Today, the hive welcomed a group of new residents early in the morning.

That was Zhang Tong summoned from Hengdian. It can be said that Hengdian is currently the place with the most returnees and awakened people in China. There are a lot of people working there.

After all, using them to directly release abilities as special effects can save a lot of money than burning CG special effects.

But recently, it seems that the returnees who are special effects actors in Hengdian and those who have awakened their abilities have broken up with some crews. A certain big star threatened to drive them all out of Hengdian.

It is said that there was a lot of trouble, but because public opinion was controlled, it is not clear what exactly happened. Everyone actually doesn't care.

However, the returnees headed by Bai Zhantang were very stubborn, and more than half of them left directly. At the same time, it also took away a lot of awakened people.

Because Bai Zhantang and other returnees received job invitations from Zhang Tong. He needs to expand the entire Homecoming Society. At the same time, some abilities awakened people who can use their abilities are also recruited to work in the hive.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome." Huang Gang looked excitedly at the group of new immigrants entering the hive.

Because they had already coordinated before, this time Bai Zhantang and the others entered the hive directly after gathering from Huaihai.

"There are a lot of people here this time." Huang Gang said to Zhang Tong who came to greet him.

"Yes, there are quite a few. Bai Zhantang has brought thousands of people here from Hengdian this time." Zhang Tong smiled.

"Oh, so many. Aren't the special effects actors in Hengdian all empty?" Huang Gang said with some differences.

"It's about the same, more than half of it is empty. I heard that a certain big star caused public anger, and Bai Zhantang directly brought a large number of people here. This has eased the crisis on my side. Now the association is short of manpower." Zhang Tong Ke doesn't care much about the situation in Hengdian.

Filming, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the movies and TV series I watched recently are not very interesting. Instead of letting important productive forces like the returnees stay there to cooperate with a group of gauze to produce film and television garbage, it is better to pull them directly to the hive to create some productive forces.

At least I can make some useful things here. Whether it's a flying sword, a garbage sorting circle, or a fast charging pile. How useful are these things, isn't it better than shooting garbage videos?

Of course, Hengdian also suddenly had thousands of special effects actors vacant, which instantly caused the price of special effects actors to skyrocket.

A special effects actor who could have been hired for 2,000 yuan for a show has now quoted 20,000 yuan for a show. What? too expensive? Then you like to invite it or not, anyway, this is the price. If you have money, you can burn CG special effects, 100,000 yuan per second is the least.

Anyway, a certain big star offended many people this time. But Zhang Tong doesn't care about all of this, as long as the person he wants arrives.

Bai Zhantang got out of the car first, but he warmly hugged Zhang Tong.

"It's still old Zhang Zhengyi. Now that he's developed, he still doesn't forget to help his brothers. The shabby place in Hengdian is not a mess. There are too many guys who look down on people with dog eyes. You think it's awesome, so don't make him a fool this time. I write it upside down."

Bai Zhantang is very aware of some things that happened in Hengdian recently. For example, a certain big star is hated by many industry leaders because he destroyed the entire industry. A large number of special effects actors left, causing Hengdian to return to the era of Wumao special effects. The investor has invisibly increased a lot of investment costs.

Hearing that the big star will be out of filming soon, Bai Zhantang feels very happy.

"You did a good job this time, you brought enough people here." Zhang Tong was also very happy that Bai Zhantang had come. Although it is true that Bai Zhantang's own abilities can't help much, his charisma can.

I brought so many people here from Hengdian at one time, although it may not be possible for all of them to work in the Mutual Aid Association. But I believe Huang Gang will make arrangements for them.

After all, the hive is just emerging now, and all development requires manpower.

Of course, with so many people coming, it is also a test for the review mechanism of the entire hive.

Just like Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua had been vaccinated before, they needed to keep going.

Everyone needs to be identified, everyone needs to be registered.

In the crowd, a few people seemed a little nervous.

"Won't it be discovered?"

"Probably not. With so many people coming this time, it's the best chance to get in."

"Well, it makes sense."

The two people who were talking in a low voice were Li Shuke, who looked like a bald egg, and Zhang Chen, who had permed and dyed purple hair.

In fact, they should have a teammate named Zhang Minghui. But this one had already been beaten to pieces by Xiao Xiao's super serious punch a few months ago, and then burned to death by Xiao Hei.

All three were members of the former Homecoming rebel group. The original task of the organization was to let them influence Jianghua by solving Zhang Tong.

They made a seemingly perfect plan and planned to start with Xiao Xiao first. As a result, the plan suffered a fatal blow from the very beginning.

Not only did Xiao Xiao eat more than 1,000 of their takeaway food, she even beat Zhang Minghui to death. The mission failed and the two ran off.

Fortunately, the organization did not blame them. But also give them quite a trigger.

"How much were you fined?"

"Two hundred thousand."

"I am also 200,000! Ah! So much money?! It's unreasonable!"

Zhang Chen whispered to Li Shuke, "How much money do you have in your bank card now?"

"It's long gone. During this time in Huaihai, we only had consumption and no income. The organization let us stay in Huaihai, but because of the failure of the previous mission, all bonuses and wages were deducted. My money for renting a house and eating has long been spent. Huaihai's The house is so expensive, it cost more than 10,000 in three months." The bald Li Shuke was very upset.

Zhang Chen was even more upset: "Then what should I do? I have no money. I have already cashed out more than 8,000 yuan in Jingdong Baitiao. It is almost the repayment date, and I want to borrow some money from you to make up."

"I don't have so much money to lend you!" Li Shuke quickly waved his hand to express that he is a poor ghost: "The organization asked us to come to the hive to follow, but the funds for the activity have not been paid yet."

"I'm going to die. There's no one with good accounting skills in the organization. The capital turnover has always been so slow. I really hate it." Zhang Chen was a little annoyed: "Otherwise, when will we make a vote?"

"Do it in the hive? Are you crazy?!" Li Shuke looked at Zhang Chen in disbelief, thinking he saw a lunatic.

The two chatted in a low voice, and waited in line for their visit. And at this time, a person they did not expect appeared.

"Hey, isn't this the uncle from Express and the young lady from Baidu Waimai?! You are here too!" A very sweet and cute but super edible loli pointed at them and said loudly.

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