The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 411 The So-Called Law of the Jungle and Respecting the Strong

"Is Lao Wan crazy!" Yin Tianzhao, a dragon knight far away in South America, heard the news that Wan Changqing returned to China in a rage, and he hammered the table in front of him into pieces in a rage.

"Wan Changqing really thinks that there is no one in the country now? Now that he has returned to the country, does he think he died not fast enough?!" Since Yin Tianzhao defected with Wan Changqing five years ago, he has also joined Wan Changqing. Evergreen Almighty God.

Although Wan Changqing is the leader of the Sect of Almighty God, Yin Tianzhao and another Zhang Genshuo are not directly led by Wan Changqing. Wan Changqing is the sect leader, and the two of them are elders, each with a power to manage. Wan Changqing's forces are mainly concentrated in North America. Yin Tianzhao and Zhang Keunshuo's influence is mainly in South America.

It sounds like Wan Changqing has occupied a good place in North America and can live better. But it’s not always true, because the United States in North America is a powerful country. Even if it is said that the states in North America have their own laws, the United States is sometimes more like a federal country than a complete and unified country. But after all, it is an independent country with complete sovereignty and a fairly powerful army, so Wan Changqing still needs to be careful in North America.

Although he is said to be very powerful, and even has many American chaebols supporting him, after all, he still can't be seen too much.

But Yin Tianzhao in South America is different from Zhang Keunshuo, they are really in a place where there is no law. South America is too far from heaven and too close to America. Therefore, the governments here are basically not strong governments, and they have no way to completely control the domestic forces. Even in some countries, drug traffickers can support regime change in a country.

In a country with a strong government like China, it is because of the state's auspices. Therefore, the harm of the power awakened people is controlled within a controllable range, and compared to the harm, the domestic power awakened people contribute more to the country. Because the abilities used by some awakened people can improve people's livelihood and economy, or help catch criminals.

But it's different in South American countries, it's already very chaotic here. Rio, known as the City of God, is full of drug dealers, and the slums are even places where the police are unwilling to patrol. Even the United Nations peacekeeping force will be attacked in the inner city and poor areas.

Not to mention other countries, they are not even comparable to Brazil. South American countries are deindustrialized, their economies are underdeveloped, and their national regimes are unstable. All of this is a hotbed of crime, a paradise for lawbreakers.

Among the power awakeners in these countries, almost all the combat-type power awakeners are sought after. In China, although there are many supernatural power awakeners who have almost no combat effectiveness, they can help the country develop in other industries, so they can obtain jobs and social status that are no less than or even better than combat supernatural power awakeners.

Unlike in South American countries, here the real big fist is the boss. Therefore, combat-type power awakeners have become the mainstream sought after in this country. Whether it's the underworld or the white way, everyone is trying their best to recruit powerful awakened people with strong combat effectiveness. Here, scientific research is not important, people's livelihood and economy are not important, people's happiness is not important, and medical level is not important. What is the most important thing? Who can kill, who can kill better, faster and stronger is the most important thing!

In these countries in South America, they have really become the kind of masters in some novel worlds who crush high-level governments, bully others at will, and can trample others under their feet. In these countries, social relations and social status have nothing to do with a person's contribution to society. As long as you can fight here, and fight hard, you are the strongest!

This is the battlefield for those who awakened with supernatural powers to fight cruelly, and it is also the real paradise for strong people like Yin Tianzhao and Zhang Keunshuo. But at the same time, it is also the abyss of hell for ordinary people, where the strong commit crimes, whether it is murder, rape or robbery, they are all innocent. It is not legal innocence, but the inability of government departments to arrest criminals. Therefore, it has become a customary rule that the strong breaking the law is not considered a crime.

If an ordinary family gave birth to a beautiful daughter, and a strong man rushed to the door in the middle of the night and took the daughter away as a slave, then there was no way to do it. This so-called strong man may live in the best and largest house in the city center, and everyone even knows that he has committed a crime, even the police and the government know.

But no one will touch him, because a weak government cannot solve this kind of problem. So the parents of the daughter can only shed tears and pray that the daughter can live well. There is nothing else to do. If one day the daughter's body is found in the garbage dump, then there is no other choice but to take it back to collect the body with tears. way.

This is the real law of the jungle where the weak prey on the strong, and it is also a world in which the strong are respected in many novels. And countries like the United States are even happy to see the results, because these so-called strong people cannot turn weak countries into powerful countries. They are just taking and destroying. So let them make trouble, the country is weak and divided, and the United States can better pick vegetables from its own back garden. Even the United States is willing to contribute to making South America more chaotic.

Human tragedy? Excuse me, what does this have to do with America? As long as the United States is still stable and the living standards of the people in the country can continue to improve steadily, does it matter if some South American fools are sacrificed?

In this kind of place, Yin Tianzhao and Zhang Genshuo are like ducks in water. They are strong enough and ruthless enough. Based on the Almighty religion, the two accounted for almost 80% of the underworld business in South America. Including drugs, including prostitution, including smuggling and human trafficking, arms trading, etc.

They have become the emperors of the South American underground world, and now they don't want to go back to their country at all. Because where can there be South American coolness in China! It may not be possible to achieve great things if we work hard in China, but in South America we turn our hands into clouds and rain.

The religion of Almighty God has tens of thousands of followers in South America, and each of them is a ruthless person who can bleed and sacrifice for the religion. return home? Forget it, no need. As long as China doesn't come looking for trouble, we can live a happy life in South America for a lifetime.

Now Yin Tianzhao and Zhang Keunshuo have figured it out.

"But Wan Changqing didn't figure it out." Zhang Genshuo looked at Yin Tianzhao who lost his temper, and said in a neutral tone.

"What do you mean?" Yin Tianzhao looked at Zhang Keunshuo.

Jang Keun Suk is a high-quality idol who looks about 27 or 20, looks like a white, tender and sunny face. He opened his mouth and said, "Actually, Lao Wan didn't tell us a lot of things, but don't think I don't know if he doesn't tell us."

"what do you know?"

"Old Wan has done a research in China, researching the relationship between returnees and those who have awakened abilities and the method of restoring full strength. And he has already researched some clues." Zhang Geunshuo said with a smile.

ps: There will be another update later, please ask for a ticket

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