The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 456: The Three Jiang Family Brothers

"Ah! My eyes!" Jiang Daoliu was rolling on the ground like a dead dog. For some reason, no one stepped forward to help him. I don't know if everyone was surprised by Huo Zheng's cooking, or if they were surprised.

That's right, everyone is a good person, they must have been surprised by Huo Zheng's cooking, that's why they didn't try to turn the river back in the first place.

After a while, Jiang Aijun got up and helped Jiang Daoliu to the sink and put cold water on his eyes. Only in this way did Jiang Daoliu's painful screams be stopped.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just a bright light. I cried so loudly, those who didn't know thought that this person would die in the next second." Huo Zheng muttered softly.

On the other hand, Zhang Tong whispered to Jiang Hua: "Hey, I haven't asked before, what is the relationship between this Jiang Daoliu and your family?"

"Oh, Jiang Beiliu is my uncle's son and my cousin." Jiang Hua said lightly.

"Wait, isn't uncle's son my cousin?" Zhang Tong felt that he had found a bug.

"Really? Maybe I don't distinguish between appearances. But does it matter?" Jiang Hua's attitude is very indifferent.

Zhang Tong thought for a while: "Well, it doesn't matter. It's a small role anyway." Zhang Tong felt that this kind of thing is not even a bug.

"Anyway, I can briefly tell you about Jiang Daoliu, as well as other relatives in our family. Although I don't like it, I always have to face them during the Chinese New Year." Jiang Hua carefully talked to Zhang Tong chatted.

It turned out that Jiang Aijun was the youngest of the three brothers from Jiang Hua's father's generation.

It is said that elders love young children, and it is the same with Jiang Aijun. Jiang Hua's parents gave Jiang Aijun any good things. At that time, the family conditions were difficult and there was always not enough food.

Because Jiang Aijun is the youngest, it is inevitable that his parents will favor him and give him more food. It was also because the family didn’t have enough staple food at that time, so Jiang’s family sometimes went to the wild to dig (or steal) sweet potatoes to eat.

Jiang Hua's uncle and second uncle were eight years older and the other seven years older than his father.

When Jiang Aijun was six years old, he happened to be fourteen and thirteen, at the age when he couldn't get enough to eat. The so-called half-child eats the poor. Children in the growth and development period will eat more than adults.

At that time, the whole country was in difficulty, and we had to do our best to have enough food. People born in the 1960s did not go to the fields to find food when they were teenagers, and they did not go to food processing factories to get all kinds of leftovers and ingredients to take home to eat. Or it is in a small city but the work at home is more lucrative.

For example, working as a factory manager or butcher in a pig slaughterhouse, but in that era, basically the factory directors of pig slaughterhouses killed pigs by themselves, because killing pigs was a lucrative job. There are a lot of pork that cannot be moved, but it is very normal to secretly cut off half a catty of large and small intestines and hide them.

In addition, the vast majority of people in small cities and rural areas are working hard to have a full meal. eat meat? Forget it, really only the director of the pig slaughterhouse can get some small and large intestines to take home for the family to eat every day.

Now people say that the large intestine is unhealthy, and intestinal oil is the most unhealthy fat. But 40 or 50 years ago, saying this would be like farting.

At that time, the director of the slaughterhouse lived opposite Jiang Hua's grandfather's house, and the three Jiang Aijun brothers could always smell the fragrance from the opposite house every midnight.

In the era when there was no fat or water in everyone's stomach, lard, even the so-called unhealthy intestinal oil, was a gluttonous existence!

The three brothers of the Jiang family were all greedy for meat, but at that time, even if they had money, they couldn't buy meat, so everyone had to buy it by ticket.

At that time, Jiang's family only had two catties of meat tickets a month, and Jiang Hua's grandma had to find a way to buy as much fat as possible. Because lean meat is not enough to eat, fat meat can be made into lard, and everyone can enjoy it.

However, there is a good by-product of boiling lard, which is lard residue.

Every month on the 5th, Grandma Jianghua receives the ticket and goes to the vegetable market to buy meat, and when she comes back from buying the meat, she refines oil. The three little ones were eagerly waiting to eat lard residue. For them, lard residue sprinkled with salt is a delicacy in the world.

However, Jiang Hua's uncle and second uncle were still in school at the time, and Jiang Aijun was the youngest, who hadn't gone to elementary school at the age of six (in the past, many people did not go to elementary school until they were seven or eight years old, and now they are six or even five years old. It’s not the same as trying to send children to school when they are young.)

So the lard residue that Grandma Jianghua boiled fell into Jiang Aijun's hands. Come to think of it, a child with nothing to eat can hold back against a bowl of lard residue!

One person steals the oil residue to eat. When Grandma Jianghua came to her senses, Jiang Aijun ate a bowl of oil residue by herself.

But there is no way, the old lady hurts Yaoer, so just eat it.

The old lady doesn't care, but Jiang Hua's uncle and uncle quit. When I got home from school, I was waiting to share this bowl of oily residue. Xing went home in a hurry, and then found that all the oil residue had been eaten by Jiang Aijun, how angry they were!

At that time, Jiang Aijun, who was six years old, was about to be beaten. The old lady stopped her and said that the oil residue was for her younger brother to eat, so she ate it.

The parents' partiality is obvious, and they usually add half a teaspoon to the youngest's rice. And my two brothers have to go to the countryside to find ways to dig sweet potatoes, radishes and wild vegetables to supplement the family during the holidays. This kid always eats ready-made ones.

Uncle Jianghua and the second uncle were not convinced. The age of thirteen or fourteen is the time of rebellion, and they feel that their parents are too partial.

So I hated Jiang Aijun more and more. Although the two brothers didn't say it on the surface, they secretly joined forces to exclude the youngest.

So the relationship between the three brothers became worse and worse. Jiang Aijun was still naive when he was six years old.

But after he became sensible, he found that his two elder brothers were not pleasing to his eyes, and made trouble for him every day.

Jiang Aijun is also angry, so he will push back occasionally.

In fact, the conditions of Jiang Aijun's family improved a lot at this time, because the country's economic situation improved a lot, and Jiang Aijun's two elder brothers also joined the work after graduating from junior high school.

The four members of the family get paid, and only Jiang Aijun studies. Then life is naturally much better than before.

However, Jiang Aijun's study also made the two elder brothers unhappy, because they did not continue to study after they reached junior high school. After graduating from junior high school, I was arranged to work. But Jiang Aijun went all the way to high school.

At that time, being able to read high school was considered a high degree of education. The prejudice has been established, and the two elder brothers hate this younger brother more and more, or they have passed on the partial hatred of their parents to Jiang Aijun.

At home, Jiang Aijun always said that Jiang Aijun was idle. When he was his age, he had already started to make money for the family. He went to the wild to dig sweet potatoes to support him and so on.

At that time, the country had just resumed the college entrance examination for two years. Originally, Jiang Aijun had a good chance to take the college entrance examination and become the third class of college students.

But becoming a college student still requires money from the family, and he no longer wants to be told by his two older brothers that he is a freelancer.

So he ran off to join the army in a fit of anger. But not long after joining the army, he ran into Laoshan's round of battle. It takes five years to fight on the battlefield.

Jiang Hua's grandparents blamed the eldest son and second son, saying that they were the ones who provoked Jiang Aijun to leave home, and now he is fighting people desperately on the battlefield without knowing his life or death.

The eldest brother and the second brother don't know whether it was out of guilt or some other psychology. In 1981, the two left their posts and went to sea. The two went straight to Guangdong together, vowing to make a career to prove it to their parents. The two of you are more capable than the youngest you love.

"So, the relationship between our relatives is really complicated, and the relationship inside is really... Anyway, it's constantly being cut and messed up. Every Chinese New Year is very tangled. I also go to my uncle's and second uncle's. My dad wants to mend the relationship. But Uncle still... hey, it's hard to say anyway." Jiang Hua was very helpless, and she pointed to Jiang Daoliu again.

"My uncle made a fortune back then, and he is a capable person. But my cousin, he is really not good at it. He is not good at business, but he is strong at hitting the ground. When my family was poor, When I was fat, you really didn't know how bad his words were. But because of my uncle's relationship, it's not easy to turn against him. "

Zhang Tong nodded after listening, it turned out that this is the case, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

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