The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 6 Boss, follow up (first update in 2018, please recommend tickets for collection!)

Just as Zhang Tong was counting the noodles, a weak voice came from the front hall: "Boss, can you refill the noodles here?"

Um? Have guests? I opened my first business today, so I can't let it go.

Zhang Tong turned around and said to the direction of the front hall with a smile on his face: "Yes, you can continue the noodles. Do you want to eat? The food below me is delicious."

In the front hall of the small shop stood a thin and frail girl who looked like a student, about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a sportswear similar to a school uniform, but it was not embroidered. There are many middle schools within three kilometers of my small shop.

What about Caoyang No. 2 Middle School, Nujiang Middle School, etc. There are quite a lot of schools nearby. It's just that my small shop is a little far away from these schools, more than one kilometer away, and it takes at least 20 minutes to walk. If it is close to the school, there is no need to worry about the source of customers.

The little girl in front of her was very gentle and delicate, with a ponytail that was most common among female students, and her body looked a little thin. Maybe they are still pumping, many Asian yellow girls will look very thin before the age of 20, or have a sense of youthfulness of a girl.

This girl was no exception. Looking at her politely and asking if she could have more noodles, Zhang Tong wondered how much this girl could eat.

"Do you want money for the next meeting?" The girl asked weakly again.

"The old Huaihai noodle restaurant's rule is that you don't need toppings or soup for continued noodles, and you don't need money for noodles." Zhang Tong said with a smile: "Sit down if you want noodles. I only have Yangchun noodles here. Do you want toppings?"

Hearing Zhang Tong say that there is no charge for the meeting, the girl found a seat and sat down. The gentle and thin little girl seems to like this clean little shop quite a bit.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can only come to eat once, and I don't think I can come to eat next time." The gentle little girl murmured to herself in a voice not much louder than a mosquito. Zhang Tong saw the girl's mouth moving, but did not hear the sound. He thought the girl was ordering food.

So Zhang Tong walked up to the girl and asked, "What girl do you want to eat?"

"Just Yangchun noodles, no toppings." The gentle little girl said shyly, as if she was a little afraid that the things she ordered were too cheap and Zhang Tong would be unhappy.

After all, it seems a little too much to ask if you can have more noodles after eating Yangchun noodles for six yuan.

However, Zhang Tong held the idea that every guest is an important guest, he still said with a smile on his face: "Wait a while, I will do it now."

Today is the first day of opening, Zhang Tong knows that if the new store does not treat guests on the first day of opening, then the business must be very mediocre. However, if his ten years in another world were replaced by earth time, it would have been more than seventeen years since he left. Even if he is asked to treat guests now, he can't find any guests to invite.

After so many years, my classmates and friends have lost contact, and my parents have passed away. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am a loner, what kind of guest are invited. Don't waste money, let's boil the traffic.

With the first customer coming to the door, Zhang Tong's mood is much better. He is afraid that he will eat zero eggs on the first day of business today.

However, since it was the first day of business, he knew that there were few customers, so he actually did not prepare many fresh noodles. There are twenty-five servings of fresh noodles in total. It was originally estimated that twenty servings could be sold today, and it is almost enough to sell some set rice.

The opening of the new store is almost like this. It is not a store opened by a big star, and there is no publicity. The first day of the small store is almost like this.

But now the first customer came in after 11:30, Zhang Tong doubted whether he could complete the turnover he set today.

But one counts as one, it's always good to have a guest. So Zhang Tong, who was in a good mood, began to hum a little song while cooking the noodles: "Come on, come on, meet in ninety-eight. Come on, come on, meet in nineteen ninety-eight. Meet in the silver moonlight , meet in warm friendship."

The girl sitting in the front hall waiting to eat noodles had a black question mark on her face when she heard Zhang Tong's singing.

Is the store owner singing?

Are you still chanting the curse?

Is there anything dirty in this store?

Why can I understand every word, but the feeling of joining together is so strange?

The girl's eyes revealed a puzzled expression.

Zhang Tong didn't know what the girl was thinking, he was still preparing his Yangchun noodles. Yangchun noodles, the name of this noodle is quite poetic, which means Yangchun Baixue. I don't know that it was picked up by the literati and poet.

Most likely, some literati with ink in their stomachs but no oil in their intestines could only fill their stomachs with clear soup and white noodles every day, in order not to make themselves look so miserable. At least Yangchun noodles sound quite poetic.

But poetry is poetry, and this does not conceal that Yangchun noodles are the simplest of all noodles. A handful of thin noodles are boiled in a pot, and the noodles are softened but still firm. The so-called bite strength of the noodles in the south of the Yangtze River is quite different from that in the north.

The bite strength of Jiangnan thin noodles is mostly springy and crisp, while northern hand-rolled noodles are more chewy. This also makes the choice of noodle soup in the north and south very different.

Most of the stewed noodles or noodle soups in the north are thicker and saltier in taste. In addition to the fact that northerners have a stronger taste than those in the south, it is also related to the fact that the noodles in the north are more bite-resistant than those in the south and can stay in the mouth for a longer time.

If the noodle soup is not flavorful enough, the noodles may be tasteless before you bite them down and swallow them. Eating bland white noodles is not a particularly good experience.

Unlike the north, the fine noodles in Jiangnan are springy and crisp, and each noodle is very clear in the mouth. Every bite can clearly distinguish the texture and elasticity of each surface.

This essentially different pursuit has led to the fact that the making of southern noodle soup is also completely different from that in the north.

The rich soup stew was discarded. In addition to the fact that most Jiangnan people are not used to this taste, what is more important is that the texture of this soup does not match Jiangnan thin noodles at all.

The representative of Jiangnan fine noodles is Yangchun noodles, which is the prototype base of almost all noodles. A chef who can't cook Yangchun noodles well can't cook other noodles well either.

And Zhang Tong is well versed in the three flavors. Bring the noodles to a boil, and adjust the noodle soup while cooking the noodles. The noodle soup for cooking Yangchun noodles can be simple or complex.

The simplest one can be done with just soy sauce and white water, and the complicated one can be made with a pot of chicken bone bone, and a pot of seafood soy sauce made of yellow croaker, shrimp head, lobster shell, etc. Mixed proportions.

However, most of this high-end Yangchun noodles only appear in high-end restaurants. A bowl of Yangchun noodles that looks simple but actually luxurious can be sold for fifty or sixty yuan in a five-star decoration.

Naturally, Zhang Tong wouldn't prepare this kind of high-end product. After all, the Yangchun noodles sold for 6 yuan a bowl are still refills, and I'm afraid it will be too much to make chicken soup, bone soup and special seafood soy sauce.

Zhang Tong made traditional Yangchun noodles with lard. In the white porcelain sea bowl, you only need to put an appropriate amount of salt and a piece of lard that you just trained last night.

The soy sauce was boiled together when I prepared it yesterday. Instead of using the finished soy sauce sold directly on the market, I bought some cheap and small sea prawns. It took Zhang Tong an hour to process all the shrimps, peel the shells and remove the heads. All the shrimps went into Zhang Tong's stomach, but the shrimp shells and heads were also good things.

Most people throw away the shrimp heads and shells after peeling off the shrimp shells, but Zhang Tong uses the shrimp heads and shells to boil shrimp oil, supplemented with grass fruit aniseed, and finally mixes it into light soy sauce. I made my own soy sauce with umami-flavored ears and seafood.

Unlike those flavor enhancers on the market that are extracted from various flavoring elements, this Weng seafood soy sauce can indeed taste a kind of umami flavor of sea prawns.

It's a sign of a good cook. In a white porcelain bowl, salt, lard, and a spoonful of seafood soy sauce. Then it is rushed into the boiling hot water, the solidified lard melts instantly, and the strong lard fragrance spreads in an instant.

This is made from the pork suet that Zhang Tong selected after a long time in the vegetable market. The pork suet he selected is nearly a finger thicker than the pork suet sold at other stalls. It will be more fragrant.

Lard has an explosive aroma compared to other oils, whether it is sesame oil or suet. Zhang Tong has always believed that lard plays an irreplaceable role in Yangchun noodles. In other words, among all the pasta, Zhang Tong likes to use lard as fat.

This extremely explosive fragrance disperses in the small restaurant along with the slight heat, and the girl sitting in the front hall can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva when she smells this smell.

The noodle soup is so simple and pure, salt, lard, and special seafood soy sauce are heated to boiled water. There is no such thing as chicken bone pork bone broth, but purely rely on lard to produce this explosive aroma, and rely on special seafood soy sauce to increase the umami and dye the noodle soup red.

The most inconspicuous fine salt is the most important of all flavors, because salty is the first of all flavors, and salty taste can bring out the taste of many foods, and can also make many flavors more layered.

The noodle soup is ready, and the thin noodles are also cooked. Take out of the pot, vigorously shake the water on the noodle net twice to get rid of the cooking water, so as not to destroy the pure taste of the noodle soup.

Put the fine noodles into the bowl, and Zhang Tong stirred them with chopsticks. The originally messy noodles instantly became neat like a girl's carefully groomed long hair, and all the noodles were layered in one direction.

Sprinkle a handful of green onion at the end, and a bowl of simple but not simple Yangchun noodles is ready. Although the craftsmanship is simple, Zhang Tong's intentions are reflected in everything from practicing lard to making seafood soy sauce, and the chopsticks that come out of the pot at the end.

Some people try to laugh at a sentence: food is delicious as long as it is made with heart. But this sentence is actually true, because as long as every angle is considered, even if the food made looks the same as others, diners will naturally be able to distinguish the difference after eating.

Zhang Tong brought Yangchun noodles in front of the girl: "Be careful of burning."

There are little lard oil flowers floating on the soy sauce red soup, scattered all over the place and overflowing with fragrance. Three taels of white noodles lie in the center of the white porcelain bowl, and some white noodles are higher than the noodle soup like white snow. Dotted with a handful of green onions, the girl can swear that this is the most thoughtful and best-looking Yangchun noodles she has ever seen.

Other shops will never pay so much attention to the six yuan Yangchun noodles. Because Yangchun noodles are really not profitable.

Thinking of this, the girl felt inexplicably a little guilty and a little bit reluctant. Hey, I can only eat it once. The girl hesitated, but finally the feeling of hunger in her stomach made her unable to make more choices.

She picked up the spoon and blew on the hot air, and took a sip of the noodle soup. Although it is just white water with salt, lard and seafood soy sauce, it has a particularly smooth feeling in the mouth.

The aroma of lard is in a line from the nasal cavity to the mouth. Although the aroma of lard is strong, the aroma of shrimp oil in seafood soy sauce is not overwhelmed. The taste of grass fruit and sea shrimp reverberates on the tip of the tongue.

Well, you can't drink too much soup, here you can refill the noodles but not the soup. The girl really wanted to drink two mouthfuls of noodle soup but finally held back. She started attacking the noodles.

The thin noodles are cooked just right, and the teeth are springy and refreshing. The noodles are wrapped with shallots, and the aroma of the shallots and lard complement each other when chewed carefully.

Seeing that the girl was eating delicious noodles, Zhang Tong was relieved. It seemed that his skills had not declined. Yesterday's tall beauty and today's little girl are delicious.

But why are there no customers coming? It's almost twelve o'clock. Zhang Tong was a little depressed.

And when Zhang Tong was depressed, the little girl who Zhang Tong was worried that she would not be able to finish eating three or two noodles shouted at him: "The boss continues the noodles."

Zhang Tong looked at the little girl in surprise, but he didn't see that she was not big and had a big appetite. He responded with a smile: "Okay, wait a minute."

When Zhang Tong took away the girl's noodle bowl and gave her more noodles, the girl said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I have a big appetite."

"It's okay, it's better to eat more when you grow taller. Anyway, you look so thin, so you should eat more." Zhang Tong said with a smile: "It's okay, eat more, I don't need money for extra noodles."

The girl nodded shyly, but she didn't know if the shop owner would regret what he said later.

PS: The first update in 2018, I wish you all a happy new year. This chapter is updated regularly, just to catch up with everyone's New Year's Eve in 2018. I wish you all a good meal here.

In addition, I asked for tickets late at night. It should have been Monday when this chapter was released. Please click to recommend and collect this book, and help this book to be on the new book list. Apple is here to thank you all. Thank you very much~! Throw me a recommendation ticket!

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