"Come on, Director Li, look. This is our garbage sorting circle." Zai Zhangtong took Li Donghe and his party to the location of the garbage sorting circle he invested and built.

This magic circle was funded and built by Zhang Tong himself, and it has just begun to operate. And through Huang Gang and the Honeycomb City Government, a garbage contract contract was signed. Zhang Tong's garbage station is contracted to sort out the waste of the current hive, which currently has only more than 10,000 people.

But with such a garbage sorting contract, Zhang Tong can earn nearly 100,000 yuan a year from this garbage sorting station. And this profit is the money that can go to Zhang Tong after excluding all basic expenses and labor expenses.

But Zhang Tong has never cared much about money. So in fact, the salary he gave his employees was quite high. Whether it's the returnees who work at the garbage station, or those who have awakened other abilities, they are actually pretty good.

After all, working here is very different from a traditional dump.

"Environmental protection and no peculiar smell." Zhang Tong introduced it very confidently. Looking from the direction of his hand, a large magic circle canvas is in a room of more than 300 square meters. And above the magic circle are conveyor belts, which transport all kinds of garbage from the hive today.

As anyone who has been to or passed by a dump knows, the smell of a dump can be quite unpleasant. But there is no such problem here, Li Donghyuk sniffed, and there was no peculiar smell in the air.

"This is the function of the supporting air purification circle. It solves the problem of the strong smell of the garbage dump. After all, the smell is also a kind of pollution, especially in summer, the smell around the large garbage dump is terrible. You can smell that stench from 100 meters away." Zhang Tong talked eloquently, and he was very familiar with the benefits of this garbage sorting array.

"Then how does this magic circle work?" Li Donghyuk nodded, and now he is also very interested in the garbage sorting circle.

It is still unknown whether the fast charging circle seen before can be expanded and industrialized. And now this large garbage sorting array is ready to use,

"The classification method of this magic circle is to perceive different types of garbage through magic. It is simply divided into degradable biological waste, non-degradable mineral waste, toxic and harmful chemical waste, etc." Zhang Tong tried to use it as simple as possible The method introduces the operation method of this magic circle.

But he is not an expert in the magic industry after all, and even Qin Kuairen, who designed this magic circle, is not a very powerful magic theorist. That's why Qin Kuairen told Zhang Tong before that if he encounters a problem that he doesn't know how to explain, then he must send a magic weapon.

For example, when Lee Dong Hyuk asked: "Oh, then what principle is this made?"

Zhang Tong smiled: "Well, the principle of quantum mechanics."

Li Donghyuk nodded: "So that's the case." It seemed that he had completely figured it out.

"Hehe." Zhang Tong and Chief Li smiled at each other, keeping everything in silence.

However, compared to the cordial and friendly talks between Chairman Zhang Tong and Director Li, some people who followed them were not so comfortable.

For example, the old Master Xiao, who has always been talkative and optimistic, sweated all the way. Because he was standing on the same line as Meng Laicai.

Don't ask why Master Xiao and Meng Laicai stand on the same line. Because when Chinese leaders go on tour, the position of the person behind them is very particular. Same level to same level, this is the most basic etiquette rule.

For example, now, Director Li and President Zhang Tong are standing on the same line, and Huang Gang who accompanied him is also standing on this line. However, Zhang Tong and Huang Gang had to be slightly behind Director Li by half a body, and they had to turn slightly to Director Li when speaking.

These seemingly inadvertent laughing details are actually very important in China's officialdom and workplace. Don't think flattering is an easy thing, it's so easy to be a flatterer. It's not that those who wag their tails and beg for mercy from the boss blindly shrink back in online novels are called sycophants.

In fact, this kind of person doesn't even have the chance to flatter the big leaders. How to shoot a real flatterer? This is a very learned technique, one should even pull out a notebook and take notes.

The so-called flattering, in fact, the most important thing is to make the person being flattered feel a sense of existence.

In life, almost everyone is pursuing a sense of existence. No one likes to be a little transparent in the mainstream society, and many people who become little transparent are not because they like it, but because they have to. Who likes to forget about themselves every time the company gathers, and every time the company distributes benefits, they are the last ones to get them?

What is the sense of existence for ordinary people? Students can do well in exams, or become popular figures in the school, or even follow some idols they think are cool, so that they feel that they can be as cool as idols. Do you like Zhou Jie stick? ha! We like ikun, much more advanced than you. And so on, you can find a sense of existence and superiority.

For adults, showing off becomes achievements, positions, houses, cars, watches and so on. Fortunately, I spent 300,000 yuan to buy a car, and I may have to repay a loan of more than 100,000 yuan. If I can't show off in the circle of friends and don't find someone to brag about, then what's the point? !

And this kind of showing off is not just for ordinary people. Don't Jack Ma want to find a sense of presence? Of course I'm looking for it! It's just that the sense of presence he was looking for was no longer at the level of ordinary people. The sense of existence they pursue is deeper and bigger. They don't have a sense of presence among ordinary people, because this is like playing an rpg game, and Ma Yun is already a character close to the full level. And the little commoners are only first-level slimes, and they can't provide much experience at all.

If you want to earn experience, you need to go to a higher level to earn experience. Of course, it's not impossible to brush slimes, but you can't brush them individually. If you want to brush, you can collect hundreds of millions of slimes at a time. For example, release an AOE skill [I have never touched money, money is just a number, and problems that can be solved with money are not problems] and so on.

Such a big boss needs to have a sense of presence in front of big bosses of the same level. For example, if you invite Lao Wang and Xiao Wang to drink tea in a game, you need a sycophant at this time. The sycophant will inadvertently discover some antiques of Wenwan, calligraphy and paintings collected by Boss Ma while drinking tea, and then start to chat about this topic.

Then he kept correcting the topic, so that the topic did not go astray, and let Boss Ma try his best to show his knowledge and taste in this area. He has been slapping his presence in front of Lao Wang and Xiao Wang and his son.

This kind of sense of presence can’t be that Boss Ma himself goes off the stage to brush it himself, there must be a flatterer to start, and then hold Boss Ma all the time while pretending to be aggressive, and at the same time take care of Lao Wang and Xiao Wang’s face, in the end The good thing is that everyone tries to pretend as much as possible. Everyone had fun, that's the best thing.

To achieve such a level of flattery, the flatterer not only needs to be a simple dog leg, but also needs a large amount of knowledge reserves, observation and analysis of micro-expressions, and a certain understanding of psychology. Know when to let the boss play the biggest dick.

And anyone who can become such a sycophant can basically become a master.

But obviously, this skill is not within the grasp of most people. It's like the old master Xiao has never mastered such a skill. On the contrary, because of his cheap mouth and sometimes not being clear about the situation, he often makes various problems.

For example, Meng Laicai, I offended him before! Just now the old master Xiao asked about it, although Li Donghe is the director. But Meng Laicai is the supervisor on his side. The so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one! This is not without reason.

Old master Xiao fell behind Li Donghe, Huang Gang, Zhang Tong and others. He looked left and right, and then used a magic [Secret Whisper].

He said in a voice that only Meng Laicai could hear: "Director Meng, I was so offended that I didn't know Taishan before. I don't think you can accompany me here."

Meng Laicai looked around, he was startled by the sudden sound. What's going on, and then turned to look at Old Master Xiao. Then the corners of the mouth raised slightly. Well, yes, this old master Xiao has offended himself. Although he said that he didn't dare to spoil the leadership's affairs, he seemed to be able to handle Old Master Xiao. There was still a matter in his hand that needed someone with special abilities to solve it.

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