The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 474 Are you running a black shop in another world?

I don't know why the boss of the Wang family who looked aggressive and the villagers he brought suddenly became very talkative after drinking hot chocolate.

Originally, Jianghua planned to ask for it, and might use some force to suppress it. Of course, this is the last resort, and the use of force to suppress it is the next best thing to do under any circumstances.

Especially in this era of developed self-media, the normal law enforcement of the police will be spread by those who want to say that the police beat people or something.

After all, there is no need for an IQ test to surf the Internet. You never know whether the person in front of the keyboard is a man, a woman or a dog?

Therefore, for all things that can be easily and simply solved, don't fall into the use of force or any other force that will be criticized by others. This is Jianghua's rule. But today, it seems that I really don't need to use gravity to press these hundreds of people to the ground so that they can't move.

Jiang Hua glanced at Zhang Tong, but said nothing.

"According to the knowledge of this court, Luo Zhong is out of danger now. The doctor also said that he is doing well after surgery and there will be no major problems. So I would like to ask the two parties whether they are willing to reach a mutual agreement on the Luo family's wounding case." Reconcile with understanding." Lin Jie called Luo Jiayou and Wang Meihua's two families together.

Mediation is actually the way circuit courts handle most rural cases.

Many people criticize this kind of mediation as a kind of peace. But in fact, this kind of muddy mediation is very difficult. And it's actually what the claimants in most rural cases really want.

Do they really want to judge the cases in most rural areas to the court level? No, in fact, what most farmers really need is a kind of mediation acceptable to both parties. They need someone who is authoritative and fair enough to help them sort out the right and wrong in the disputes inside. It used to be done by the country gentlemen of the village. After the new China, the state will naturally not delegate this power to the rural gentry. So this part of the mediation becomes the job of the village chief and the township police station, and if they can't figure it out, then the circuit court will come into play.

Because unlike the city, the countryside is a real society of acquaintances. A village and a town may have hundreds or thousands of people. Tossing and turning, everyone has some ties to each other.

The so-called bowing your head but not looking up refers to such a society. In this kind of society petty theft and crooks are actually hard to survive. As for the judgment of the case, it is very likely that the verdict will go down here, and the plaintiff will go back on his word the next day and want to withdraw the prosecution or something. This kind of strange-sounding thing is not uncommon in rural society. So mediation work is more effective than trial work.

Why did Luo Zhong's case make the villagers of Luojia Village feel righteous indignation? That's because everyone thinks that Luo Zhong is the nephew of the second uncle of the Luo family. How can the things he does be worthy of his status as a nephew.

The boss of the Wang family originally wanted to come and make trouble, but after drinking the chocolate, his mood calmed down, and his thoughts became more clear.

After all, he is a small contractor doing projects outside, so he will have more knowledge and ideas. Now Luo Zhong has completely offended the villagers of Luojia Village.

If he wanted to take Luo Jiayou to court again and send him to jail, then Luo Zhong would definitely not be able to gain a foothold in Luojia Village in the future. No, he can't actually stay in Luojia Village now, because he lied to Luojia Second Uncle.

It's just that if the Luo family is reported to jail, it will make this matter even more acute.

Luo Jiayou's father is only his son. If this son really goes to jail, I don't know what extreme things he will do.

Husband war, courage also. Trouble is actually the same. Originally, the boss of the Wang family was stimulated by the injury of his nephew, so he acted out of anger.

But after he calmed down, he thought about it. If Luo Jiayou was sent to jail, it would not do any good to their family, but would add a lot of enemies.

Luo Zhong was injured, but not disabled. The various inspection indicators after the doctor's examination are also very good. So from a practical point of view, asking Luo Jiayou to lose more money is actually the best result.

Luo Zhong could no longer gain a foothold in Luojia Village, so let the Luo family pay a little more money, and Luo Zhong could go out to start a small business or do other things in the future.

After all, it is hard to say what the final outcome of the lawsuit will be. And once a lawsuit is actually filed. It may not be possible to finish it in one day.

One of the Luo family will definitely not accept it, and the matter of appealing and appealing may have to be delayed for a year and a half. If the final trial is still not in favor of Luo Zhong, then the money will not be obtained, and the time will be delayed, which is too uneconomical.

After figuring this out, the boss of the Wang family immediately made a judgment that is most beneficial to them now, that is, not to sue for more money.

But her younger sister Wang Meihua was a bit dissatisfied. She felt that she must avenge her son.

The boss of the Wang family pulled Wang Meihua aside with a cold face, and Xiaosheng muttered. After she came back, although Wang Meihua's face was stinky, she reluctantly agreed to Lin Jie's request to enter the judicial mediation process.

"Accompany at least 200,000 yuan!"

"Why don't you grab it!"

In fact, mediation is not an easy task, because it is very troublesome to negotiate the amount of compensation. Always have to keep haggling, quarreling and falling out, and then sit down and bargain.

Just like now, Wang Meihua demanded 200,000 yuan in compensation. This amount of money is a bit too high for Luo's father and son. Luo Zhong has medical insurance, and spent some money on hospital treatment, but most of them can be reimbursed through medical insurance. In the end, Luo Zhong's family paid a maximum of 20,000 yuan.

Of course, the compensation cannot be based on the medical expenses of 20,000 yuan. Even though the Luo family has repeatedly emphasized that they did not intentionally hurt Luo Zhong, compensation is still necessary. For example, lost wages, compensation for injuries, etc. The Luo family has done some psychological training, thinking that the compensation is almost 70,000 to 100,000, which is acceptable to him.

And Wang Meihua only asked for 200,000 yuan, and the Chaoluo family had too many psychological bottom lines. And the Luo family felt a little unreasonable.

However, their bargaining had nothing to do with Zhang Tong. Under Jiang Hua's gaze, he poured a spoonful of hot chocolate into his cup, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ha~" Zhang Tong breathed out comfortably, "The world is so beautiful, it shouldn't be so irritable." Many villagers around did the same, and everyone stared into the distance together.

Jiang Hua pulled Zhang Tong aside: "Bring me a cup of chocolate."

"Aren't you afraid of being fat?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"It's okay if you're not afraid, it's all gone." Zhang Tong took Jiang Hua to look at the bottom of the pot, which was as clean as a dog had licked it.

"Why is your chocolate so powerful?"

"Where do you mean?"

"Although I know that's not what you said. But why do I think you're driving in secret?"

"What about the evidence?"

"Uh. Wait, this is not what I want to discuss. I'm saying that your chocolate is a bit too effective for calming emotions." Jiang Hua rolled his eyes at Zhang Tong: "There are so many people here now, come back Shuangqinghou is probably very busy too, so you don’t need to tell me. But after returning to Huaihai, you’d better tell me what you put in your chocolate. I’m very suspicious now, Lao Zhang, you opened a black shop in another world, right? "

Zhang Tong took another sip of hot chocolate: "Ha~ How is it possible? I am known for providing the best service in another world. I have never dealt with any unscrupulous shops. I am not a dominatrix Sun Erniang. The guests slaughtered the buns stuffed with human meat and ate them. You are overthinking."

Jiang Hua was noncommittal: "I hope. Since I let you be my boyfriend, I don't care what you did in another world. I care more about whether you can be a good person now. I don't care about your past. , I only care about the future."

Zhang Tong held the hot chocolate and smiled: "I know, otherwise I could boil hot chocolate in front of you?"

"You mean you really took drugs?!"

"No, just let everyone settle down for a while."

"So you are still a black shop owner!"

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I am wronged! I am just a serious, honest and responsible little boss."

"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!"

"I swear to God, it's really not a drug. It's just some food that stabilizes the spirit. The biggest benefit is to calm people down. And there are no side effects." Well, after 24 hours of sleep, the quality of sleep is outstanding. Can it count as a side effect? Not counting, this can only be said to give the body a complete rest, right? Zhang Tong thought so, and felt that it made sense.

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