhang Tong. She subconsciously didn't want to read it. But for some reason, she just couldn't control her hand and clicked on WeChat. She patted her hand hard, and cursed in her heart: Hands are cheap!

Li Yishan, who hadn't left yet, saw Jiang Hua hitting her hand, and she asked curiously, "What's wrong, Miss Jiang Hua?"

"It's okay, there are mosquitoes." Jiang Hua smiled. But Li Yishan was at a loss: Mosquito? You said that there are mosquitoes in Huaihai when the temperature is minus two degrees? Is it true that some experts have bred drought-resistant mosquitoes to solve the regret that there are no mosquitoes in winter in China?

Jiang Hua opened WeChat on his mobile phone, and there was a message from Zhang Tong: I was in a car accident, and the owner of the Mercedes wanted to run away. Now they are confronting the traffic police who came, and they seem to want to hit the traffic police and escape!

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