The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 555 Laziness, the driving force of human beings

My name is Qin Kuairen, which sounds like Qin Kuai Ren. I took this name because my father married a slob, who was my mother. My mother is very lazy, she never does housework, she doesn't even sweep the floor. All the housework is done by my father, and my father is willing to do it. Because my mother is as beautiful as a flower.

My father, Chun Chun, taught me that I should be as diligent as possible in the future, so that I can marry a woman who is as good as my mother.

But he probably doesn't know how fast society is progressing. In the past, only beautiful women like my mother had the capital to be so picky, lazy and not doing housework. Now basically as long as urban girls don't do these things.

I'm desperate for this lazy society. So I don't think it is necessary to be diligent, it is better to be lazy. For meals, you can order takeaway, for hygiene, you can ask an auntie, and even for college papers, you can ask for a pen.

Of course, laziness comes at a price. When I was playing the war3rpg map to defend Athena with my roommate in the dormitory, I accidentally crossed. There was still hot instant noodles that had just been soaked.

"Are you my summoned beast? Well, a summoned beast with its own dry food? This food smells delicious, is it a tribute to me? I'm not welcome, Ziliu~ Ziliu~ Huhuhu~ "

My Uni-President Laotan Sauerkraut Noodles was taken away by an old man with a white beard. After he ate it all, he said to me with a embarrassed face: "Is there any more? Have another one. This is better than the dishes made by the chefs of the most luxurious hotel in Wangdu."

I don't even bother to pay attention to the old man with the white beard who has never eaten or seen him. If it wasn't for the fact that in the end I found out that I had really crossed over, and was still in a magical world, and he happened to be a magician...

Although my cooking skills are two knives, I can't even fry fried rice with eggs. But since I ate their signature dish [Butter Stew] in the so-called most luxurious Wangdu Hotel, I suddenly felt that the starry sky pie made by British chefs is so creative and delicious.

At least they didn't throw the big eyes of some unknown animal the size of two fists straight into the pot, or even cut them up. Those terrifying big eyes burst out with one bite of black and green juice...

So I became the world's cooking god with egg fried rice, tomato scrambled eggs, and stewed ribs. The old man with white beard taught him all his unique knowledge.

"Fighting? No, I don't like fighting. I don't want to fight at all, and I don't learn combat magic." Born under the red flag and growing up in New China, I am very particular about five things and four beauties. Fighting breaks the law, and the cost of crime is too high.

"I want to learn all kinds of life magic! It's the kind that can wash clothes, fold quilts, cook dishes, and clean sanitation with a wave of hands." Compared to blowing up a planet or something , I think these magics are more meaningful. These magics are called magic!

After all, even a nuclear bomb can blow up a city. But there's something truly magical about taking a garment from muddy to clean with a wave of your hand.

So I started to practice life magic. My mana has never been very strong. Because I don't know any attack magic, and because I'm lazy. Those spells with explosively high attack power need strong mana support. And the practice of mana is very long and painful.

Relatively speaking, life-type magic has much lower requirements for magic power, and only requires mastering the accuracy of casting spells. So during the year in another world, I didn't become the invincible punching master in the novel. But a very ordinary life magician. Responsible for the daily diet and daily life of the old man with white beard.

Until he tried the space summoning magic again, I somehow traveled back.


Qin Kuairen's experience in another world is indeed different from that of most people. He is a thorough life magician. Zhang Tong couldn't help asking him: "So what do you do?"

"Hmm... have you seen Harry Potter?" Qin Kuairen asked suddenly.

"Well, I have made up dramas." After Zhang Tong came back, he still made up movies and TV dramas that have been popular in recent years. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to go out and chat with people without a common topic.

"My abilities are about the same as those wizards in Harry Potter. Of course, I can't attack magic. You can think of me as a weakened version of Mrs. Weasley. I can also make the whole kitchen start with a wave of my wand." Work and cook dishes. You can also make a big villa clean and tidy with a wave of a magic wand." Qin Kuairen was very confident when he said these words.

But Zhang Tong looked at him without any confidence.

Qin Kuairen took a look at his sloppy appearance, and he immediately reacted: "Clean it up." With a touch of his wand, his sloppy clothes immediately became clean and tidy. The crumpled clothes were also ironed, and even the bird's nest-like hair was combed neatly.

Old Master Xiao couldn't help but said at this time: "Wait! Xiao Qin. Since you have such abilities, why didn't you show them in reality when you were in the association?!"

"Oh, because I'm too lazy. If I show such ability, you will definitely leave all the miscellaneous things to me. And with your stingy attributes, if you can change Coke by yourself, you will never drink it With a serious Coke personality, I’m afraid I’ll wash hundreds of people’s clothes for me, so as to save water and electricity bills, washing machine damage fees, etc. Maybe I’ll be forced to do dry cleaning outside.”

The old Master Xiao blushed: "It's not, it's not..." Although he kept denying it, Zhang Tong could hear the guilty tone in a second.

Although Qin Kuairen was lazy, he was not stupid. He knows when to hide himself and when to reveal himself.

"I'm lazy, it's not a lie. I don't do things that can be solved with magic. I read Huaihai's garbage sorting policy, and I think it's very strict. Although it's not as strict as Dongyang's Harsh garbage sorting policy. But it is too harsh for China. Dongyang’s garbage sorting policy took 20 years of enforcement and countless sky-high fines to correct the original littering habit of Dongyang people. But Dongyang only There are 100 million people, and Huaihai alone has 30 million people. And cities like Huaihai and the capital are still the cities with the strongest executive power in China."

"But it is foreseeable that the implementation of this garbage classification will inevitably be difficult. This is a long-term battle. So I had a whim one night, which was the inspiration I got when I posted a public service advertisement while watching a movie in the cinema. A man threw a can, and then two trash cans took the initiative to eat the can. I was thinking, what kind of garbage is x? Since it is so difficult to separate, then if I use my life magic to create a magic circle for sorting, will this be okay? How about making it easier to implement the policy?"

Qin Kuairen of the weakened version of Mrs. Weasley scratched his head in embarrassment when he said this: "But my magic circle is still in an alpha test version."

"It's okay!" Zhang Tong interrupted Qin Kuairen's embarrassment, and he said firmly: "This thing can be solved first, and then consider whether it is good or not. Whether it is good is more important than whether it is good or not. I voted for your project .”

"By the way, let me ask one more thing. Do you think the cultivation skills of immortal cultivators and magicians can be taught and spread on the earth? It's like the martial arts textbooks created by Li Lianlong."

Master Xiao and Daoist Wang looked at each other, and neither of them said confidently: "It's hard to say..." Their words sounded a little insincere.

ps: Ask for tickets~ It’s the weekend, fluttering~!

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