"Returner, Ability Awakener. These two names are both familiar and unfamiliar to the general public."

"Familiar means that you may have heard of and seen them in major media. What is unfamiliar is that you may simply have heard of and seen them in major media."

CCTV's Oriental Time and Space has been a flagship news program for a long time. Reported many important news. Many ace hosts of CCTV also started from this column and became well-known hosts throughout the country.

Although in the past few years, Dongfang Time and Space, because the program format tends to be old-fashioned, has lived up to the temperament of the trump card program that pointed the world.

But as an old news column with decades of history, he still has quite a few fans.

In addition, the authenticity and credibility of the news broadcast by Oriental Time and Space and Focus Interviews, as well as the depth of the news reported, are top-ranked among national news programs. If there is any program that can be compared with these two old-fashioned programs, then I am afraid that it is the News Weekly column launched by CCTV itself.

In this era of pan-entertainment for all people. Even CCTV hosts have to turn themselves into jokers to attract attention and increase exposure. This kind of news column that can insist on serious reporting to the news and maintain a certain level of ratings is already rare.

If you don't believe me, you can take a look at Treasure Island on the other side of the strait. Among Baodao's news columns, there is no longer any serious news program.

The so-called interviews and experts are almost all shit-like characters, and what they say is less credible than Baidu Encyclopedia. The exposure rate of international news and current political news is far lower than the ratings of the news that a beautiful girl came to the street to make milk tea.

In order to attract ratings, they did everything they could to increase their exposure. It is not terrible to have a scandal, the worst thing is not to hear about it.

Even if a reporter reports that someone in Baodao is gay, as long as there is such news, they can accept it. Because the scariest thing is to be forgotten and have no news, because then they will have no way to get exposure.

As for the mainland, although it has entered the era of pan-entertainment for the whole people, at least many people still pay attention to the real and serious current affairs news.

After all, many people understand that life is not just about playing around and having all kinds of beautiful girls. If you don't understand current affairs news, you won't even know what policies the government has or how to make money in future business.

And today's Eastern Time and Space has attracted a lot of viewers, because today's Eastern Time and Space has talked about a topic that is of great concern to the whole people, that is, the returnees. At the same time, the topic this time also pointed to the video of China's No. 1 online celebrity hot pot restaurant that has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently.

"For the understanding of the group of returnees, I believe that most of the audience in front of the TV are in a state of vague understanding." The CCTV host's tone was slow and calm, but there was a sonorous force between his words.

As a national-level media, the host's hosting skills are unquestionable. The confidence they speak and the credibility brought by their language are far from what ordinary local TV stations can remember.

"It has been more than 10 years since the first returnee appeared. There are currently more than 300,000 returnees across the country. This number cannot be said to be small, but in the past 10 years, the impressions of returnees on the general public What is it?"

"I believe that for many viewers in front of the TV, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Homecoming is combat destruction, unruly dominance, and an inaccessible character."

"There are many reasons for this impression. Some people say that a rat droppings ruined the whole pot of porridge, and some people say that people choose to zoom in on the dark side, and finally come to the conclusion."

"There are also many people who believe that the returnees are not of much use other than beating and killing. The reporter randomly visited the streets of the capital and Huaihai to conduct surveys and inquiries about ordinary citizens. Regarding the views of the returnees, they What kind of person is it?"

The TV screen turned. Switched from the studio to the street.

A reporter conducted random interviews with citizens with a microphone: "Do you know the returnees?"

The citizens who were randomly interviewed answered in various ways.

"Returner? I understand."

"It's not very clear."

"I read some news and reports, and then I also read some online novels, autobiographies written by them."

The reporter continued to ask: "In your eyes, what kind of group are the returnees?"

A citizen who often reads online novels replied: "Be the king in another world!"

Citizens who often go to Zhihu and Tianya Community replied: "A group of homeless people who are wandering around, and desperately want to find a sense of existence, and do all kinds of outrageous things."

Because the old aunt who often reads various WeChat public accounts replied: "It is those who often commit crimes and do bad things."

The screen cuts back to the studio. The CCTV reporter said in a calm narrative tone: "For most people, returnees are such a group. When describing them, they often use some not-so-good or even negative words. "

"But in fact, due to national policy factors, many people have not actually had good contact with returnees in real life, nor have they understood their abilities, but they easily put a bad label on them."

"Recently, the videos of the birth of several Chinese Internet celebrity hot pot restaurants have been popular all over the Internet. The tens of millions of hits have proved that the majority of netizens are curious about the true appearance of the group of returnees. What kind of group are they? , In addition to all kinds of fighting and destruction, what role will their abilities play in our production and life? Please see the news records sent by the reporters ahead."

On the national-level news column, Zhang Tong's majestic and upright face was shown to the people of the whole country for the first time. Many viewers sitting in front of the TV, the moment they saw Zhang Tong, they suddenly felt that what he said was very credible, and most of what he said was true.

In this era of looking at faces, no matter whether everyone is willing to admit that they have a good skin, they really have the upper hand in life and work.

Faced with the interviews and interviews by CCTV news reporters, Zhang Tong did not feel any nervousness or uneasiness. He just smiled faintly: "What kind of group are the returnees?"

"I think whether it is the returnees or the awakened people, in fact, in this era, they are a group that can bring infinite possibilities to our society and our world."

"I don't think people need to be intimidated by returnees or those who have awakened abilities and keep them away. On the contrary, they need more understanding and contact."

"The abilities of the returnees and those who have awakened supernatural powers are like nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs. If you use them for good, you are good, and if you use them for evil, you are evil. The attitude of those who should be able to awaken will very likely guide the final destination of this power."

"Whether it is good or evil, in fact, sometimes it is not just about how the returnees and the awakened people choose. In fact, it is more a guide of public opinion." Facing the reporter of CCTV, Zhang Tong He didn't read the script, and didn't have any rehearsals, he just expressed his thoughts very simply.

At the same time, it is also the true thoughts in the hearts of many returnees.

Because the country will not allow returnees and those who have awakened abilities to do all kinds of illegal things at will. After all, China is a strong government, not a weak government.

So in terms of government control, you don't really need to worry much. It's like Fengchao City, with Jianghua sitting in the battle. There are not many people who can make waves here.

But sometimes the one who turns a good person into a bad person is not necessarily the group of bad people.

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