The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 545: The Era of the Eyeball Economy

Zhang Tong said that the market economy is full of vitality. This sentence is really correct, because in the next few days, whether it is the United Association of Homecoming Magicians or the United Association of Homecoming Immortal Cultivators, they are all in the market economy. The invisible big men stimulated great vitality.

Regardless of the magicians or immortals who returned home, what kind of people they were in the other world and how powerful they were, but after returning to the earth, everything has to start all over again.

Then they will inevitably have to deal with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

And these things cost money. China is different from those countries controlled by weak governments. Like many countries in South America, they are simply unable to control those who have awakened abilities.

In some countries, gangsters are already rampant, and the police can't even arrest gangsters. Even good policemen have to worry about being assassinated by drug dealers and gangsters at any time. And they have nothing to do about it, even the troops sent by the United Nations may not be able to suppress those gangsters.

And now there are a lot of power awakeners in these gangs, which makes it even more difficult for the government to govern. In such a country, having big fists makes sense, and all kinds of illegal and criminal things are particularly easy to happen. The awakened people rely on their strength to dominate and gain a lot of money casually. Relying on being able to fight can gain a considerable social status.

In such a country, ordinary people without strength live in dire straits. Because people with big fists don't mean they have good brains, they can always do a lot of extraordinary things for their own selfish desires. There is also no so-called concept of sustainable development. In the eyes of these people, if there is nothing left, just grab it directly.

They do not take into account that snatching cannot be carried on for a long time. But I can't listen to them, because the education environment in these countries is very poor, and many strong people who have awakened supernatural powers can't even write their own names, let alone what is called the law of market economy operation and social management. up.

But none of this works in China, because China is a country dominated by a strong government.

Although there are LV5 and LV6 powerhouses among the Home Returners and Ability Awakeners. But the government is not vegetarian either.

The government itself also has a large number of strong people to regulate the society. Just like law enforcement officers like Jiang Hua.

In a country like China, if you want to rely on supernatural powers to commit crimes, you have to pay a considerable cost. You must know that China has not abolished the death penalty, nor has it said that capable awakened people can be exempted from the death penalty.

The Secret Service is not a vegetarian. There are quite a few criminals who have been awakened and returned home, and everyone knows it well. Under the control of the state, returnees and those who have awakened abilities must also make money in accordance with the constitution.

In the hive city, you can use the sword to fly to make money by express delivery, and you can also make magic circles to make money. Or use the culinary skills mastered by your little master world to make money. It's all ok. This is already very good, you can use your talents to earn the income you deserve.

In many cities outside the Hive City, city managers implemented a one-size-fits-all management policy for the convenience of management. Make all use of abilities in public a crime. Use Imperial Sword to deliver express? What if it falls? What should I do if I kill the flowers and plants? Cooking with the ability of the little head of the world, yes, I can't check that you have a problem, but it doesn't mean that you don't have a problem!

So when there is no way to display your talents and use your abilities to make money, in fact, many magicians and immortals did not live a very good life before.

The old master Xiao told Zhang Tong that there were many magicians whose families were too poor to get rid of the blame. This was not a purely sympathetic remark, but a reality that really existed.

For example, the female mage named Nana. When I graduated from high school, I was dragged to another world by some unknown force. Then I learned some magic skills in another world. Also became a not weak female mage.

But after returning to Earth, most of his magic skills disappeared. And there are no other survival skills. Although returnees can go to various skill training schools for free after they come back, so that they can master a skill, so that they can integrate into modern life and use their skills to make money.

But it is so easy and simple to learn a skill. And even if you learn it, you have to face strong market competition.

So the mage named Nana can only earn a relatively meager salary. Barely maintain their own living expenses. Fortunately, I know magic. I can buy some ordinary fabrics and turn them into clothes I want, and I can turn them into designer bags by buying some leather.

Before coming to Hive City, Nana studied LV and Hermes bags for a long time. She felt that if she lived like this, she could only make a living by making counterfeit bags.

And there are many similar situations among other immortal cultivators.

It is difficult for a rich man to be a man without money.

Zhang Tong is now going to decorate a 1,200-square-meter hot pot restaurant, which is not a small business. Although under Zhang Tong's low price, both the Cultivator's Union and the Magician's Union only gave a very low quotation, but at least the cost can be maintained, the material cost will not be lost, and the labor cost can always be earned. A little bit, just to say that there is no extra profit.

Zhang Tong felt that this was almost the case, and one should not go too far. After all, it is also an interest-free loan obtained from the bank and the government, as long as it can be paid off within one year, that is enough.

In terms of business, Zhang Tong's actions can be regarded as empty-handed white wolves or borrowing chickens to lay eggs. But this is a result in which all three parties win. From all aspects, what Zhang Tong did was not too much.

The newly built Hive City needs an eye-catching enterprise or scenic spot. In this era of eyeball economy, is it any surprise that the government promotes the birth of an online celebrity shop? As long as this online celebrity shop has real ingredients, it’s fine if you don’t want a river prawn the size of your index finger to sell for 120 yuan.

As for the two associations, the decoration project of the 1,200-square-meter hot pot restaurant can at least solve the salary of hundreds of people for a month. Even if there is no extra profit, it is better than sitting and eating at the headquarters!

And for Zhang Tong, he used this to obtain a good store, and then use a good hot pot restaurant to give back to the society. Isn't this a perfect ending!

"Hurry up. The decoration is all over to you. Hurry up and build the wall. According to your plan, it will be completed today. I want to inspect the goods." Walking in the store under renovation, Zhang Tong showed a Fang Wanbai's face.

For example, the gap between the wall bricks here is too large, the cement here is not done well, etc.

That's right, Zhang Tong is now handing over the hard decoration of the hot pot restaurant to the two associations instead of looking for a decoration team outside. Because Zhang Tong said: "This way can be faster and better. Masters and immortals use their spells to quickly build walls and lay water pipes and wires much faster than traditional workers."

What Zhang Tong said was right, because the immortal cultivators and magicians did these jobs really quickly.

I saw a magician wave his staff, and hundreds of red bricks and the required cement flew directly into the air, and then the paving was completed layer by layer. The whole process is as smooth as computer cg. After finishing, the magician also used strengthening magic to strengthen the wall.

"Good job." Zhang Tong slapped the master's project.

And the cultivators did a great job. They directly refined the pvc sewer pipes. After a small charm was pasted on them, those pipes seemed to become spiritual. Drilling into where they should be like little snakes. In just two hours, the sewer pipeline of a 1,200-square-meter hot pot restaurant was laid.

"Clean it up." The mages waved their staffs, and the construction waste was piled up.

"Sumi Mustard Seeds." Immortal cultivators cast spells, and the mountain-high piles of construction waste instantly became only the size of an ordinary square table. Then the two groups worked together to lift it out.

Standing here, Zhang Tong not only played the role of a vicious overseer of Party A, but also set up his mobile phone to take pictures of all these pictures.

He wants to take these pictures and upload them on the Internet. The abilities of the Homecoming and the Awakened have been misunderstood by many people for too long. Many people think that they are all about fighting and killing, but in fact their abilities are also very useful in production and life!

"After all, I let them contract all the work for only three million yuan. I must do some publicity." Zhang Tong felt that he still had a conscience.

And that night, a video titled "The Birth of China's No. 1 Internet Celebrity Hot Pot Restaurant" was uploaded on the Internet. A network propaganda war has officially begun.

ps: Ask for tickets~tickets~tickets~

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