"Tell me, what's going on. I think you're aggressive and want to fight or something." Officer Li, who was in charge of patrolling near Alchuan Road, asked his patrol team to separate the people on both sides.

Because of the appearance of returnees and the increase of people who have awakened their abilities, there are more emergencies in society now. As the most important economic city in China, Huaihai city leaders still care about social stability.

In the past two years, the police force in Huaihai City has expanded, and the number of patrolling personnel has also increased. Officer Li retired from the army two years ago and became a police officer in Huaihai City.

He spoke and behaved in a strong military style. He pointed to the owner of the seafood stall and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The fat boss of the seafood stall pointed to the broken aquarium and the dead crabs and said: "Comrade police, look, this is the Hokkaido king crab that just arrived yesterday! Just because this guy threw a knife and smashed it to pieces for me." broke the box, and killed so many crabs. Should I ask him to pay for it?!"

The fat boss asked the clerk to show Officer Li the knife that Shadow had just thrown out. Then he explained in detail what happened just now, how the knife killed the crab and broke the aquarium.

"So police officer, do you think this kid should lose money? I lost more than 10,000 yuan." The fat boss didn't mean to blackmail anyone, so he told the truth about his real loss.

Officer Li is not stupid, he also knows the price of live king crabs on Alchuan Road when autumn and winter are coming. Knowing that the fat boss was not lying, he walked up to Shadow, held the knife that belonged to Shadow and said, "Is this your knife?"

Shadow really wants to kill Zhang Tong now, because this guy has too much to do. It would have been fine if I had just left, but now a group of policemen suddenly came. This matter is even more troublesome.

Even if he could handle this group of policemen himself, it would definitely cause a lot of commotion. If you seriously assault the police, the police will definitely arrest you in the whole city. And if these policemen are killed, the trouble will be even greater. I will definitely poke a hornet's nest.

So Shadow really wanted to kill Zhang Tong, and he didn't even realize it until Officer Li walked up to him with a knife.

The instigator, Zhang Tong, was not in a hurry at all. He stood outside with a bag of aquatic products just like the other uncles and aunts who were watching the excitement.

It's completely like a melon-eating crowd who don't know the truth.

"You took a knife out and threw it out, what are you doing?!" Police Officer Li asked imposingly.

Before Yingying could answer, Zhang Tong, who was standing outside watching, rushed to answer: "Comrade policeman, comrade policeman. Just now, this young man seems to have suffered from epilepsy, so he convulsed very hard. It seems that he threw the dagger out of his pocket at that time." of."

Zhang Tong looks like an enthusiastic citizen. He was the one who found the police, and now he is enthusiastically helping Shadow explain. Coupled with Zhang Tong's thick eyebrows and big eyes, it makes people feel good when they look at it, and feel that this person feels very decent.

So the people around didn't find it strange that Zhang Tong talked like this, he was just a very warm-hearted and decent citizen.

Officer Li also nodded to Zhang Tong, saying that this comrade was right to pull him over. Otherwise, there was a violent conflict here, and no matter who was injured, it would be regarded as his dereliction of duty in his own jurisdiction.

So Officer Li asked Zhang Tong, "What did you see happen?"

Zhang Tong nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes. The situation at that time was like this. This little brother walked towards me. About one meter away, he suddenly screamed, and then The whole body twitched."

"At that time, he was holding something in his pocket, but it flew out because of the twitching too much. At that time, I vaguely saw that it seemed to be this knife. But I didn't pay attention, because the young man screamed too badly , and smoked too much. My experience is that I may have gone mad, so I told everyone around me to back off."

Zhang Tong acted like a good citizen who is less and less rare in this era. He explained in great detail how he had organized everyone to back off, to give the shadows room to breathe.

Officer Li nodded, then stood in front of Shadow and said, "No, it's obvious now. Are you suffering from epilepsy?"

Shadow really wants to curse: You are XXXX and have epilepsy. But he held back. Forcibly said: "It's just a twitch. It may be electrified by something, it may be static electricity."

"So this knife is yours." Officer Li gestured in front of Shadow with the knife.

It's useless for Shadow to argue, because Zhang Tong is not the only one who saw Shadow throw the knife. So Shadow can only nod: "Yes."

Officer Li didn't talk nonsense: "Okay, then it's very clear. No matter what, whether you mean it or not, you always broke the aquarium at the seafood stall and killed so many crabs from the boss. Compensation is also due. .”

Officer Li turned to look at the fat boss: "How much was lost in total? Report the actual number."

The fat boss gathered the dead crabs and the crabs that were damaged in appearance and counted them together, and said: "Including the broken aquarium, at least 13,000 yuan! I didn't count a penny more!"

Officer Li nodded, and he said with a vigorous attitude in the army: "Well, this young man didn't do it on purpose. It's a bit too much for you to let him take full responsibility. I will be a peacemaker and let this young man pay you 10,000 yuan." , You will give him all these dead and bad-looking crabs. Take a step back on both sides and everything will be fine."

The fat boss did some calculations. He didn't gain any money from this compensation method, but he didn't lose money either. It's okay if we can solve this matter quickly and don't waste time.

So after thinking about it for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay! Whatever the police uncle says is what you say. The book teaches us to listen to the police uncle."

Officer Li looked at the shadow. Now Shadow feels that he is in the most embarrassing stage of his life, and his target is watching his excitement from the outside. But I was held down by the police, it's too fucking embarrassing! If this matter gets out, how can I get involved in the killer world in the future?

Now, in order to prevent further commotion, Shadow just wanted to end this embarrassing thing as soon as possible. So he agreed to it without any rebuttal.

"Then scan the QR code to lose money!" Officer Li also said bluntly. Shadow took out his phone and scanned the QR code, and transferred 10,000 yuan to the fat boss's account through Alipay's Ant Huabei.

Now the fat boss didn't bother him. Instead, he asked the clerk to pack up all the dead and bad-looking king crabs and hand them over to Shadow.

Adding up to over ten kilograms of king crabs, it still weighs a lot in Shadow's hands. The fat boss said: "It's cheaper for you."

Shadow glared at him, but didn't really do anything.

And just when he was about to get back his knife and was about to leave, Police Officer Li stopped him: "Young man, can I go?!"

Shadow was very surprised: "I've already lost money!"

"Did I tell you that you can leave after losing the money?" Officer Li smiled. Zhang Tong, who was watching, also had a smile on his face, and now things seem to be getting more interesting.

Ying Ying felt a little wronged: "Why can't I leave after losing money?! The police can't bully people!"

Officer Li chuckled happily: "Whoever bullied you, who bullied you. Don't label people's servants indiscriminately. Your compensation for other people's seafood stalls is over, but you go out and take a controlled knife to the street. What do you mean? Ah? What are you going to do with such a sharp knife?"

The shadow suddenly suffocated. Officer Li said to the shadow: "One thing is over, and the other is not yet. When the little comrade called the police just now, he said that you were carrying a controlled knife and was afraid of killing people. Whoever has nothing in his pocket You have such a sharp knife in your pocket." Officer Li said so, and the surrounding crowd echoed.

Among them, Zhang Tong said in a voice of enlightenment: "Yes! He has been holding the knife in his pocket all the time, isn't he planning to stab someone!"

When Zhang Tong said this, the people around him immediately felt that it was very possible. Zhang Tong went on to say: "No wonder his hands are always in his pockets holding the knife. I watched his knife fly out of his hand, and it looked real. Comrade police, you should investigate carefully!"

Zhang Tong looked like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

But Police Officer Li said to Shadow: "How is it? Come with me to the police station. Let's have a good chat about what you plan to do."

Shadow's eyes widened, going to the police station? I'm afraid that if I go in, I won't be able to get out! If someone from the special investigation department comes to appraise it, they will definitely find traces of their own energy left on the knife, and then I am afraid that I will be exposed.

Forget it, I'm afraid I can't do it now if I want to calm things down. Shadow threw a large bag of king crab aside, and said in a gloomy tone: "You guys forced me!"

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