The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 60 Mother and Son and Western Food with Soy Sauce (Part 1)

Niu Xiaoli has been in a bad mood for the past two days.

After Niu Ben and Niu Xiaoli said that they would not spend the money to go abroad, Niu Xiaoli was always a little angry. But this kind of anger is not against Niu Ben, but against himself.

I only blame myself for being useless, and my children are very sensible. But I couldn't give him the childhood that those classmates could enjoy.

Niu Xiaoli also heard some of Huang Zeying's mocking of Niu Ben that day, and those words were like a knife piercing her heart. That's right, all the other kids are using good brand computers, but Niu Ben is the only one in the class using a non-brand.

Other children's monthly pocket money is as little as three or four hundred, and as much as one or two thousand a month. The pocket money I give Niu Ben a month does not exceed one hundred and fifty at most.

In fact, at Niu Ben's age, it is the time when a child begins to develop. Not just physically, but psychologically as well.

Beginning in junior high school, children have begun to have the rudiments of formal social activities. For example, after school, we go to the milk tea shop to drink milk tea together, or go to the bakery opposite the school to eat cakes.

Or you can go to places like Kaifengcai, Golden Arches, and Shubawang to eat a hamburger set meal or order a drink together, and everyone will get together to write (copy) homework while eating.

These are almost the daily activities of children in Huaihai City, and supporting these activities requires money. This is a very real problem. If you don’t have money, who will sell milk tea to you?

Everyone goes to the milk tea shop to drink milk tea together, and then play the game of Glory of Kings online together. Everyone eats and drinks, but you don't. Will there be a gap in my heart?

Niu Xiaoli hadn't noticed this before, and she didn't realize it until yesterday when Niu Ben was laughed at by Huang Zeying. Does my child actually feel a lot of pressure when interacting with those classmates?

Because what other people have, he always doesn't have. Will there be many children who, like Huang Zeying, are secretly laughing at Niu Ben?

Niu Xiaoli couldn't help crying when she thought of this. I have no skills, that is, to do the work of the street office, and I can't do anything else except this.

Niu Ben didn't even dare to tell himself about the opportunity to study and exchange abroad. Instead, he had to refuse it with his teacher in private. He was just afraid of spending too much money, because Niu Ben knew he couldn't make much money.

The more sensible Niu Ben became, the sadder Niu Xiaoli became. She felt ashamed of the child.

So when Niu Ben suddenly proposed today that he wanted to eat western food, Niu Xiaoli didn't think too much about it, and she immediately agreed.

Niu Ben seldom makes demands on himself, and Niu Xiaoli also has a little idea of ​​wanting to make up for Niu Ben. And by eating Western food, she also wanted to talk to Niu Ben. Let him understand that it is difficult to go to the United States to study and exchange performance opportunities, and I will definitely support him to go.

This matter still needs to be explained clearly to Niu Ben, otherwise it will easily backfire if he insists on asking him to do something. Because Niu Ben is a very assertive child.

But when Niu Ben took Niu Xiaoli all the way to Zhang Tong's shop, Niu Xiaoli looked at Niu Ben in surprise and said, "Niu Ben, you are right. Don't you want to eat Western food?"

"Mom, that's right. This is here. Uncle Zhang Tong's western food is very good." Niu Ben grabbed Niu Xiaoli's hand and walked inside.

Niu Xiaoli knew about the store opened by Zhang Tong, because she helped run the registration and license procedures. But isn't this small shop selling simple meals? When did you start cooking Western food?

But Niu Ben brought all the belts, so Niu Xiaoli followed him in.

In fact, after having lunch with Jiang Hua at noon, Zhang Tong began to prepare western food with soy sauce for Niu Ben. Because Jiang Hua dragged him to do a half-day inspection today, he didn't have much time to prepare ingredients for dinner.

As soon as Zhang Tong summed it up, he might as well suspend the business tonight, and just treat it as a Niuben restaurant. You can also take a day off yourself.

Soy sauce western food is actually a very interesting product. In fact, traditional China is a country that is very inclusive and highly accepting of foreign cultures.

This kind of tolerance stems from a kind of cultural self-confidence, and this kind of tolerance is also vividly reflected in food.

For example, noodles, there is no such thing as wheat in Chinese tradition. Today, 35% of people in China take noodles as their staple food.

China obviously obtained the civilization of wheat through the Silk Road in the Western Regions opened by Zhang Qian, but China is the first country in the world to make wheat into noodles.

After that, noodles were passed back to the West through the Silk Road, forming the appearance that humans still eat in modern civilization.

In the face of strange things, our ancestors never treated them with a mentality of resistance. Instead, he is full of curiosity like a child, and is always willing to try.

However, when the wheel of history is turning, the once innocent child has become an old man. He began to resist everything he didn't understand, stubborn and conservative. Until people used guns to force him to start studying again.

This is how Huaihai was born.

A hundred years ago, Huaihai was a place not worth mentioning. But because of strong ships and sharp guns, it was forced to become a commercial port.

A large number of Westerners landed in this former small fishing village with their goods, culture, language, ideas and of course food.

Huaihai City has a short history worthy of glory and boast. It has witnessed the fall of a decadent dynasty and the rise of a new regime.

Over the past century, the city has been deeply influenced by Western culture. The birth of soy sauce western food stems from the evolution and reform of western food.

In Huaihai, China, which was backward in the past, Westerners trampled on this land at will with their own arrogance and technological level ahead of China by a hundred years.

The giant steam-powered ocean-going ship made of all steel parked on the Pujiang River surprised the Chinese who only knew wooden sailboats.

Not to mention xenophilia, when one civilization is completely unequal to another, people's mentality will always change.

For example, chasing each other's culture, chasing each other's living habits and so on. At the beginning of the last century, due to the invasion of Western civilization, the Western food brought by those merchants also became the most sought after food in Huaihai City.

Western-style pastry baking, foie gras, sirloin steak and caviar, etc., all of which sprouted in Huaihai City. But authentic western food is very expensive, and ordinary citizens in Huaihai City can't afford this kind of food.

Therefore, some chefs in Huaihai City took a fancy to the business opportunities inside, and used Chinese-style materials and cooking methods to imitate Western-style food to make Western-style food. Thus forming a unique Shanghai-style soy sauce western food.

Niu Xiaoli followed Niu Ben into the small shop, and she looked at Zhang Tong in astonishment: "Xiao Zhang, my son said he wants to eat Western food made by you. When will you be able to cook Western food?"

Zhang Tong waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sister Niu, sit down. Will I know how to cook western food, you will know later after eating?"

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