My stage name is Dark Shadow, Dark Dark, Shadow Shadow. Twenty-three years old this year, 1.75 meters tall, 75KG in weight; marital status: unmarried, occupation: killer, not a killer who specializes in killing people; a killer who specializes in killing people.

My slogan is: kill, I am professional. Did your elementary school classmate show off the mansion he bought for 20 million at the year-end class reunion (30-year bank loan)? Is your next-door neighbor showing off the sedan he just bought again (Jingdong Baitiao Yongche 36 issue)?

Is the dead bald man who chased the goddess at the next table with you before and came to show you off the cute baby he had with the goddess again (hmph! With such thick hair, it must be the seed of the old king next door!)?

Your boss is still abusing you, your colleagues are still excluding you, do you feel that the society is treating you unfairly?

It's okay, please contact me. I will settle all your troubles for you, and make all the guys you hate disappear from the world!

One more thing, my slogan is: Killing, I am a professional!

Well, by the way, there is one more thing. My current annual income is about 100 to 200 dogs (Note 1). At present, I bought a townhouse in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou (no loan) and a Porsche 718 (also no loan). I have a house and a car, and my parents are deceased. Well, I am single.

Today is my thirtieth mission this year. As a well-known killer, I am actually very busy at work. Many jobs need to be booked in advance. My purpose is to be cheap, large and affordable. I often give people buy one get one free.

Like and retweet me on the Killer Club of Shenwang (Note 2), and if you collect 360 likes and 500 positive comments, you can get a service for free.

It's November, and there are still a few months before the Chinese New Year. This is also the busiest time for my business, and every kind of maliciousness in the society will attack all kinds of [dogs] at this time.

Including single dogs (Parents and relatives, classmates and friends during the Chinese New Year: XXX, are you still dating? The children of XXX next door (classmates, friends, relatives) will play soy sauce!)

Including dogs without houses (parents, relatives, classmates and fat: XXX, why don’t you buy a house yet? The neighbors (classmates, friends, relatives) XXX bought a house at the beginning of this year. You see the house at the end of the year It has increased by tens of thousands!)

No year-end bonus dog (same as above: XXX, how much is your year-end bonus? The year-end bonus of XXX above is enough to buy a Mercedes-Benz. What? You only get so much, so you can just buy a Mercedes-Benz wheel.)

There are also scum dogs (same as above: XXX, how many points did you score in the final exam this year? The XXX of the same above was recommended by the school to study in graduate school this year, what?! He still failed the course? Spending money to study for you is a waste of water to wash Carbon!)

There are also poor dogs (same as above: XXX, how much is your salary now? How much is your annual salary? What! That’s all. Let me tell you, XXX from above raised a famous dog this year, and he talks to the dog every month The money is only 20,000 yuan, and the famous dog costs 20,000 yuan a month. I think you can only be regarded as a Chinese pastoral dog.)

At the end of each year, it is always the time when all kinds of social malice erupt profoundly. I am a dog lover, and I strongly condemn this kind of behavior that hurts dogs.

And at the end of the year, I also need to check my business performance for a year, so that my ranking can be improved a little bit in the killer club of the deep web.

Last year, I was ranked fifteenth among the most popular killers in East China in the ranking of the Killer Club on the Deep Web. This year's primary goal is to get into the top ten, and the big goal is to get into the top three. In my long-term career planning, I hope to enter the top ten professional killers in Greater China.

But this is a bit difficult, but I am the person who is least afraid of difficulties.

So at the end of the year, many professional killers are ready to start buying New Year's goods and red envelopes to grab train tickets, preparing to go home for the New Year. (Why do professional killers also grab train tickets? In fact, professional killers are not as glamorous as you imagine. Have you seen Jet Li's "King of Killers"? Except for those at the top, there are actually many street killers. How many people are killed? RMB 10,000, board, lodging and equipment are taken care of by themselves. I can’t get a few orders a year. These people who are working hard outside don’t take the train to go home, do they walk back?)

When they are preparing to go home for the New Year, I am still working on the front line of my career, so I hope my guests can give me more praise.

And today, I received a message from one of my regular customers. His online name on the deep web is [Professor X], maybe he himself is a bald man with disabled legs. Because he always hires me to kill all kinds of people, it can be seen that he is a person who has a strong sense of hatred for society.

Today, the person I want to kill is the small owner of a restaurant, who is said to be a returnee. Well, I have killed a few returnees. In this day and age, there are as many returnees as crucian carp crossing the river. Now when you go shopping in the shopping mall, the rate of meeting returnees is as common as meeting foreigners on the streets of Huaihai City.

Many years ago, when the returnees first appeared, the country raised them as national treasures. Later, the country discovered that many returnees were actually useless, and their status immediately fell from national treasures to garbage. Most returnees have no ability, and this shop owner is also the same, according to the inspection of the Homecoming Office, he has no ability at all

According to my guess, the owner of this shop is probably a scum who discriminates against bald and disabled people. I've never been burdened with killing scum or anything.

I was following him, and at the Alchuan Road Seafood Market, he actually bought eels! Doesn't he know that eels are almost eaten to extinction? ! (Note 3) Is this person going to become an accomplice in destroying the earth's ecology? ! I must eliminate this scum.

I followed him from a distance, and I had an extremely sharp knife in my hand, and I used my ability—a unique form of energy conduction—to make it sharper.

This small knife is very sharp for stabbing people, and because of my energy blessing, the person being barreled will not even feel pain, and the blood and wounds will not burst out immediately. Instead, it will erupt after a few minutes, until the energy that is blessed on the knife and then transmitted to the wound is completely dissipated. And after that, he fled far away.

The seafood market on Alchuan Road was crowded with people, and the shadow was quietly approaching Zhang Tong. He was ready, clutching the sharp knife in his pocket. When Hao and Zhang Tong staggered, he directly stabbed Zhang Tong's kidney.

Shadow's ability is to delay the outbreak of the wound, but once it erupts, it will aggravate quickly. If a person's kidney is injured by a barrel, he can still survive as long as he gets medical treatment as soon as possible. But the kidneys are seriously injured and if you wait ten minutes, you will basically die.

Shadow is very confident in his assassination skills, after all he thinks he is a professional.

Getting closer, getting closer. At the moment when he was about to intersect with Zhang Tong, he was just about to pull out the knife from his pocket. When his hands rubbed against his clothes, maybe it was because the autumn and winter season was too dry, maybe it was because the electric charge in his body was a little too much.

A strong sense of static electricity directly hits the brain from Shadow's hand. "Ah!" Shadow, who was unprepared and concentrated, was shocked by the sudden static electricity, and the knife he was holding flew out.

His loud cry also attracted the attention of the aunts and uncles who came to buy vegetables on Luchuan Road. Everyone's eyes turned to see what happened.

Note 1: A dog is approximately equal to 20,000 RMB.

Note 2: The deep web is an urban legend. It is said that there has been a lot of information on the Internet over the years, and the network we use actually only accounts for 5% of the entire Internet. A lot of unknown information is hidden in the deep web. According to legend, it is difficult for all the computers on the earth to search the entire deep web (I don’t know whether it is true or not).

Legend has it that there are various unknown transactions in the deep network, such as guns, drugs, and even nuclear materials, biological and chemical weapons, and so on. Legend has it that they generally use gold, US dollars and Lego bricks as settlement currencies.

Note 3: In this chapter of the previous chapter, it was said that some friends suggested that eels had become an endangered species. I didn't believe it at first because there were many eel farms. Later, I searched for information and found out that although eels can be bred artificially, they cannot be bred artificially.

All eel fry come from the wild, so eels are really being eaten to extinction. In the follow-up, some appropriate changes will be made to the plot about eels. Because eating a species to extinction is indeed a bit cruel. Thanks for pointing this out buddy.

PS: The water pump at home is broken. Today I have to repair the water pump and I will be very busy. And it's Monday, please ask for a ticket, please collect it!

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