"Do you desire power?!"

Like a lion roaring in his chest, Dynasty's ears kept echoing this dull voice. It's been reverberating all day, intermittently and sometimes not. At first, Wang Dynasty thought he was hallucinating, maybe he was really a little mentally abnormal, yes, he was so angry that he was mentally abnormal.

Because of Zhang Han's incident, Wang Chao was very angry. Because the dynasty is not stupid, although he lost his mind a little because of anger at first. But when he came back to think about it, he had already guessed why Ms. Cao and her husband did this.

Maybe Ms. Cao, like herself, actually saw that the person who bumped into her was Zhang Han. But there is a very realistic situation before the couple, that is, the huge medical expenses of their son. Multiple fractures throughout the body, internal hemorrhage, and intracranial hemorrhage. Now her child has undergone a major rescue in the intensive care unit, and the three-day operation fee and various expenses have already consumed nearly 700,000 RMB.

This amount of money is an astronomical figure for Ms. Cao's family, which is just an ordinary family. Their family's savings add up to less than half a million. Even if the husband has withdrawn all the money, he still owes 200,000 yuan in medical expenses. Fortunately, reality is not fiction. Jishuitan Hospital, as a state-level tertiary hospital, has never thrown out patients who are in arrears of medical expenses, especially critically ill patients.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized that Ms. Cao's family should contribute to the medical expenses, but even though their family still owed 200,000 yuan in medical expenses, the treatment of Ms. Cao's child continued. He was not kicked out of the intensive care unit, because as long as the child is kicked out of the intensive care unit or the medicine is stopped, the child will die immediately. General public hospitals are not as ruthless as the Putian Department or some other private hospitals, and they will not make doctors become murderers.

Moreover, Ms. Cao's child will continue to receive treatment, especially in the recovery period, and will need to use a lot of imported drugs. Imported drugs are not covered by medical insurance, and only domestic drugs can be purchased with a medical insurance card. However, due to the lack of patents (or patents that have not expired) for a considerable number of drugs, domestic pharmaceutical companies cannot imitate them.

This means that even if Ms. Cao's family goes bankrupt, they may not be able to pay for her child's treatment. Under such circumstances, Zhang Han is willing to pay a large amount of money, and there may be millions of dollars before and after to help Ms. Cao treat the child. And there will be millions in compensation.

Under the heavy pressure, Ms. Cao's family had to choose a compromise. Dynasty cannot say that Ms. Cao made the wrong choice. After all, saving the child's life and allowing him to recover in the future is the most important thing. Things have gotten to the point where it's important to plan for the child after getting a sum of money.

Yes, this choice is correct, isn't it?

"No, there are some things that don't make sense." Wang Chao stood on the roof of his rental house, smoking a golden leaf cigarette, looking at the bright lights of the capital city with hazy eyes and muttering to himself: "If Zhang Han didn't Hit Ms. Cao, then she and her child will not be so seriously injured. Her child will not need to spend so much medical expenses. She and her son will not have to suffer so much pain and torture, and even affect The rest of my life."

"Now Zhang Han injured their mother and son. He was originally the culprit, and in order to maintain his image as a young and promising entrepreneur, he absconded and found someone to cover him. The real devil, the source of all these evils. But now? He is waving millions of checks with a smile on his face. He turned into an angel who saved Cao's mother and child. This is wrong, this is very wrong."

"It's like...it's like..." Wang Chao couldn't find a suitable adjective after smoking a cigarette. When the cigarette butt burned his hand, he shook off the cigarette butt in his hand, and then stamped it out with his feet. When he stomped on the little spark, it felt like he was talking about Zhang Han stepping on his feet. Not for personal vendetta, but for a grievance that is difficult to appeal.

Wang Chao believes that Officer Li has also seen Zhang Han's problem. But Officer Li had no choice, because he needed evidence and arrested people according to the law. And one more thing, what Zhang Han said before he finally left was also a warning. If he really insists on biting him, he still doesn't know the final outcome of his lawsuit. But Ms. Cao's son, who has no money for treatment, is doomed. Even if Jishuitan Hospital is in Dadu, it is impossible for you to owe two million medical expenses in arrears!

So Ms. Cao's family chose to compromise, and Police Officer Li also chose not to speak. These dynasties can understand. But it is understandable that it does not mean that the dynasty is reconciled. He couldn't help but think of the information he had seen in the database before. Someone is leaking information about those shady deals, making them public. Let the official can't ignore it. The departments in the capital have already started to take action, and there will be bad luck for many enterprises and institutions in Huaihai.

And the man who made it all look like a hero in Dynasty. Because he jumped out of the rules and stabbed the opponent directly in the heart. Through this matter and Ms. Cao's matter, Wang Chao felt that some things might not be done completely according to the rules. At least there needs to be some other restrictions outside the rules, so that some people dare not trample on this rule at will.

Thinking of this, Dynasty lit another cigarette. And at this moment, the deep voice in his chest that only he could hear appeared again: "You, do you want strength?!"

Wang Chao was distraught. He stood on the roof and roared in his heart after hearing the voice again: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"You long for power! I can feel it." A lion-like voice echoed in Dynasty's chest: "You have your own power, and you will be able to use it."

This is the first time Dynasty has communicated with this voice. He was taken aback, then looked left and right, there was no one around!

"Who are you, are you a human or a ghost?!"

"I am not a human, nor a ghost. I am you, and you are me. We are one body with two sides. I am the farthest you, and you are the closest me!"

"What the hell do you mean?!"

"Do you want to be who you really want to be?"

"Huh? You know what I want to be?"

"Don't forget, I am you. You want to have a restraining force, your injustice cannot be released. I will complete you, become a part of you. This is your power, you will be who you want to be people."

"Am I trying to awaken my abilities?!" Dynasty suddenly thought of this. Although there are power awakeners in this world, the lives of most power awakeners are a bit far from ordinary people. Because most of the power awakeners have entered the government department, or were poached by some foreign agencies. On the contrary, returnees with little ability are more common, and many of them make a living by writing their autobiographies on the website.

"Define yourself however you want. But inheriting this power will take supreme determination. Are you ready?"

"How strong is it?"

"It's stronger than you can imagine."

"Can this power be used to police evil and eradicate rape?"

"The power is yours, use it as you please. If you agree, I will become a part of you and follow your orders."

Wang Chao stared into the distance, then lowered his head and turned on his smartphone. The local news that was pushed in one hop said that Zhang Han, a local young entrepreneur, sent warmth to the car accident family balabalabala...

Crack~! The 700 yuan Redmi mobile phone was smashed.

"I want power! I want to do something. Something I couldn't do before and no one else can do!"

"As you wish!" The lion-like voice let out a roar. That night, the capital, which was already cloudy and cloudy, suddenly exploded with thunderstorms. In winter, thunder rolled and shook the entire capital, and countless car alarms sounded. The thin glass of countless village houses in the city was shaken by tremors.

On the tenth year since the first returnee came back, on the hundredth day since Zhang Tong came back. When some people forget that there are actually many superpowers in this world. The world line quietly began to shift a part.

The thunderstorm in winter made the whole capital inexplicably surprised, when the torrential rain poured down. Wang Chao stood on the roof and let the rain wash over his body. He clenches his fist and whispers, "Someone should do something right."

The returnees and power awakeners that appeared within ten years have changed the whole world? No, that's just appetizers and drinks.

Four more, more than 10,000 words, please ask for a ticket. So many words should be able to ask for votes. And it’s better to finish this plot as much as possible at one time, otherwise I’m afraid that like the last plot, many fragile readers will abandon the book, which will cause me to become glassy and unable to write.

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